May Alt. Ed. Newsletter

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Alternative Education

In this issue:

Alternative Education End-of-Year Data

The SY2022 Alternative Education End-of-Year Data Survey is now open for districts to complete using the link below.

This data is collected annually from programs to provide participation, engagement, and graduation data specifically pertaining to students served in the alternative education program setting.

The survey should be completed by program directors/administrators, shared with district leadership and sending schools (if participating in a coop the LEA will complete this form). The survey is due June 30.

The End-of-Year Data Report can be accessed here

Districtwide Student Needs Assessment

The Districtwide Student Needs Assessment is now open in Single Sign-On.

This report collects information regarding GPA, attendance, promotion, and suspension data for all students in grades 7-12.

Note: This report should include information on ALL students, not just those in alternative education programs.

Information collected for this report should be used to determine at-risk student needs while also serving as a resource in the development of your district's Alternative Education Implementation Plan.

All districts are required to complete this report, which is due June 30.

Alternative Education Student Verification – WAVE

If you need to make date changes to your AltEd entry and exit dates, please contact State Aid or the Student Data Info office to open On-Screen Data Entry.

Once On-Screen Data Entry has been opened you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the student level ASR. Single Sign On>the WAVE>Reporting>State Reporting Certificate>Student level ASR

Please make sure you check the accuracy of this report, as AltEd funding is determined by the ADM of your student enrollment.

FY23 OSDE Alternative Education NEW Process & Procedures

  • Webinar Presentation PowerPoint linked here
  • Oklahoma Alternative Education Approval and Review Process linked here
  • Alternative Education Criteria Review linked here
  • Webinar Recording:
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) linked here
  • Please remember to reach out to your alternative education specialist with any questions or needs.  

June 21-22: 2022 MTSS Summer Conference - Supporting the Whole Child

MTSS Conference

Attend the annual Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Conference June 21-22 in Edmond to learn about prevention and intervention methods, mental health and integration alignment, classroom strategies and other aspects of implementing MTSS in a school community.

Keynote presenter Kelly Perales will expand on MTSS core features (teaming, using data for decision making, evidence-based practices, professional development and a continuous improvement cycle) to address whole-child wellness for all. Perales will discuss using a single system of delivery across state, district and local school levels and examine current efforts such as trauma-informed care, mental health and behavior supports, and creating an action plan for alignment.

MTSS Conference: Supporting the Whole Child June 21-22, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Edmond Conference Center Register here

Summer Learning Opportunities

Summer learning

National Alt Ed Conference, Oct 19-21

NAEA Conference

Start making plans to attend this conference in the fall!  Information about NAEA can be found here.

Meet with others from around the country who share your passion for teaching our most at-risk students.  Attend numerous breakout sessions to learn and share ideas with other educators. 

An example of the 2021 conference sessions can be found here.  If you would like to present at the national conference, submissions are now open.

Program Highlight

Skiatook director, Angi Garrison, said she took advantage of a link that was shared in the alt. ed. newsletter and applied for the field trip grant to Crystal Bridges Museum.  It was an AMAZING trip!  They were wonderfully welcoming and encouraging of more teachers to apply for the grant.  

Crystal Bridges 1Crystal Bridges 2Crystal Bridges 3