Your Future, a program of TSET in partnership with the Oklahoma State
Department of Health, has launched a new effort to encourage Oklahomans to “Rethink Your Drink."
Rethink Your Drink educates on the importance of choosing water
over sugary drinks.
The Shape Your Future
Rethink Your Drink messaging aims to reduce high obesity rates through
increasing awareness of the amounts of sugar in sweetened beverages, and highlighting
the benefits of drinking water.
Sugar-sweetened beverages are by far the biggest source of added
sugar in the average American’s diet, accounting for more than one-third of the
added sugar consumed. A typical 12-ounce soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar-or
about 10 sugar packets-amounting to 160 calories.
The Shape Your Future
health communication intervention supports TSET’s strategic
map to reduce the leading causes of death in Oklahoma – cancer and
cardiovascular disease. Consumption of sugar-sweeted beverages has been
associated with obesity and type II diabetes -- risk factors associated with
cancer and cardiovascular disease.
By using evidence-based
practices like health communication interventions, Shape Your Future Rethink
Your Drink messaging will bring to light these not-so-sweet facts about sugary
drinks to help Oklahomans shape a healthier future.
Click here to learn how much water you should be
drinking in a day and to learn more about the Rethink Your Drink message, click
 This summer, information on TSET's Healthy Schools Incentive Grants is being shared at conferences to educate on programs that improve the quality of life for children.
The Tulsa Healthy Living Program hosted the 3rd annual Fit 2
Learn summit to empower attendees with
knowledge to improve their school’s overall health and wellness. The Summit
featured Dr. Jeremy Lyon, superintendent of the Frisco Independent School District. His
speech focused on the five practices that promote staff and student wellness
within a school and the relationship
between school leadership and Whole School, Whole Community and Whole Child Model.
Breakout sessions featured topics such as Smart Snacks, healthy fundraisers, and ways to increase physical activity
throughout the day.
At the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School
Administration summer Conference, Dr. Ruby Payne presented on “A Framework
for Understanding Poverty” as the keynote address. The conference featured a
number of breakout sessions, including how to use Youth Risk Behavior
Surveillance (YRBS) data results to improve school health and practices. The
survey features information on the health risk behaviors of youth at the local,
state and national level and can be used to monitor effectiveness of efforts to
improve health.
The 2015 numbers were
released in June, check them out here.
 The TSET Healthy Living Program is
made up of 50 grantees working in 63 counties to prevent and reduce tobacco use
and obesity, the primary causes of Oklahoma’s top killers – cancer and
cardiovascular disease.
Using a
comprehensive approach, grantees work with businesses, city
governments, community organizations and schools to create sustainable healthy
changes where Oklahomans live, work, learn and play.
TSET sought applicants for the community-based grants through a competitive process in FY2015, and the grant program began in FY2016. Some of the grant outcomes include tobacco-free policies, improved nutrition policies, increased availability of fresh fruits and vegetables, support for local farmers’ markets, zoning policies, and urban design that promotes walking, biking or other active transportation.
To learn more about a TSET Healthy Living Grant program in your area or to join in their efforts, check out our website.
Tessa North, grants manager for data and reporting, has been
named team lead for the TSET Grants Management Department. North will be the
contact for general TSET funding solicitations and information about TSET’s
grant categories.
Tessa and Grants Manager Jane Ziegler will work together to manage day-to-day operations in the department, which includes approving budgets, processing invoices, and managing compliance policies and procedures for all TSET Healthy Living grantees. The position of Director of Grants Management remains vacant at this time.
For general questions about OKGrants, TSET’s online grants
management portal, please email Jane at janez@tset.ok.gov
or at 405-521-3898. Contact Tessa at tessan@tset.ok.gov
or 405-521-3892.
 The U.S.
Department of Agriculture recently awarded a Food Insecurity Nutrition
Incentive (FINI) grant to the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa (CSC)
to increase fruit and vegetable consumption through the Double Up Oklahoma
(DUO) program. The DUO program will provide Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) recipients the opportunity to stretch their food dollars by
matching up to $20 of SNAP benefits per day when spent on fresh Oklahoma-grown
produce at participating farmers markets.
double-up on the dollar program provides a financial incentive for Oklahoma
families that receive SNAP benefits to increase their fresh fruit and vegetable
consumption. The program also enables Oklahomans to improve their nutrition with
more of the fresh produce found at their local farmers markets.
Okmulgee County Health Department, a TSET Healthy
Living Program grantee, assisted in making the Okmulgee Farmers Market one of
the nine participating
farmers markets in the DUO program. This extra incentive to purchase fresh
produce has the potential to impact nearly a third of all households in Okmulgee.
To find
recipe ideas incorporating your new farmer's market produce, visit the healthy recipe section of ShapeYourFutureOK.com.