The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has received many questions about telemedicine coverage, and we want to make sure you know where to find the answers to those questions.
The Telemedicine/Telehealth section of the Oregon Medicaid COVID-19 Provider Guide incorporates all OHA guidance related to Oregon Health Plan coverage of telemedicine services during the COVID-19 emergency, including previous telemedicine webinars and clarifications provided in OHA's questions and answers from the April 17 webinar.
Topics include:
- Covered services using in-person codes, telephone/online codes and the virtual check-in code
- Program-specific information for physical health, oral health and behavioral health providers, as well as federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics and Indian Health Service/Tribal 638 providers
- Permitted telemedicine modalities, and how to ensure meaningful language access during a telemedicine visit
- Documentation to keep on file to support delivery of and consent to telemedicine services
- Links to related guidance, Oregon Administrative Rules and federal regulations
The COVID-19 Provider Guide is your one stop for Oregon Health Plan guidance related to the COVID-19 emergency. |
As we work toward reopening Oregon, we want to make sure you have the resources you need to keep informed, healthy and safe. If you have any questions about OHP and COVID-19, please let us know.
Updates for Oregon Health Plan providers
Find timely updates for Oregon Health Plan providers and CCOs, links to other COVID-19 provider pages and member resources. |
Updates for all health care providers
Oregon’s federal Remdesivir allocation:
FAQ for dental providers regarding Guidance for Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures
Videos and material from OHA's weekly provider information sessions
Find COVID-19 testing data, public health guidance, weekly information calls and more resources for all health care partners.
Technical assistance for clinics to address unhealthy alcohol and opioid use due to COVID-19
As people practice physical distancing recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is growing concern about a rise in unhealthy alcohol and drug use. The need for continued efforts to support SBIRT and behavioral health integration are clear.
The OHA Transformation Center is partnering with the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN) to offer clinics and CCOs technical assistance related to SBIRT:
- ANTECEDENT provides primary care clinics 12 months of tailored support to implement changes to address unhealthy alcohol use.
- PINPOINT provides technical assistance regarding chronic pain management and opioid prescribing.
Clinics and CCOs across Oregon are invited to participate to prepare for any ramifications COVID-19 may have on SBIRT workflows for alcohol use and opioid management.
Learn more about these free technical assistance opportunities for clinics and coordinated care organizations. |
Guidance from the federal Office for Civil Rights
To help plans and providers understand how to ensure equitable treatment of patients during the COVID-19 emergency, the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has shared the following resources:
View guidance and resources that help explain how patient health information may be used and disclosed during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency. |