You're invited to share your ideas on OHA strategic plan

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Issues and actions in Oregon health today

Sept. 11, 2019



Join OHA Director Patrick Allen: Hear CCO 2.0 update and share your ideas on OHA strategic plan

Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen and members of his Leadership Team are hosting a semi-annual meeting for OHA stakeholders Sept. 17, 3-5 p.m., at the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Conference Room 260. Director Allen will provide an update on CCO 2.0 and will ask stakeholders for input on the OHA Strategic Plan under development.

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If you're unable to attend in person, a Webinar will be available via Skype. Please follow the link below to RSVP.

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Conference ID: 6419094


Oregon pulls out of Title X to protect patient access to care

OHA Director Patrick Allen last week announced that Oregon has ended its participation in the federal Title X grant program.

After the Oregon Health Authority declined to use federal dollars in the wake of new Trump administration rules that prevent health practitioners from discussing abortion with their patients, the federal Department of Health and Human Services directed Oregon to give up its Title X grant or face grant termination.

OHA Director Patrick Allen announced the decision, saying, "We cannot violate our own state laws that guarantee Oregon women full access to reproductive health services and prohibit any restriction on benefits, services or information regarding a woman’s right to choose to terminate a pregnancy."

Title X Button

CCO 2.0 webinar now available: how do changes affect your community?

cco 2.0 timeline

A recording of the recent webinar where OHA shared the latest information about CCO 2.0 and changes coming for Oregon Health Plan members in 2020 is now available online.

Learn more about how OHA plans to communicate with OHP members about changes to their CCO choices, the next steps in the awards process (see timeline above), and how to support members during this transition.

The following materials are available for you to download and are posted on OHA’s CCO 2.0 website:

Please share with others who would benefit from this information.

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