SERC Scoop | June 2024 Edition

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June 2024

What is SERC?

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) has been collaborating with the Oklahoma State Department of Education for nearly 20 years to help families and school districts resolve conflicts at the earliest stage possible. SERC provides services for children from birth to age 3 in SoonerStart and for students ages 3 through 21 in public schools.

The Oklahoma State University Department of Wellness – Sponsored Programs (DOWSP) is the lead agency for SERC.

What does SERC provide to schools, SoonerStart, and families at no cost?

Understanding Due Process Wisdom Wednesday Webinar Three-Part Series

Many people find Due Process Hearings in Special Education a mystery. Jo Anne Blades, J.D., recently led a three-part webinar series entitled, “So You Think You Want to File a Due Process Hearing Request.” The webinars do not contain every piece of information one needs to navigate the process, but Due Process is explained in a way so that it can make more sense!

Since parents most often file, Sharon Coppedge Long, Director of the Oklahoma Parent Center, assisted Jo Anne Blades and Allison Fennell Conch with the presentation. View each webinar recording and it’s supporting documents at the links below.

Part One – Initial Considerations:

Part Two – Getting Ready for the Hearing:

Part Three – What Happens at the Hearing?

Oklahoma’s Alternate Diploma Program

In April 2023, House Bill 1041 changed the graduation pathway for a specific group of students in Oklahoma. By amending 70 O.S. § 11-103.6, it created a new route to graduation tailored for the 1% of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. This includes students who are taught to alternate academic achievement standards and participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP).

This change aims to ensure that these students have a fair and appropriate pathway to graduation that considers their unique needs and abilities. To participate in the OAAP, students require alternative achievement standards in all content areas; have an IEP with observable, measurable goals that include short-term benchmarks/objectives; and meet indicators from the Criteria Checklist for Assessing Students with Disabilities on Alternate Assessments.

Check out the Guidance Briefs for Parents and Educators on Alternative Diplomas and the OAAP for more information. Readers may also be interested in the Alternative Diploma Course Pathway for the coursework requirements for these students.

Parent Perspective and Positive Advocacy Approaches – February 21, 2024 Wisdom Wednesday webinar

Although families and school districts partner to work towards positive outcomes for students with disabilities, opinions sometimes differ in meeting specific needs and goals. It is imperative to bridge gaps in understanding and perspectives on either side of the table for a successful long-term partnership. Join Andee Cooper, parent of a high schooler with disabilities, as she shares her experiences in working with her son’s school district over many years. She will discuss how parental responsibilities and worries over the course of a lifetime may differ from that of the school, how this difference in outlook can impact the ways in which parents approach certain topics and requests, and communication tips for effective parental involvement that school districts can benefit from in working with families of students with significant needs.

Watch the Parent Perspective Zoom recording on Youtube

Open the Parent Perspective video transcript Word document

Open the Parent Perspective PDF presentation slides

Follow SERC on Social Media!

If you haven’t followed us on Instagram and Facebook, you’re missing out! Do you want to stay up to date on the most recent goings-on at the organization, including interviews with our service providers and a glimpse into the day-to-day lives at SERC? Do you want tips and tricks on bridging communication gaps and education for families and parents on dispute resolution? Surely you would benefit from updates on other special education news and happenings in the community that might affect YOU!

Give us a follow on Facebook and Instagram.

SERC’s Facilitation Training – Registration Open!

SERC offers a one-day training to districts on facilitating meetings. The training provides an overview of facilitation, including facilitator qualities and skills, key functions of a facilitator, the facilitator’s role before, during, and after a meeting, along with a toolbox of practical facilitator strategies and techniques to use during a meeting. This training provides helpful resources to those who want to sharpen their skills and tools when facilitating difficult meetings, and benefit districts wanting to develop in-house facilitators for IEP meetings.

The training will be offered in-person with regional classes in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The course will be from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. This training is available at no cost to those attending through our partnership with the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Registration is made online. Course dates and locations with registration links are below. For more information, contact SERC’s Program Coordinator, Rob Keiter at or (405) 569-3105.

See the Facilitator Training agenda.

Facilitation Training

Fiscal Year 2025 Facilitation Training Schedule and Registration

Which Dispute Resolution Process is Best for You?

You may be wondering which dispute resolution process would be the best for you when dealing with special education-related disputes. This dispute chart will help you understand the differences between the three processes offered in Oklahoma. Each of these processes is offered at no cost to schools or parents. Please contact us with any questions related to our dispute resolution processes. We can help you decide which process will work the best for your situation.

Dr. Allison Fennell-Conch, Program Manager

                                              Special Education Resolution Center (SERC)                                                                               Oklahoma State University Sponsored Program                                                                            9726 E 42nd Street, Suite 203 | Tulsa, OK 74146                                         Phone: 918.270.1849 | Email: Dr. Allison Fennell-Conch