OSDE-SES is pleased to announce the release of the new Oklahoma Autism Handbook. It was created in partnership with the Oklahoma Autism Center and with the input of multiple stakeholders. This office is grateful for the work that went into this resource and extends a huge thank you to the staff at the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This handbook orients the reader to important topics related to educating children with autism and provides current information about autism. Information is intended for use by educators, families, students, and community providers. This handbook was developed to provide guidance regarding identification, interventions, and the provision of special education services for students with autism. It is not intended to be a comprehensive resource on all aspects of autism, since every child with autism is different, and therefore ways of supporting their classroom experience will be highly individualized. This handbook is a guide and is not intended to replace any existing regulation or policy.
The Oklahoma General Supervision System (GSS) consists of eight components focused on improved outcomes for students with disabilities. Please review the updated GSS manual at your convenience.
Due to the changes with the Strong Readers Act, the Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Handbook has been updated to best reflect these changes. Please see the updated handbook and the supportive chart that indicates the change locations.
For more information, please reach out to Alexa Hudak.
You can click on caseload/class size, and workload link, and find information for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please remember you need to select one: caseload/ class size or workload for the district. Remember caseload/class size or workload should be monitored and requests for exception filed with our office when a teacher is over.
Questions can be directed to Kristen Coleman.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Immunization Service Program has launched a new online portal for parents and guardians to submit immunization exemption requests for children in school, child care facilities and Head Start programs. This new process will simplify and accelerate the entire submission and approval process for parents/guardians. More information on immunization exemptions and a link to the new submission portal can be found online by scrolling to and selecting the Vaccination Exemption Information for Parents drop-down section.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Immunization Service Program has launched a new online portal for parents and guardians to submit immunization exemption requests for children in school, child care facilities and Head Start programs. This new process will simplify and accelerate the entire submission and approval process for parents/guardians. More information on immunization exemptions and a link to the new submission portal can be found online by scrolling to and selecting the Vaccination Exemption Information for Parents drop-down section.
Public Notice and Comment Period for the 2024-2025 1.0 Percent Waiver Extension Request Pursuant to 34 C.F.R. §200.6(c)(4) is now open.
OSDE is requesting that Special Education Directors submit a public comment regarding the plan, timeline, and progress we have made implementing the plan described in the waiver. The US Department of Education considers waivers with public comments to have met the public interest threshold defined in section 8401(d)(2)(B) of ESEA. Public comments must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 22, 2024.
OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.
Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.
To ensure LEAs comply with the excess costs requirement, Title 34 CFR 300.16 requires sub-recipients of IDEA, Part B funds to demonstrate that the agency is spending at least a minimum average amount on the education of elementary school or secondary school students with disabilities before it uses IDEA-B funds on the excess cost of providing special education services.
All districts should verify their excess cost report for compliance with meeting excess cost. This report can be located on the OCAS website under district reports. Should any FY24 data need to be updated, please contact:
OCAS can unlock your data at the superintendent’s request, and you must state what updates need to be made.
REMINDER: no data changes can be made after November 1st. If districts do not meet excess cost their district could incur a penalty .
The OSDE-SES is providing information regarding the Special Education weights in the 2024-2025 State Aid Funding Formula.
Mark your calendar with the dates for the 2024-2025 Alternate Diploma Collaborative (ADC) virtual meetings! Meetings will resume quarterly via Teams this year, and several Open Q & A sessions will be offered to meet district needs between the quarterly sessions. All meetings/sessions are from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. on the dates listed below.
Please share the ADC meeting dates with staff who need to know, learn about, and keep up-to-date about all things “alternate diploma” and 18-22 extended transition programs or services!!! Those who need to know include secondary administrators, special education directors and teachers, school counselors, career advisors, and anyone who is a stakeholder in secondary transition for students who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) aligned with alternate achievement standards (Essential Elements). Join via this Teams link for all ADC meetings and Open Q & A Sessions for this school year! No registration is required.
All sessions will be from 3:00PM - 4:00PM
ADC – November 21, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
Open Q & A – December 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
Open Q & A – January 16, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
ADC – February 20, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
ADC – April 17, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 252 040 567 180
Passcode: W4xdRc
Due to recent changes in WAVE-API/SIF coding, we are providing an updated document to ensure districts have the correct exit and entry codes required for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond for Alternate Diploma and Extended Transition Program students. Additionally, please note that Grade 13 must now be used for all returning Alternate Diploma pathway students beyond the 12th grade regardless of graduation status. Please access and share the NEW 2024 Alternate Diploma and Extended Transition Program Entry and Exit Codes Flow Chart with appropriate special education and SIS staff in your district.
