September 2023
This summer the OSDE elementary team hosted three virtual learning opportunities to prepare Oklahoma educators for success the 2023-2024 school year. The topics for each session are below along with the presentation slides with resources to help you get off to a great start this year.
Create connections with students and families. Developing strong relationships inside and outside your classroom will result in more engagement, motivation, and better behavior. Find family engagement resources from Deb Wade, Project Manager of Family Engagement, and classroom strategies for creating connections for classroom and special teachers here.
Develop effective classroom management techniques. Learn how to set up a functional classroom environment that promotes student independence and easy transitions, consider your potential hot buttons as a teacher, and find some classroom management strategies here.
Get students moving. Put learning in action by getting students moving throughout the day. Find ways to incorporate movement and physical activity in your classroom here.
The OSDE Elementary Ed Chat Notes and Resources document includes information about previous OK Elementary Ed Chats.
Register below to attend, Tech in Elementary: Igniting Creativity and Learning, on September 25, 2023, at either 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. Sessions will be about 45 minutes.
Registration link for 4:00 p.m. session:
Registration link for 7:00 p.m. session:
These handy, printable flyers include helpful information aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards (what students know and should be able to do in each grade and course) and guidance on how to support student learning at home. Guides are available for Pre-K through 6th grade students in the following subjects: English language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, health, music, physical education (PE) and visual art. The Oklahoma Family Guides are available in both English and Spanish.
In the Spring of 2023, the Central Oklahoma Math Consortium began working on support documents for the 2022 Oklahoma Academic Standards for Mathematics (OAS-M). The side-by-side document compares the 2016 OAS-M to the 2022 OAS-M with changes noted with either strikethroughs (for deleted material) or red text (for changes).
The vertical progression document highlights one grade per tab with the focus grade in the middle column with that grade-level's standards in the same order they are on the published OAS-M. On the left, the previous grade objectives align to the focus grade, showing what knowledge students may bring with them about that objective. On the right, the next grade objectives align to the focus grade, showing how the knowledge of that objective will be used in future courses.
The 2022 standards are to be implemented during the 2023-24 school year and will be assessed in Spring 2024.
You can find the documents on the OKMath Framework.
From November 2022 through April 2023, a team of sixteen Oklahoma educators has been creating new resources for the English language arts framework, including proficiency levels, Universal Design for Learning lessons, and writing resources. See below to learn more about the helpful contents that you can find by grade-level or by topic on the English language arts framework.