Marine Reserves News: Synthesis Report (2009-2021)

A Deeper Dive

Marine Reserves Program
Synthesis Report: 2009-2021

Marine Reserves Program Synthesis Report

The Marine Reserves Program Synthesis Report is now available for download. This report was prepared by ODFW and provides a comprehensive overview of the ODFW Marine Reserves Program and the first 10 years of marine reserves implementation.

Never Before in Oregon

Implementation of Oregon’s marine reserve system is the first long-term nearshore ocean conservation and monitoring program executed by the state. This is the only ecosystem-focused, fisheries-independent monitoring program designed to track and understand ocean changes occurring in Oregon’s state waters. This also is the first comprehensive human dimensions research program focused on examining the economic, social, and cultural dynamics of the Oregon coast and coastal communities in relation to marine resources.

An Important Check-In

This report serves as an important check-in on the development and execution of this relatively new nearshore conservation and monitoring program. It gives Oregonians a chance to reflect on the accomplishments, challenges, lessons learned, and contributions since the program’s inception. This information can be used to inform adaptive management of the program and serves as a valuable case study for use by other MPA and long-term monitoring programs.

In the report you’ll find:

  • How our program has implemented the marine reserve legislative mandates including: ecological monitoring, human dimensions research, outreach, community engagement, management plans, and enforcement.
  • Results and takeaways from ecological and human dimensions monitoring and research conducted by ODFW and our collaborators.
  • The costs of marine reserve implementation, including what state staff and funding resources have been available and how ODFW has spent state resources.
  • Challenges, lessons learned, and contributions made by the program.

A Collective Effort That Will Continue to Engage and Inform Oregonians

The advancements of our program over the last decade are built on the many contributions of individuals, the fishing industry, communities, academic institutions, conservation and other organizations, and support from the Oregon Legislature. Collectively we have developed a program that will continue to inform Oregonians about nearshore marine resources and emerging nearshore management issues.

Read the Report

Haley and Cori

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Our
Post-Graduate Fellows

A big thank you and congratulations to our two Post-Graduate Fellows, Haley (Epperly) Fox and Dr. Corinne (Cori) Kane, who recently made the jump into their next career adventures. Haley and Cori were integral members of our human dimensions research and ecological monitoring programs and instrumental to the development of the Marine Reserves Program Synthesis Report. This week, Haley started her new position as a Data Analyst with NCEAS at UC Santa Barbara. Cori is now at NOAA Fisheries as the Special Assistant to the Deputy Regional Administrator in their Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office.

Stay tuned for multiple peer reviewed journal publications, currently in review, authored by Haley and Cori.

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