Questions can be directed to Claudia Beckner.
The State Department is actively reviewing your SPED Oct 1st Consolidated Report appeals. Please be aware that some of your appeals have already been cleared or will clear soon as updates are processed in EDPlan and/or the WAVE.
We encourage you to continue monitoring your SPED Oct 1st Consolidated Report closely, especially in cases where missing student data may have been due to updates in EDPlan and the WAVE. Please know that if the data is certified before the updates can come through to the SPED Oct 1st table, the data will be finalized without those updates. If you are waiting on updates, please wait for them to show up before certifying.
Please note that certain appeals, particularly those involving out-of-state records, require manual entry and will take longer to complete.
Once your appeal has been reviewed, you will receive an email notification with an update on its status.
Reminder: Certification is on 10/31
You've been invited to join us November 8, 2024 from 9:00 AM- 10:30 AM for a virtual training to discuss the data packet and determination your district will receive from OSDE-SES in November.
We look forward to having you attend the event.
Click here to join the Teams meeting:
Questions can be directed to Kristen Coleman.
Save the Date!
January 23, 2025 (Pre-Conference) and January 24, 2025 at OSU Tulsa.
This conference is intended for:
- District and Site Administrators
- Contracted and employed evaluators
- Teachers that are seeking to use data more intentionally
Registration will be posted in November. For more information, please reach out to Alexa Hudak.
The topic for this month’s Community of Practice is Auditing and Organizing MTSS Resources. Professional school psychologist Stephanie Beasley will be the presenter and discuss this topic in-depth at 3:00p.m. on October 30, 2024. Participants can expect to learn more about matching available resources to a student needs, how to process for screening at elementary and secondary, and the purpose of screening. If you are interested in learning more about MTSS please feel free to attend. This event will follow the corresponding module in the SPDG MTSS Course but is open to the public. To register for this event please view the flyer Community Of Practice Registration .
These trainings will focus on using assessment results to develop meaningful transition plans for students participating in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) or for students with Mild/Moderate disabilities. Trainings are being offered at various locations statewide.
Training is approved by Project 613
Participants will:
Learn to incorporate transition assessment results into the IEP;
Review case studies;
Analyze transition assessment results; and
Use assessment results to identify specific transition strengths and needs and develop postsecondary goals, annual transition goals, services, coordinated activities, and courses of study.
Districts may apply for Project 613 funds by completing an online application through the Grants Management System to be reimbursed for travel, substitutes, and lodging (over 60 miles). If you have questions, please contact Abby Johnson and/or contact your district's finance specialist.
OSDE-SES recommends that participants complete the Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities self-paced course in OSDE Connect before attending this training. This course is recommended for teachers/providers who are new to secondary transition and as a refresher for experienced staff.
This training will demonstrate how to implement effective instructional practices to teach transition skills to students with significant cognitive and adaptive disabilities who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP). Attendees will have hands-on opportunities to use effective instructional practices and strategies. Trainings are being offered at various locations statewide and will build upon information introduced during previously held trainings on this topic.
Training is approved by Project 613
Special educators and paraprofessionals will learn about:
Evidence-based practices tied to the Predictors of Post-School Success;
Effective practices and strategies including task analysis, chaining (forward/backward), prompting (when/how to use and fade prompts), video modeling, and more to enable students to make progress toward their postsecondary and annual transition goals;
Effective instructional practices for communication skills and for using assistive technology (AT) to teach transition skills; and
Collecting and using data to develop annual IEP goals and monitor student progress.
Districts may apply for Project 613 funds by completing an online application through the Grants Management System to be reimbursed for travel, substitutes, and lodging (over 60 miles). If you have questions, please contact Abby Johnson and/or contact your district's finance specialist.
- December 10, 2024 McAlester
- December 17, 2024 Duncan
- January 15, 2025 Idabel
- February 19, 2025 Woodward
- March 26, 2025 OKC
Join us for a chance to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics.
Join us on November 14,2024; January 9, 2025; March 6,2025 and May 8, 2025, from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM.
These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants.
If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.
Live Virtual Registration:
On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:
This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.
If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter
Class options:
Vision Screening Provider Training-
Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)
Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.
Objectives for this training include:
- To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
- To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program.
- To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.
Choose a date and location
- Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM: McAlester
- Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Tulsa
For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.
Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024
You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact
The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our 3rd Annual Engaging Support Conference.
If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson.
If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry. All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs.