JUNE 2023
How to make corrections to locked fields.
Mistakes happen! If there has been a mistake in a locked field (Last Name at Birth, Admission Date, DOB, or Client ID) in the MOTS client entry portal, just let us know. Use the MOTS Data Corrections Request to provide us with the necessary information and send it over to MOTS.Support@odhsoha.oregon.gov. If the correction is not related to these fields, send us an email and we can help diagnose the issue and work with you towards a resolution.
42 CFR and MOTS
The MOTS Support team regularly fields questions asking if providers are allowed to report to MOTS because of confidentiality. In short, yes – providers are contractually required to submit data to the state reporting system (MOTS).
42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the federal confidentiality law and includes regulations to protect the privacy of substance use disorder (SUD) patient records. It prohibits unauthorized disclosures of patient records except in limited circumstances. It also provides standards for data security that must be met for all data systems that collect and house client personal and medical data. Congress enacted the legislation in the 1970s to encourage individuals with SUDs to enter and remain in treatment. The regulations implementing the law are at 42 CFR Part 2. Here is a link to the fundamentals of the law, https://www.samhsa.gov/about-us/who-we-are/laws-regulations/confidentiality-regulations-faqs
MOTS is an audit system. The federal government provides the State of Oregon with block grants to help provide services to Oregon residents. The State of Oregon uses those federal block grant dollars, along with state dollars, to fund services for Oregonians. In return, providers are contractually required to submit data into the state mandated system. MOTS data are used to satisfy federal reporting requirements.
State data collection systems such as MOTS are covered under 42 CFR, chapter 1, part 2 subpart D 2.53. Here is the link to that specific section https://www.govregs.com/regulations/title42_chapterI_part2_subpartD_section2.53
If you have additional questions about this, please reach out to MOTS Support and we can assist you.
MOTS Login Issues
If you are experiencing issues logging into MOTS, please read this article from our previous edition of the MOTS Messenger. We provide detailed steps to take to regain access to your account.
ROADS project is now in Development Cycle 2!
The ROADS project team has broken up this project into 3 development cycles. We are now working on Development Cycle 2!
In Development Cycle 2, we are working on building:
- External provider portal
- Integrated provider validation process
- Provider security roles
- Portal user flow
Our plan remains the same, to keep providers informed and engaged throughout the life of this project. Since our last engagement sessions, we’ve been completing internal technical design work, and we’re preparing to present a demo of the provider portal in Quarter 2. Stay tuned!
Questions about ROADS?
Contact us at ROADS@odhsoha.oregon.gov.

MOTS EDI Webinar
Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 9 to 10 a.m.
Keep up to date with changes and the latest information about MOTS CE. If you have questions, send them to us ahead of time or ask during the webinar.
2023 Legislative Session
To ensure we are adequately prepared for any updates or changes to our behavioral health data systems, the Compass team continues to review and track bills that may impact the work we (and you) do every day. We will keep you informed of any changes as we learn more about bills that are passed during the session.
Updated MOTS Webpage URLs
Please bookmark these commonly visited MOTS web pages, for future reference.
New to MOTS? Or need a refresher?
The MOTS Support team is now hosting monthly virtual events to onboard new folks, or folks who need a little refresher. In this webinar we will discuss the reason behind MOTS, what data is collected, and how it to submit data via our client entry portal. Our next Welcome to MOTS! event will be held on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 10 to 11 a.m.
Access requests?
Do you have a new employee that needs access to MOTS? Need to remove access to MOTS for a former employee? Click on the User Request Form below.
 Reducing provider administrative burden in MOTS - Administrative Pause extended
We have not received any further information regarding the pause in reporting for Status Updates and Crisis Events in MOTS (currently providers are only required to submit data at the time of admission and at the time of discharge). We will notify providers of any changes to this pause immediately.
Providers do not need to change the format or cadence of the MOTS data submission, if doing so would increase administrative burden. OHA encourages service providers to submit data as often as their internal processes and procedures can comfortably accommodate.
If you have questions about how this pause affects your data submissions, please contact us at MOTS.Support@odhsoha.oregon.gov.
Need help using the MOTS web portal?
We've got training for that! Visit our MOTS Online Training site for online training segments.
Reach out to us at MOTS.Support@odhsoha.oregon.gov.