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2022-23 Fine Arts Professional Learning Series


Start the School Year Strong 

August 2, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Join us on Zoom as veteran Oklahoma arts educators share ideas on classroom management, first day of school plans, setting the tone for the year, instructional procedures, and much more! This will be a fast-paced Zoom meeting with 10-15 minutes for each presenter and Q&A afterward. Presenters include:

  • Maria Krey-Gibson (dance)
  • Lauren Peck-Weisenfels (drama/theatre)
  • Jan Davis (elementary music)
  • Sohailah Stout (choir)
  • Chauvin Aaron (band)
  • Glenda Skinner-Noble (elementary visual art)
  • Morgan Brown (secondary visual art)

Please register in advance for this meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information to join the meeting.

OAAE Professional Learning Grant


The purpose of the Oklahoma Alliance for Arts Education (OAAE) Professional Learning Grant is to provide financial assistance to active Oklahoma arts educators who are planning to attend their state/national conferences for professional development learning.

The maximum award amount is $600.00 and may be applied to registration fees, travel, lodging, or food. To apply, visit the OAAE website. Applications will open in August with a deadline of August 31. Recipients will be notified in September. 


Classroom Supply Grants - Oklahoma Arts Council

Teachers and education leaders across the state have made it clear to the Oklahoma Arts Council that classroom art supplies are one of their greatest needs in delivering high-quality visual and performing arts education programs. Funding for art supplies is essential for Oklahoma schools to sustain valuable art programs that help students succeed in their education and beyond.

To meet this critical need of schools in our state, the Oklahoma Arts Council offers Classroom Supply Grants of up to $500 per site per school year to purchase supplies and materials for visual and performing arts instruction that takes place during the school day. 

Application Timeline

Mid-August (exact date TBA) - Grant applications are made available. Schools may submit an application anytime through the deadline.

Mid-September - Application deadline.

Mid-October - Schools are notified about their awards. 

To learn more about the Oklahoma Arts Council’s Grant Support for Schools program, visit or contact their Arts Education Director, Jennifer Allen-Barron, at (405) 521-2036 or

Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute

OAI Logo

Journey to Quartz Mountain this fall for an all-inclusive, four-day workshop retreat at the Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute. Taught by nationally renowned artists, workshops are offered for all skill levels and are held at the beautiful Quartz Mountain State Park & Lodge in the Wichita Mountains of southwest Oklahoma. Unlike other workshops, all meals and lodging are included in tuition.

Thanks to partnerships with the State of Oklahoma and generous private donors, scholarship funding is available to cover the tuition costs for Oklahoma PK-12 public school educators. 

This year, three weekends of workshops will be offered with options for multiple arts areas! Registration for OFAI will begin in August, but interested educators may want to start looking at the website now and make plans for October. See you at the mountain!