October 23, 2020
Today we reported the highest daily case count since the beginning of the pandemic. Our thoughts are with all those who are affected by this virus. These numbers are alarming; preliminary data show this increase is due to continued widespread community transmission resulting in small clusters and outbreaks across the state.
Today’s case count is again a reminder that we cannot let our guards down. Oregon Health Authority published new face covering guidance this week, which requires that people consistently wear face coverings while indoors at their workplace and all other places where they will be in contact with people from outside their household.
OHA has also asked people to rethink Halloween – avoid traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating, avoid costume parties with people outside their own households and wear a face covering, because a Halloween mask won’t protect against COVID-19.
“We all need to aggressively adhere to the face covering guidance and always wear a mask,” said Shimi Sharief, MD, OHA senior health advisor. “We know everyone is tired and we all wish this would go away, but the reality is this disease is spreading in Oregon, and it’s on all of us to protect ourselves and each other.”
As always, thank you for all you are doing to help stem the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Each person’s actions really do make a difference.

Governor Kate Brown today extended COVID-19 protections for agricultural workers in employer-provided housing through the off season. Executive Order 20-58 addresses requirements related to physical distancing, sanitation and isolation in order to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 among Oregon's agricultural workers, farmers and ranchers, and surrounding communities.
“Agricultural workers have continued to go to work during this pandemic so that Oregon families can put food on the table,” said Governor Brown. “There is no doubt that COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on historically underserved and marginalized communities, including migrant and seasonal farmworkers. As workers continue critical farm labor activities through the off-season, it is important that these much-needed protections remain in place.”
Learn more in today’s news release.
COVID-19 has claimed three more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 649, OHA reported at 12:01 a.m. today.
OHA also reported 550 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today, bringing the state total to 41,348.
The new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases reported today are in the following counties: Baker (1), Benton (9), Clackamas (48), Columbia (3), Coos (5), Crook (7), Curry (1), Deschutes (11), Douglas (3), Grant (1), Harney (1), Hood River (4), Jackson (33), Jefferson (1), Josephine (1), Klamath (1), Lane (52), Lincoln (2), Linn (19), Malheur (13), Marion (57), Morrow (1), Multnomah (135), Polk (3), Umatilla (21), Union (1), Wasco (2), Washington (91) and Yamhill (23).
Oregon’s 647th COVID-19 death is an 82-year-old woman in Marion County who tested positive on Oct.12 and died Oct. 21 at Salem Hospital. She had underlying conditions.
Oregon’s 648th COVID-19 death is a 79-year-old woman in Multnomah County who tested positive on Sept. 21 and died Oct. 11 at Adventist Health Portland. She had underlying conditions.
Oregon’s 649th COVID-19 death is a 68-year-old man in Multnomah County who tested positive on Sept. 27 and died Oct. 18 at Adventist Health Portland. He had underlying conditions.
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