 Hello! My name is Elizabeth Maughan and I’m excited to serve you as the new Director of Fine Arts for the Oklahoma State Department of Education. A bit about me: I moved to Oklahoma in 2010 to start doctoral studies in music education at the University of Oklahoma. While I was there, I met my husband and am now a permanent Oklahoman. I’ve spent most of my career singing, dancing, and playing in a general music setting, but I am ready to serve the great teachers of Oklahoma in a new capacity.
As we start another school year, please remember that I am here for YOU. If you have any questions, concerns, or new ideas, feel free to reach out and share. I hope the information in this newsletter will help you as you make plans for the new school year. Be sure to visit the SDE Fine Arts website for more information throughout the year.
Have a wonderful school year!
 Starting this school year, all Oklahoma educators will be completing a Professional Learning Focus as part of the TLE. More information is available here. Your learning focus will be unique to you and will address an indicator or element from district-approved TLE qualitative framework. There is online PD available for music educators, art educators, and dance educators. Other options include a book study, attending a workshop, working on an advanced degree, peer observations, etc. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
 The 2018 OAEA Fall Convention will be at Oklahoma Christian University on Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13. There will be sessions geared toward new and emergency certified teachers!
 The Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain is an all-inclusive, four-day workshop retreat in the arts and arts education. Taught by nationally renowned artists, all workshops are held at the beautiful Quartz Mountain Arts and Conference Center in the Wichita Mountains of southwest Oklahoma. All public educators attend on full scholarships provided by the State Department of Education and private donors. Choose from workshops in the visual arts, writing, or music, including workshops specially focused on the elementary and special education classrooms. Educators receive 18 hours of professional development credit. Read more about this fall’s workshops, October 4-7 or October 11-14, online. Enrollment for educators begins August 13.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has expanded the definition of core academic subjects to a well-rounded education. This new well-rounded education includes 17 subjects covering the commonly tested subjects of English language arts and mathematics, as well as a wide variety of other subjects covering the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. The arts may include the subjects of dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts, and other arts disciplines as determined by state or local education agencies. |
Title IV, Part A
In 2017-18, Oklahoma administered a statewide competitive grant process for districts to receive Title IV funding. However, the grant process has now ended and schools will receive a Title IV allocation based on their Title I funding formula. Any school district that receives a formula allocation above $30,000 must conduct a needs assessment and then must expend 20% of its funds to provide a well-rounded education, 20% on safe and healthy schools, and 60% may be spent on all areas (including technology). However, there is a 15% cap on devices, equipment, software, and digital content. If a district receives an allocation below $30,000, the law does not require a needs assessment or setting aside percentages for a well-rounded education.
The funding was distributed to Oklahoma school districts on July 1st, 2018. Here are some steps you can take to guide distribution of the funding:
- Ask your administration if you can be involved with the district's Title IV planning process.
- Be an active part of the process as your district creates its Title IV plan. Make certain that the district understands the importance of the arts for all students in your district.
- In the future, a needs assessment rubric will be available from the OSDE. Your role will be to participate in your district’s needs assessment to address the deficiencies within your district’s arts programs. Even if your district receives funding below $30,000, you can still advocate for fine arts funding.
- Learn about other ways to get involved - like writing your school's plan for Title I if you are at a Title I school.
August 1-31 – Piedmont Public Schools, Frances Williams September 1-30 – Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute, Alexandra Robinson October 2-31 – Positive Tomorrows, Amy Brewer
A virtual art gallery is available on the SDE Fine Arts
website for students and families who would like to see pictures of their work
in the OSDE (Oliver Hodge) Building.
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is pleased to
join with the Oklahoma Alliance for Arts Education and the Masonic Fraternity
of Oklahoma for the 29th Annual State Superintendent Awards for Arts
Excellence. During the April ceremony,
we recognized outstanding school administrators and fine arts educators for
their leadership and support of quality arts education and academic excellence
in Oklahoma schools. The 2018 Honorees are:
Berry, Elementary Music Educator, Tulsa Public Schools
Beatley, Visual Arts Educator, Mooreland Public Schools
Lebsack, Principal, Yukon Public Schools
Along with school boards, administrators, and educators,
we also recognized high school juniors and seniors who have achieved artistic
and academic excellence. The full list
of honorees and photos of the ceremony can be found on the Fine Arts SDE website.
August 6 - OFAI Registration opens to non-scholarship-seeking participants (see website for more information)
September 15 - OkMEA Beginning Teacher Workshop at the University of Oklahoma
September 29th, 2018 - Oklahoma Kodaly Educators Fall Workshop "Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Music Classroom"
October 4-7 & 11-14, 2018 - Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute @ Quartz Mountain
October 12-13, 2018 - OAEA Fall Conference at Oklahoma Christian University
October 18, 2018 - OkMEA Fall Conference at Oklahoma City University
October 24-25, 2018 - Oklahoma Arts Conference