PLEASE DISTRIBUTE: Password reset awareness campaign

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Human Resources Directors,

OMES Information Services has begun an awareness communications campaign for, which is a great resource for your staff. The password reset website allows employees to bypass calling the OMES Service Desk and go directly online to reset their email, PeopleSoft, Benefits Administration System and Learn passwords.

We have found that not many employees are not aware of the resource, but we can change this with your help!

Over the next two months, we will reach out every other Friday with our latest communication. Please share this message with your staff, especially as we approach the end of the year when password reset requests significantly increase our Service Desk hold times.

Whether you share the message through a newsletter, notice board, by forwarding this email and future emails or sharing our social media posts, we appreciate all efforts to increase employees’ use of

We are here to serve as a resource to help you with password resets and are looking forward to working with you on this awareness campaign.

OMES Service Desk
405-521-HELP (local)
866-521-2444 (toll-free) 
Tech Desk customer portal

Contact us anytime! We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Here is a PDF flyer you can share with employees: Get off hold and get online.

Get off hold and get online

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