Suicide Prevention Week is September 10th -16th

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There is nothing like the atmosphere of the start of a new school year -- students entering our doors with anticipation and excitement, the hints of cooler weather, and starting with a whole new, clean slate. It can also be one of the most harried and busy times for school professionals and for the students we serve. It is very easy to get swept away in the meetings, the phone calls, the schedule change requests, upset students and parents, and the demands for everything to be done today. So, in the moments of silence (the very few and far between moments), please take time to reflect on a few things:

  1. What is your mission and your purpose? I like to refer to it as a calling because this profession is NOT for the faint of heart. Take a moment, take a breath and center yourself back to the reason you are needed in your role! When you know where you are headed, you are better able to drive your program to its destination.

  2. What is ONE thing you can do this year to move toward a comprehensive counseling program? Remember, you don’t have to do it all at once! Maybe you want to start with analyzing your use of time, or having a goal setting conference with your principal so they understand your vision, or creating a calendar that you control rather than minor emergencies or crisis controlling for you. Pick one thing and move the needle forward.

  3. How can you prioritize self-care? This is probably the most difficult item for counselors because it is in our nature to take care of everyone and everything else first. It is important to set healthy boundaries for yourself and to ensure you are monitoring your own physical, mental and emotional well-being.  Then, plan for how you can take action to model self-care and be consistent in that action daily. Your students, your co-workers and your families will thank you!

The Student Development Team is excited to partner with you as you are arming your students with the tools they need for success. This newsletter highlights just a few offerings that are coming up to support your work, so please be sure to read all the way through and know this is just the beginning of our work together this year. Please reach out if we can be of any assistance as you are planning for this year!

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu

Christi Sturgeon, M.S., LMFT
Program Manager – Comprehensive School Counseling