The federal department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has extended the deadline for providers to apply for the Medicaid, CHIP and dental distribution of federal Provider Relief Fund payments to August 3, 2020.
Eligible providers will receive a distribution equal to at least 2 percent of reported gross revenues from patient care.
To learn about the application process and eligibility requirements:
As we work toward reopening Oregon, we want to make sure you have the resources you need to keep informed, healthy and safe. If you have any questions about OHP and COVID-19, please let us know.
Updates for Oregon Health Plan providers
No new updates.
For information related to OHP coverage of testing, screening, treatment and telemedicine services; OHP eligibility; and other information and resources related to providing and billing for covered services during COVID-19, please continue to refer to the Oregon Medicaid COVID-19 Provider Guide.
Updates for all health care providers
407-120-1505 - Updating Provider and Contractor Audits, Appeals, and Post Payment Recoveries rule to allow flexibility in communication methods between Medicaid providers and OHA's Office of Program Integrity (OPI), effective July 20, 2020.
This change will permit providers and OPI staff to exchange audit documents using secure encrypted electronic communications in place of certified/registered mail during the COVID-19 emergency.