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 House Bill 4212 updates
We will be sending quarterly updates about House Bill (HB) 4212. If you are interested in receiving these updates, please sign up or update your email preferences to let us know.
REALD data required for all COVID-19 disease reporting as of Jan. 1, 2022
As a reminder, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) expects all providers subject to Oregon Disease Reporting requirements to submit REALD data when reporting COVID-19 encounters (if not already submitted for the patient within the last 365 days). Providers who do not provide COVID-19 testing or treatment are not subject to these requirements.
Providers who cannot comply with the requirements outlined in Oregon Administrative Rule 333-018-0011 by Jan. 1 may request an extension. To do this, submit a Compliance Plan to OHA. The plan must provide sufficient detail to demonstrate a good faith effort to come into compliance in a timely manner, including plans for:
- Workflow design,
- Staff training, and
- Any phased implementation.
The Compliance Plan Template lists the required and optional information to include in the plan for OHA review. OHA will review the plan and may ask for additional information or clarification. Once OHA approves the Compliance Plan:
- Any adjustments to an approved Compliance Plan are subject to re-approval by OHA.
- OHA will require monthly reports outlining the progress towards implementing REALD data collection and reporting.
Addressing HB 4212 challenges
OHA has been working to develop an internship opportunity with Oregon State University to uncover challenges providers may face collecting and reporting REALD data. The internship will connect public health students with small clinical sites to:
- Provide students hands-on learning and problem-solving opportunities at the intersection of public health and clinic practice, and
- Hold the promise to build on cross-sector relationships as we strive for a greater degree of equity in health outcomes across our state.
In early 2022 OHA also plans to pilot an online tool that providers can use to collect and report REALD data. This tool is intended to alleviate the burden on ordering providers who currently collect data using paper forms and manually report via the Oregon COVID-19 Reporting Portal.
Please email us at OHAREALD.Questions@dhsoha.state.or.us if you have any questions or desire more information.
REALD and SOGI resources
OHA now has a REALD and SOGI page that includes information about HB 3159 and SOGI. Be sure to also use these resources:
You can find more resources on OHA’s REALD for Providers page.
