March 2025
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Upcoming Events
Oregon Geographic Information Council Meeting
April 30, 2025
Oregon Digital Government Summit
May 6, 2025
Oregon Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit
Sept. 24, 2025
CIO Awards Ceremony
June 4, 2025
About EIS
Enterprise Information Services ensures accessible, reliable and secure state technology systems that equitably serve Oregonians.
EIS Provides the 23-25 Biennial Review
Enterprise Information Services (EIS) has worked diligently over the past two years to enhance enterprise technology governance and optimize investments. We have ensured transparency, provided oversight, and delivered secure and innovative solutions.
Our efforts have been guided by our vision and principles as we support connecting vulnerable and needy Oregonians with essential quality-of-life services, aligning with the Governor’s priorities.
EIS has seven programs, Administrative Services, Cyber Security Services, Data Center Services, Data Governance and Transparency, Project Portfolio Performance, Shared Services, and Strategy and Design. EIS also has the Assistant State Chief Information Officers (ASCIOs) that work with agencies in the designated policy area.
EIS is pleased to share a highlight of the accomplishments of the agency, as well as the programs, that were also recently shared with the Oregon State Legislature.
"Ensuring Accessible, Reliable and Secure State Technology Systems That Equitably Serve Oregonians"
PPM User Experience Project
The Project Portfolio Managment (PPM) User Experience Team is excited about the new functionality, look, and feel the PPM Modern User interface offers.
Two new functions, Conversations and Widgets, are features that will help users be more efficient and productive.
Conversations will allow you to collaborate with project oversight-related messages directly in the application. If you’re looking for ways to view a graphical illustration of project data, PPM will allow users to create custom Widgets based on their visualization preferences.
Click here to learn more about Conversations and Widgets, and watch for more news as the project progresses.
Digital Government Summit
The Oregon Digital Government Summit is now open for registration. The Summit is an event that aims to explore innovative solutions to solve government problems by bringing together technology professionals and public sector leaders.
The themes for this year include cybersecurity, digital transformation, AI implementation, data governance, and fostering collaboration.
The agenda includes a keynote speaker, Shawnee Delaney the CEO of Vaillance Group, discussing The Art of Espionage, as well as concurrent sessions on the key themes and a session on Public Sector Success Stories.
Women's History Month
March is Women’s History Month, a month in which to reflect on the contributions of women to U.S. History and the 2025 theme, “Moving Forward Together”, celebrates the equality, collective strength, and the influence of women who have dedicated their lives to shaping the minds and futures of all generations.
Is there a woman who impacted or changed your life in a profound way? Shine a light on the fearless, relentless, and history-making women that have fought for change and for those that continue to fight.
"If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." – Shirley Chisholm, U.S. Congresswoman.
State Employees Food Drive
The Governor's State Employees Food Drive is in full swing and will continue through March 31.
One in eight people and one in six kids in Oregon and Southwest Washington face food insecurity that can impact all communities around the state.
There are many ways to get involved from food fundraisers to the Governor's Challenge.
For every $10 donated, the Oregon Food Bank says they can support the community with as many as 30 meals. Let's make a difference for Oregonians experiencing food insecurity.
Tax Season Change Moratorium
With the 2024 income tax filing deadline approaching, EIS is working with the Department of Revenue (DOR) to minimize the risk of disruption to the State network and associated supporting infrastructure.
Please note that EIS has implemented a change moratorium from close of business April 9, 2025, to close of business April 16, 2025.
During this period, EIS will not be making changes to production systems or network components that could potentially impact the State network.
Questions can be directed to Data Center Services account managers.
The Oregon Kids Credit could put up to $5,000 in the pockets of the state’s lowest income families who file an Oregon state income tax return in 2025.
The Oregon Kids Credit is a refundable credit for low-income people with young dependent children. For those with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of $25,750 or less, the full credit is $1,000 per child for up to five dependent children under the age of six at the end of the tax year—a maximum benefit of $5,000. A partial credit is available for individuals and families with an MAGI up to $30,750.
When combined with the federal Earned Income Tax Credit and the Oregon Earned Income Credit, the Oregon Kids Credit could help boost the tax refund for the lowest income families by more than $13,000.
More information about the Oregon Kids Credit, the federal EITC, the Oregon EIC, and other similar credits, is available on the Department of Revenue’s Tax benefits for families webpage.
 The federal REAL ID deadline is just over two months away. A REAL ID is a state-issued driver’s license, instruction permit or ID card that meets federal security requirements set by the REAL ID Act of 2005.
Starting May 7, anyone 18 years and older must present a REAL ID or an acceptable alternative –like a passport, passport card or military ID – to board a flight within the U.S. or access certain federal facilities.
As the deadline comes closer, there is a greater demand and longer lines at our DMV offices. While DMV offers many services online, you must get a REAL ID at a DMV office. You can make an appointment online or visit a DMV office near you without an appointment.
The REAL ID option costs an additional $30 above regular issuance fees every time you apply for an original, renewal or replacement driver’s license, permit or ID card. Learn more about REAL ID at Oregon.gov/REALID.
Accessibility of Web Information and Services
In April of 2024, the federal Department of Justice published its final rule updating regulations for Title II of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Title II of the ADA applies to all state and local governments (including agencies of state governments), and contractors that provide public services for those governments and requires their services, programs and activities are accessible to people with disabilities.
A new frequently asked questions is now available on the EIS Website to address questions from Oregon state government Executive Branch boards, commissions and agencies. More information and resources will be provided to support compliance as we move toward the deadline.
EIS Job Opportunities
Enterprise Information Services (EIS) is a state government-wide information technology (IT) organization led by the Oregon State Chief Information Officer (CIO). EIS has the following job opportunities:
Program Operations Manager (Information Systems Specialists 8) for the EIS Procurement and Contract Management (PCM) office. As part of the PCM team, you will be responsible for budgeting, strategic planning, financial management, schedule and resource management, contract administration, and vendor relationship management.
z/OS Storage Systems Architect/Systems Programmer (Information Systems Specialist 8) to provide the highest levels of technical support in mainframe storage systems on a statewide level for EIS.
Project Manager (Information Systems Specialist 8) for the EIS Project Management Office (PMO) to lead and implement Enterprise complex statewide projects utilizing expert knowledge of project management methodology to ensure the successful completion of projects on time and on budget.