We are happy to announce that once again we will be able to have a Certified School Psychologist on staff to assist Oklahoma Public School Districts. This service aims to provide a support system for Oklahoma's Public Schools who do not have access to a School Psychologist. This service will include a resource for questions about the Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility process. The following are free services to any school district in the state of Oklahoma who does not have a School Psychologist on staff or is in temporary need of someone to fulfill that role.
- Assist with the completion of the RED form to include all information needed for the required components for each of the thirteen categories.
- Fulfill the role and sign as the Qualified Professional on the RED form.
- Fulfill the role and sign as a Qualified Professional on an Initial MEEGSEEGS during the re-evaluation process that would be discussing a category change, or any other MEEGS that isn’t just a routine reevaluation.
- Review outside Evaluations, Interpret Results and give guidance on what information needs to be included on the RED form and where that information needs to be documented.
- General guidance for questions that are included in the Evaluation/Eligibility process.
Questions about this process, please contact Cami Dotson, 405-522-1706.
Solutions for Psychological Evaluations in your district.
Presence is the leading provider of Teletherapy for K12 Districts. We have been fortunate to work with over 20 districts in Oklahoma to date. In 2022 we partnered with the Oklahoma State Department of Education to help with the shortage of School Psychologists throughout the state.
**This year, Presence will NOT be permitted to conduct a Review of Existing Data (REDS) for any students. Please contact Cami Dotson.
***This survey will be used to prioritize districts for the FY24/25 school year Psychoeducational Assessments administered by Presence. In order to be selected to participate, please fill out the following survey in its entirety.
You can find the most updated OAAP information for the 2024-2025 school year in the OAAP Memo. You can find and access information about the 2024-2025 Testing Schedule, DTC Checklist, Bulk Student Upload, Instructionally Embedded Assessment, and more.
The OSDE-SES is providing information regarding the Special Education weights in the 2024-2025 State Aid Funding Formula.
OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.
Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.
The FY25 School Based contract has now been loaded into the application. Districts choosing to participate can now complete the contract then upload into the application. This can be found in the GMS under IDEA.
FY25 allocations for Project 618 will be released on the evening of August 13th. Districts qualifying for this project may then begin completing the online application. Should you need assistance contact your finance specialist.
FY25 Project 621 Flow Through and Project 641 Pre School allocations are now available. You can access your application in the GMS. Please contract your finance specialist should you need assistance.
All districts receive an allocation of $6.00 per child for the new fiscal year based on their previous Oct 1 child count, with a minimum allocation of $500.00. Districts are informed they must budget those funds by December 31st or forfeit their allocation. All forfeited funds will then be reallocated to those districts that have completed their budget by the set deadline. Those districts receiving an increase to their allocation in the spring semester must complete a budget amendment to budget those extra funds. For questions, contact your finance specialist.
Mark your calendar and save the dates for the 2024-2025 Alternate Diploma Collaborative (ADC) virtual meetings! Meetings will resume quarterly via Teams this year from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. Several Open Q & A sessions will be offered to meet district needs between the quarterly sessions. Please share the ADC meeting dates with staff who need to know, learn about, and keep up-to-date about all things “alternate diploma” and 18-22 extended transition programs or services!!! Those who need to know include secondary administrators, special education directors and teachers, school counselors, career advisors, and anyone who is a stakeholder in secondary transition for students who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) aligned with alternate achievement standards (Essential Elements). Join via this Teams link for all ADC meetings and Open Q & A Sessions for this school year! No registration is required, just click the link to join.
- ADC – November 21, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
- Open Q & A – December 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
- Open Q & A – January 16, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
- ADC – February 20, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
- Open Q & A – March 20, 2025
- ADC – April 17, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
- Open Q & A – May 15, 2025
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 252 040 567 180
Passcode: W4xdRc
As you might be aware, exits were not reviewed during the End of Year process because of many districts’ practice of not sending exit data to the state until after June 30. Exits have processed through EDPlan and we are asking that you review your exit report in the next couple of weeks, verify its accuracy and correct any errors you identify.
You can access your district’s exit report through the EDPlan Insights option in Reports, selecting the “End of Year” folder to find the Exit Report for SY 23-24. Verify that the report lists all known exiters in SY23-24 (transfers to other school systems can be ignored) and correct any errors listed on the Error tab.
If students are not listed on this report but should be (or vice-versa), or if the exit reason is incorrect, you may submit a data appeal once you review the five qualifications for inclusion. The three basic requirements are that the record is error-free, the student had an IEP prior to July 1, 2023 and that the student was at least 14 years old on October 1, 2023.
Please read the attached Appeal Procedures document for guidance and support. We will accept appeals through September 27, but do require that districts check the qualifications before submitting a request. All five qualifications are listed in the procedures. We will only accept appeals through the LEA Document Library, since students’ private information should not be sent through email. You must also let us know by email or phone if you are submitting an appeal, as we do not receive a notification when a file is uploaded.
If the appeal is approved, the state office will manually add the student to the baseline report or the district will need to adjust the student’s record. We will let you know what needs to be done to ensure that the student is included in the report.
After reviewing the Appeal Procedures, please let us know if you have questions.
Please know that the delay in seeing the data on the Special Education tab in the Consolidated Report is not due to any issues with your Student Information System or anything on your end. No action is required by districts at this time.
