Creating Parent/Parent Certificates
How do parents get a Parent/Parent birth certificate? If parents would like a Parent/Parent format for the birth certificate they can choose this option in the Certified Copies of Birth Records section on the Birth worksheet.
Birth Information Specialists will then select a “Parent/Parent” relationship from the Parental Description on Birth Certificate field on the Marital Status page in OVERS.
In addition, parents who want a parent/parent birth certificate may not want the informant listed as mother or father. To add “Parent” as the informant select “Other” on the Informant screen, then specify “Parent”, rather than selecting Mother or Father from the Relationship of Informant to Baby drop-down list. Please note that “Parent” refers to the parent of the child on the birth record, NOT the parent’s parent.
Our goal is to recognize gender neutrality and to provide accurate certified copies that respect the wishes of parents.
If you have any questions about entering Parent/Parent birth records, contact the OVERS Help Desk at (971) 673-0279.
Reporting Source of Payment for Delivery
The data that birth information specialists collect is vital to public health. Accurate birth record data and payment source information strengthen our community’s health care information, setting the stage for public health planning and health care transformation. Selecting the correct source of payment for delivery will ensure that policy decisions and program funding reflect the needs of Oregonians.
The Principal Source of payment for this delivery field can be found on the Prenatal page in OVERS.
There are several options available to select from in Principal Source of payment for this delivery drop-down list. This information can be found on the Parent Worksheet, but we recommend that you verify the payment source with your billing department or the mother’s electronic health record. Parents occasionally make mistakes when filling out this information because they do not fully understand the ‘category’ of payment. For example, many parents covered by a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) may not realize that CCOs are reported as a “Medicaid/OHP/CAWEM” payment type. The parent may incorrectly check ‘Other’ and then write in the name of the CCO on the Parent worksheet. (Click here for a list of current CCOs).
Common types of payments and the correct coding option for the Principal Source of payment for this delivery field are:
A Principal Source of Payment Resource List with additional payment sources can be found here.
If using Other as a source of payment make sure to include the specific details. For example, if there was no charge for the delivery because the midwife didn’t charge or the fee was waived by the provider, the Other Specify field could include:
- “No Fee"
- "Charity”
- Or “Gratuitous”
The Other category is not used to enter the name of an insurance provider. Thank you for ensuring that you select the correct source of payment for delivery. We appreciate your contribution and continued attention to great data quality. For questions, contact Megan Welter, at (971) 673-1151 or