Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s “Stay Home, Save Lives” Executive Order – issued in light of the COVID-19 outbreak – requires all businesses that continue to operate to follow social distancing guidelines. Contractors need to take proactive steps to maintain social distancing on jobsites.
Oregon OSHA’s education and enforcement efforts related to the Governor’s Executive Order are under way. This includes accepting complaints regarding businesses that are not in compliance.
Information can be found on OSHA’s COVID-19 website. It is anticipated that OSHA’s information will be updated regularly. Check back often as part of your ongoing efforts to assess worksite risks and adopt practices consistent with social distancing guidelines.
At a minimum, contractors that continue to operate should:
- Designate an employee or officer to establish, implement and enforce social distancing policies consistent with the guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.
- Review the Job health, safety resources for Oregon contractors document developed by CCB and OSHA.
- Incorporate ongoing COVID-19 safety planning and practices specific to their jobsite risks into their projects.
- Continue to evaluate and assess worksite risks in light of the latest guidance from the CDC and OHA.
Questions regarding COVID-19 jobsite safety and enforcement should be directed to OSHA.
Recently, contractors have contacted the CCB with many questions, and not all of them can be answered by us directly. However, we're happy to point you in the right direction. See below, some common questions you've asked us over the last couple days:
Q: Am I allowed to drive to my work site?
A: Check out the State Police helpful FAQ, posted on our COVID-19 update website.
Q: Which businesses are shutting down? Is construction included?
CCB continues to update its COVID-19 Updates and Information page, often on a daily basis. Check back for resources for contractors including:
- Answers to frequently asked questions
- Information about rule updates, continuing education
- Links to useful state resources