Practicing social distancing isn’t easy. It’s spring, the sun is coming out, and many of us have vacations we’ve been looking forward to that had to be cancelled. Students are out of school until late April. We miss the in-person connections to our friends and loved ones. And, there are serious economic impacts being felt throughout our communities.
We’re asking a lot from Oregonians right now. However, it’s really important that you take this message to heart and share it with your parents, kids, friends and family: The actions we take today will determine how many people our hospitals can treat, how many lives they can save and how long this pandemic will last. Let’s work together to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Healthcare professionals show up at work every day to keep our communities healthy and safe. There is currently a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPE includes items like surgical masks, face shields, respirators, surgical gowns and gloves. Hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and others who are working on the frontlines of treating Oregonians with COVID-19 need access to PPE to get through this pandemic. Medical professionals such as dentists and veterinarians or non-health care private sector businesses like contractors or electricians are encouraged to donate their PPE to support Oregon’s statewide supply.
More information on where to donate PPE can be found on Governor Brown’s website.
If you have had a change in your employment, you may qualify for health coverage through the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). OHP is our state’s Medicaid program, offering free health care to anyone who qualifies. Eligibility for the OHP is based on monthly income and other requirements. That means you may qualify for OHP now, even if you have been denied in the past. The best way to see if you qualify is to apply. Visit for more information.

Oregon Health Authority reported 26 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the state total to 114, as of 8:30 a.m. today, March 20. The COVID-19 cases are in the following counties: Clackamas (4), Deschutes (2), Grant (1), Linn (1), Marion (4), Multnomah (5), Union (1), Washington (6), Yamhill (2). Oregon Health Authority reports new cases once a day on its website: