View Eligible Projects and all Call for Projects detail by clicking here.
Interested Entities should register eligible projects onto the CWSRF Project Priority List (PPL) by clicking here.
Standard CWSRF applications are accepted throughout the calendar year.
Deadline: Friday, April 16, 2021
(Deadline is for SFY2022 loan forgiveness consideration. Eligible loan forgiveness candidates are those with a population of 3,300 or less. Additional loan forgiveness eligibility detail can be found by clicking here.)
Questions or comments, please reply to FAD@OWRB.ok.gov.
SFY 2022 CWSRF Loan Forgiveness
Oklahoma's CWSRF will provide loan forgiveness in an amount equal to 10% of the capitalization grant to eligible recipients for eligible projects. Specific dollar amounts will be made available to OWRB's Financial Assistance Division toward the SFY2022 start of July 1, 2021.
 CWSRF Traditional and Non-Traditional Projects (left to right) wetlands, pervious pavement & bio-retention cell, spillway drainage, dredging, wastewater rehab, electric & automatic meter readers
HOW will CWSRF Loan Forgiveness be disbursed in SFY 2022?
Loan Forgiveness project consideration can be viewed by clicking here.
WHO is eligible for CWSRF Loan Forgiveness in SFY 2022?
- Eligible recipients for eligible projects in communities with a population of 3,300 or less. There is a maximum of one (1) loan forgiveness project per entity per state fiscal year through a Phase I or Phase II structure approach.
- $100,000 to address nonpoint source pollution by addressing failing decentralized wastewater systems in watersheds prioritized by Oklahoma Conservation Commission (OCC) under the collaberative program efforts of Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA), OCC, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ), and OWRB.
WHEN is the DEADLINE for SFY 2022 loan forgiveness consideration?
Deadline for SFY2022 loan forgiveness submission by eligible entities is close of business Friday, April 16, 2021.
Qualifying and eligible entities should register eligible CWSRF projects onto the CWSRF Project Priority List (PPL) by clicking here.
All CWSRF Project Priority List submissions received AFTER April 16, 2021 WILL NOT be considered as loan forgiveness candidates for SFY 2022.
Standard CWSRF applications are accepted throughout the calendar year.
Key Equipment Purchase |
Dam Repairs |
Public Meeting Scheduled
Date: Monday, June 7, 2021
Time: 9 AM (CWSRF) 10 AM (DWSRF)
Location: Teams Virtual - for details click here
Questions? Please email here
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