Rulemaking meetings scheduled September 16-18
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is committed a to transparent and open rulemaking process. This month OHA will hold a series of Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings to discuss revisions to the Division 309 (Behavioral Health Services) rules. These rules govern various aspects of the behavioral health system, including administration, payment and services.
- The meetings will be held at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Building in Salem.
- Phone participation will also be available.
- RAC members may submit written follow-up comments no later than seven days following the RAC in which the specific rule(s) are discussed.
Once the committees have made their recommendations on the draft rules, OHA will file notices of proposed rulemaking with the intent to file the rules effective Jan. 1, 2020.
The draft rules for RAC discussion will be posted to the Health Systems Division Rule Advisory Committee page two weeks before each scheduled RAC.
The draft rules:
OHA is also repealing rules that did not appear to serve a clear purpose distinct from the other rules. In those situations, OHA is repealing the rule(s) and relocating any necessary material elsewhere.
For more information and to learn how to participate, go to OHA’s website.