July 20, 2020
OHA’s Safe + Strong website provides COVID-19 information and resources to support individuals and communities in 12 languages. The website has a new look, aimed at making it easier to find the latest health and safety tips and connect people to resources like healthcare, food, housing and other assistance. New information and tools are added to the site on a weekly basis, so check back often.

Oregon OSHA is sharing the facts about businesses and the face covering mandate. Face coverings are required in outdoor public spaces when physical distancing is not possible and in indoor public spaces. People with a disability or medical condition may request accommodation from a business if they cannot wear a mask, face shield or face covering. The business should provide such accommodation without putting other individuals at risk – typically, that will involve accommodations other than entry into the space without the required face covering or face shield.
For more guidance and information on COVID-19, go to osha.oregon.gov/covid19 and check out the Q&A on Oregon OSHA’s Facebook page:

OHA released its Weekly Testing Summary today showing 39,301 tests were performed July 13-18.* Of those tests, 2,292 were reported positive, for a percent positivity rate of 5.8 percent, unchanged from the week prior. The most recent weekly testing capacity estimate is 41,000 tests.
The report notes that several major manufacturers have informed OHA that testing supplies may be less available over the next six to eight weeks due to the recent national spike in COVID-19 cases nationally and increased demand for testing. OHA is also receiving widespread reports of extended turnaround time from commercial laboratories; in some cases, results are taking two weeks. OHA will continue to monitor this concerning situation.
*NOTE: The summary of Oregon test results timeframe in the Weekly Testing Summary is shifting to match with CDC’s MMWR report week, which is reported Sundays through Saturdays. To achieve this without reporting overlapping data, today’s report reflects a six-day week (July 13-July 18).
COVID-19 has claimed two more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 262, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.
Oregon Health Authority reported 277 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today, bringing the state total to 14,847. The new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases reported today are in the following counties: Clackamas (11), Clatsop (2), Columbia (1), Crook (1), Deschutes (19), Douglas (2), Harney (1), Hood River (2), Jackson (5), Jefferson (7), Josephine (2), Klamath (5), Lake (1), Lane (4), Lincoln (2), Malheur (10), Marion (30), Morrow (1), Multnomah (85), Polk (1), Umatilla (41), Washington (38), Yamhill (6).
Oregon’s 261st COVID-19 death is a 76-year-old man in Marion County who tested positive on June 22 and died on July 17 at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.
Oregon’s 262nd COVID-19 death is a 92-year-old man in Marion County who tested positive on July 8 and died on July 18 in his residence. He had underlying conditions.