By Steve Allen
Suicide is an unspeakable tragedy that leaves lasting wounds on families, friends and communities. At Oregon Health Authority, we are committed to preventing suicides through policy, investments and expertise. OHA’s behavioral health program is expanding its suicide prevention and intervention resources by hiring two new positions dedicated to this work.
The Oregon Legislature’s groundbreaking investments in the 2019 session to protect young Oregonians’ mental health, including the Student Success Act and Adi’s Act, will also create lasting impacts in our communities statewide.
In addition to preventing suicide, we must support survivors of suicide loss.
Suicide is a topic surrounded by stigma and misinformation, which can exacerbate the pain and grief felt by those who have lost a loved one in this way. Loss survivors can feel isolated and ashamed and need a way to come together for mutual support and healing.
On November 23, International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will support four gatherings for loss survivors around the state. Follow the links below to attend an event near you:
Sources of Strength – Opportunity 4894
Evidence-based prevention for suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse through training, supporting and empowering peer leaders and caring adults to foster connection, hope, help and strength.
Closes: December 3.
To learn more, visit the Sources of Strength website.
Question, Persuade, and Refer – Opportunity 4909
Training designed to teach how to recognize warning signs for suicide and how to question, persuade and refer someone to help.
Closes: December 10.
To learn more, please visit the QPR website.
Telephone, text and chat services – Opportunity 4905
Youth suicide prevention programming via phone, text and chat services.
Closes: December 17.
To learn more about these RFPs and to apply, please visit the ORPIN website or contact Coral Ford (sole point of contact).
Get the latest information about CCO 2.0 and how to support Oregon Health Plan members during the transition to new coordinated care organizations (CCOs) in 2020. During the November 21 webinar, the Oregon Health Authority will share information about:
- Next steps with member choice, CCO enrollment and CCO closures.
- Continuity of care for members changing CCOs in 2020.
- Engaging with CCOs about credentialing, billing and payment.
Join us
Register, submit questions and review the webinar agenda at GoToWebinar.
Questions? Contact Maria Vargas, regional outreach coordinator.
A committee charged with addressing the need for more community resources for individuals with complex behavioral health needs began meeting the week of November 4. The committee was established by Senate Bill 973, or IMPACTS (Improving People’s Access to Community-based Treatment, Supports and Services.) The committee will award grants to counties and Oregon’s federally recognized tribes to establish evidence-based and tribal-based programs to provide services and supports for individuals who have high behavioral health needs and are cycling in and out of jails, emergency departments and institutions.
The grant review committee consists of 19 members, 17 of whom are voting members, who will make funding allocation decisions from $10 million in available competitive funds.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently launched FindTreatment.gov, a new website designed to help Americans looking for substance use and menta health treatment.
The searchable tool allows consumers and family members to find the best treatment option for their unique situation. Check it out at FindTreatment.gov.
The Oregon Health Authority was pleased to play a role in Harmony Academy’s grand opening event in October. Harmony Academy is Oregon’s first recovery high school, which allows adolescents in recovery to learn in a supportive environment alongside classmates, mentors and educators with lived experience. To learn more about Harmony Academy, watch this video.