The Special Ed tab will begin to populate Monday, September 23, and will take a few days for all data to display. PCG, OMES, and OSDE have dramatically increased server capacity to speed up the processing time between our systems.
If your Special Education data is not displaying at all on the Special Education Tab in the Consolidated Report by Wednesday, September 25th, reach out to tanis.thompson@sde.ok.gov immediately. Only Students with an active Eligibility and IEP status as of Oct. 1st will populate to the Special Ed Tab.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Save the date for our live webinar on October 23, 2024. The webinar will focus on 504 accommodation plans, covering the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP, how to write a 504 plan, and how to conduct a 504 evaluation. Future webinars will address discipline for students on a 504 plan and other related issues.
You may register for one of two times.
October 23, 2024, at noon
October 23, 2024, at 3:30
The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) and Public Consulting Group (PCG) would like to invite you to attend a Listen & Learn Webinar about the School-Based Medicaid Program. This overview will include information about the fee-for-service and Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) programs. Both programs can provide reimbursement for services schools are currently providing.
These programs can create a SUSTAINABLE source of reimbursement to replace lost funding such as Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) and WILL NOT affect other sources of reimbursement or funding your district may already be receiving.
Please click on this registration link to register on the Listen & Learn Webinar:
Date. 10/4/24, 1pm – 2:30pm, Thursday
There will be time to address district questions in each Webinar session. Please pass along this training notice to others at your district if they can benefit from hearing about these programs.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact PCG at OKMAC@pcgus.com or OKFFS@pcgus.com
School districts and sites in the state will be able to participate in the two day, in-person data literacy training that focuses on school system data analysis. Participants who are receiving additional supports with OSDE groups will be prioritized for attendance. Please send a minimum of 2 participants per school site/district team. Participants will also need access to their school's data management system and a device that can connect to the internet during the professional development.
For more information and to register for this event please view the OK Multi-Tiered System of Supports | Oklahoma State Department of Education flyer.
This training will focus on using assessment results to develop meaningful transition plans for students participating in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP). Watch for two additional locations to be added soon!
Participants will:
- Learn to incorporate transition assessment results into the IEP
- Review case studies
- Analyze transition assessment results
- Use assessment results to identify specific transition strengths and needs and develop postsecondary goals, annual transition goals, services, coordinated activities, and courses of study.
Join us for a chance to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics.
Join us on November 14, January 9, March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM.
Paraprofessional Tier 2
OSDE has transitioned from PEPPER to OKConnect for the Paraprofessional Training Modules and the Long Term Substitute Modules. Districts will not be able to self-enroll participants in these modules. The process for enrolling participants can be printed here.
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)
Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!
Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025
The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.
The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.
These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants.
If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.
Live Virtual Registration:
On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:
This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.
If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter
Class options:
Vision Screening Provider Training-
Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)
Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.
Objectives for this training include:
- To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
- To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program.
- To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.
For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.
Paraprofessional Tier II Training and Long-Term Substitute modules are not available on OKConnect. Districts will not be able to self-enroll participants in either of these modules. The process for enrolling participants can be printed here.
OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.
While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.
- One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
- The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.
Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well. Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.
Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024
You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact
The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our 3rd Annual Engaging Support Conference.
If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson.
We are thrilled to announce the dates for the 37th National NRCP Virtual Conference! Mark your calendars for February 21-23, 2025. This year’s theme, “Paraeducators: Where the Magic Happens!”, promises to be an inspiring and enriching experience for all attendees.
Save the Date!
This year’s conference will provide an exceptional opportunity for paraeducators, interveners, teachers, administrators, and related service providers to come together, share knowledge, and explore new ideas. Our virtual format ensures that you can participate from anywhere, making it easier than ever to join in on learning and networking.
Why Attend?
Highlights from last year’s 36th National NRCP Virtual Conference:
In January 2024, we held our 36th National NRCP Virtual Conference, which was a tremendous success! We had 260 attendees from 25 states, who participated in 4 keynotes and 25 breakout sessions. The positive feedback from participants was overwhelming, and we are excited to build on this success for our upcoming conference.
Special Announcement: Back by Popular Demand!
We are thrilled to announce that Jo Mascorro will be returning as a featured keynote speaker for the 37th National NRCP Virtual Conference, based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback from her last year’s keynote. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the most engaging and insightful voices in the field!
Registration Information:
Registration is now open! Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to grow professionally and make a difference in the lives of those you support. Secure your spot today! Group discounts available.
Conference Fees:
$100 reduced conference fee for paraeducators, interveners, education support professionals, and family members or guardians.
Optional Leadership Meeting:
As in the past, we will also be holding our Leadership Meeting at no additional cost, the day before the conference. This interactive meeting will allow participants to share successes, challenges, and plans to affect change within their states and to evaluate/discuss the needs of the field at the national level.
For more information, feel free to contact Laura Lema at Laura.Lema@usu.edu.
Professional Development with the SSIP, is designed to support K-3 teams, for a three-year sequence, with developing their early literacy decisions; see more at the link here. The course should be completed by a school's entire K-3 team. Enroll in the course here.
Universal Supports, including an online library of intervention protocols can be accessed at the bottom of the page here.
The annual data-retreat registrations can be located on the courses above or here. Teams should send 2 people from each site or district.
Questions can be directed to Alexa Hudak.
If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry. All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs.