CAR Newsletter - October 2016

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Deadlines for November Payrolls

In planning your work for November, it is important to remember that Veterans Day is Friday, Nov. 11.  Thanksgiving is recognized on Thursday, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25, is also a state holiday.  November biweekly payroll for state agencies (“B” or “C” biweekly schedules) will be paid on Thursday, Nov. 10, and Wednesday, Nov. 23. November monthly payrolls will be paid on the last working day of the month, Wednesday, Nov. 30.

With these dates in mind, agency staff should plan their work accordingly for the deadlines: 

SUPPLEMENTAL:  PeopleSoft supplemental payrolls are set to pay on Thursday Nov. 10.  Agencies should have these payrolls processed and paperwork forwarded to OMES by Thursday, Nov. 3. 

BIWEEKLY: “B” and “C” biweekly payrolls are set to pay on Thursday Nov. 10.  Agencies should have these payrolls processed and paperwork forwarded to OMES by Thursday, Nov. 3. 

The next biweekly for “B” and “C” biweekly schedule agencies will be Wednesday Nov. 23.  Agencies should have these payrolls processed and paperwork forwarded to OMES by Wednesday, Nov. 16. 

MONTHLY: Monthly payrolls will be set to pay on Wednesday, Nov. 30.  Agencies should have these payrolls processed and paperwork forwarded to OMES by Monday, Nov. 21.

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Oklahoma Employment Security Commission Notification

State agencies may receive a notification from the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission regarding electronic submission of the OES-3, Oklahoma Employers Quarterly Contribution Report. Effective Jan. 1, 2017, this report must be filed electronically. OMES is in compliance with this requirement.

OMES submits the quarterly wage report for all state agencies which use the Oracle/PeopleSoft HCM system and are under the state’s FEIN. The report is currently submitted electronically using the EZ Tax Express website. If you receive this notification and have any questions, please contact Lisa Raihl at 405-521-3258, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300,

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Employee Moving Expenses

Authorized payments of employee moving expenses under 74 O.S. § 500.51 et seq, either directly or indirectly to an employee, may be taxable and/or reportable on the employee’s W-2. Payments may be for qualified or non-qualified moving expense reimbursements and require close review to ensure proper reporting is completed.

Qualified moving expenses paid or reimbursed by an employer can be treated as an excludable fringe benefit to the employee. The exclusion only applies to the reimbursement of moving expenses that the employee could deduct if he or she had paid or incurred them without reimbursement. Please refer to IRS Publication 15-B, Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits, and IRS Publication 521, Moving Expenses, for additional information. Qualified moving expense reimbursements paid directly to the employee are reported on Form W-2 only in box 12 with code “P”. Qualified moving expenses paid by an employer directly to a third party on behalf of an employee (i.e. moving company) are not reportable on Form W-2.

Non-qualified moving expense reimbursements, paid directly to an employee or indirectly on behalf of an employee, are taxable to the employee and are included on Form W-2 in boxes 1, 3, 5, and 16 with the applicable taxes withheld and reported. No box 12 reporting is required for non-qualified moving expense reimbursements.

A common error occurs when employee moving expenses are paid through accounts payable without notifying agency payroll personnel. Agency business practices must ensure communication between the different departments. Good communication and procedures will allow for the correct reporting of all moving expense amounts as required by the IRS. When moving expenses are paid through accounts payable, please forward all relevant information to agency payroll personnel for inclusion on the employee’s W-2 at year end as needed. Payroll personnel will need to review the information, and if taxable to the employee, process through payroll so that taxes are calculated and withheld and the amounts are reported on the W-2.

Process the taxable amount through payroll using the TRC Code of “MOVE,” which will show as earnings code “MOV.” The amount will be included as taxable income and will be taxed on the paycheck.

Amounts determined only to be reportable on the employee’s W-2 in box 12, will need to be forwarded to OMES, 5005 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3324, Attn: Lisa Raihl or Jean Hayes. Please include in the memo, the employee name, employee ID number, and amount to be included on the W-2 in box 12 with code “P”.

For questions or more information, please contact Lisa Raihl at 405-521-3258 or, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300 or

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Using State Vehicles to Commute

Title 47 O.S. § 156.1, as amended, while forbidding the personal use of state-owned motor vehicles, permits the use of the vehicles for the commuting of designated employees.

The personal use of an employer-provided vehicle to commute constitutes a noncash taxable benefit to the employee even when the use of the vehicle is for the benefit of the employer. Excepted are qualified nonpersonal-use vehicles (any vehicle not likely to be used more than minimally for personal use because of its design). Please refer to IRS Publication 15-B, Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits, for a list of vehicles generally included as qualified nonpersonal-use vehicles.

The employee can choose to have the value included as taxable income or pay the employer for personal use rather than having it treated as wages. When treating the value as wages, the imputed income is subject to FICA and income tax withholding. The valuation method is dependent on the employee status. Control employees (elected officials or employees whose compensation is at least as great as a federal government employee at Executive Level V - for 2016; $150,200) cannot use the commuting valuation rule ($1.50 rule). All other employees can have the value computed using the Automobile Lease Valuation Rule, the Vehicle Cents-Per-Mile Rule, or the Commuting Rule ($1.50 rule) subject to the requirements of each rule.

All valuation methods are included in IRS Publication 15-B, Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits. The most common method is the Commuting Rule ($1.50 rule) for valuing employee use of an employer-provided vehicle. The employer must require the employee to use the vehicle for a business purpose; it cannot be voluntary on the employee's part. Personal use for commuting can be valued at $1.50 each way between home and work. If more than one employee commutes in the vehicle, each rider has imputed taxable income. The taxable amount, if not paid by the employee, must be processed through payroll so that taxes are calculated and withheld and the amounts are reported on the W-2.

Process the taxable amount through payroll using the TRC Code of “CAR,” which will show as earnings code “CAR.” The amount will be included as taxable income and will be taxed on the paycheck.

We highly recommend the vehicle usage be included in the employee’s payroll each pay period (for the previous pay period, as needed). This will preclude a large sum being included in the employee’s last pay of the calendar year which would result in a higher than normal amount of taxes withheld. Additionally, up-to-date reporting of vehicle usage will benefit the agency should the employee terminate during the year.

For more questions, please contact Lisa Raihl at 405-521-3258, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300,

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Payroll Warrants Issued in Error

If for any reason an agency receives a payroll warrant issued in error, the warrant should be returned as soon as possible to OMES for cancellation. Payroll warrants must be accompanied by an OMES Form PWC.

Warrants issued by the State Treasurer which, for any cause, remain outstanding or unpaid for a period of ninety (90) days shall be revoked and canceled under the provisions of 62 O.S. § 34.80. For warrants canceled by statute, the cash is transferred to the canceled warrant fund. Agencies will not be refunded the value of the canceled warrants.

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Payroll Stat Cancelled Warrants Not Eligible for Reissue

Agencies should be reviewing the PS Financials Payroll 36 Month Statutory Cancellation Report on a regular basis.

If there is a payroll warrant listed and the employee is entitled to the funds, please complete the OMES Form 20R and send to Transaction Processing.  This will allow a replacement warrant to be issued to provide the employees their due pay.

If there is a payroll warrant listed and the employee is not entitled to the funds, the issuing agency must notify OMES. (62 O.S. § 34.80.) Notification should include the warrant number, warrant date, and must be signed by an agency approving authority. Please send notification to Transaction Processing stating that the warrant should not be reissued. In addition, the amounts must be removed from the employee’s earning record. Please contact Lisa Raihl at 405-521-3258, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300,

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State HCM System Use of Addresses on W-2s

As a reminder, in the Oracle/PeopleSoft HCM system, the W-2 process loads the employee’s mailing address for IRS Form W-2 reporting.  If there is no value in the mailing address field, then the employee’s home address will be used on the W-2.  If there is a value in the mailing address field that is not to be used on the Form W-2, it will need to be updated or inactivated.

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State HCM System Use of Addresses on 1095-C, ACA Reporting Form

The 1095-C form process in the Oracle/PeopleSoft HCM system has been set to load the employee’s mailing address just as the W-2 process does. If there is no value in the mailing address field, then the employee’s home address will be used on the W-2.  If there is a value in the mailing address field that is not to be used on the Form W-2, it will need to be updated or inactivated.

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Agency Address Verification

Please verify the correct agency address is being used on the Oracle/PeopleSoft HCM system. The agency address can be found on the Employee’s Earnings Statement. If the address is not correct for the agency, this will need to be updated before year end processing of tax forms. Please contact the OMES Service Desk at (405) 521-2444 to have the agency’s address updated in the HCM system.

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PeopleSoft MailDrop for Year End Processing

Oracle/PeopleSoft HCM system employee W-2s and 1095-C forms are processed and printed in mail drop order. Please ensure this field is properly used for employees. The forms will print in the same order as checks and advices sort, which is based on each agency’s needs.

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Payroll Deduction Register and Employee Social Security Numbers

OMES is changing the format of the deduction register that state agencies use to provide vendors with the names and deduction amounts of participants. Effective Nov. 1, 2016, the Deductions Register (PAY001) will no longer include employees’ full social security numbers. Instead, only the last four digits of the social security number will be visible. This change is being made to better ensure confidential employee information protected by statute is not inadvertently provided outside an agency. The employee ID will continue to be provided on the deduction register.

This notice also serves as a reminder to agency staff responsible for processing the voluntary payroll deduction payments to send the page(s) from the deduction register to the corresponding vendor to ensure proper credit is applied to the employee’s account.

Please contact Kathy Haney-Crabb or Carrie Towery if you have any questions about this process change.  You may reach them at (405) 521-2177 or via email at

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New Reporting Requirements - State Agency Recipients of Federal Funds


In April 2016, Senate Bill 1342 was passed by the legislature and approved by the Governor.  This legislation is related to the Oklahoma “Taxpayer Transparency Act” and requires OMES to report additional information on the state’s transparency website related to Federal Revenues and Federal Expenditures including payment details.

Also new Federal legislation was previously passed: “In May 2014, President Obama signed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act) into law. Once implemented, the DATA Act will make Federal spending data more accessible, searchable, and reliable. It will not only make it easier to understand how the Federal government spends taxpayer dollars but will also serve as a tool for better oversight, data-centric decision-making, and innovation both inside and outside of government. The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are leading the government-wide implementation of the DATA Act.”

It remains uncertain when states (and other recipients) will be required to begin reporting this new data to meet the DATA Act requirements.  Federal agencies are still working to develop and implement their processes that will gather and compile data similar to how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was carried out from 2009 through 2012.  The Federal agencies are working to improve the processes based on the irreplaceable and valuable experience that was gained from the ARRA project.  While some areas remain uncertain, some key data elements that are certain to be required are widely known and easily obtainable.

Expected Plan

These two upcoming data reporting requirements are similar.  OMES is working to include the DATA Act’s key data elements in the State of Oklahoma’s “Taxpayer Transparency Act” implementation.  By doing this, the state’s transparency website will be able to present much more meaningful information when the website updates go live starting in 2017.  In addition, this will allow the state to have a “head start” on meeting the DATA Act requirements once they are finalized.  Lastly, by combining these two efforts, OMES expects the impact on agencies to be less when the DATA act is implemented fully.

The key data elements are 12 to 20 common Federal award data elements (most of which are found on the “Grant Award Notification” letter from the Federal government.  These are items of which every recipient agency already has knowledge but are not recorded in a system that can be accessed by OMES.  OMES plans to gather this information using a “Federal Grant Award File”.  It is expected that this file should only need to be completed and submitted once a year (unless revisions are made or new grant awards are received).

In addition, a separate “Federal Expenditure Detail Reporting File” will be required to be submitted shortly after the end of each quarter.  This will include payment detail information for vendors and sub-recipients.  Payment details for assistance type payments to individuals will ONLY be reported in total by Federal grant award.  OMES is still studying how this can best be gathered and reported.  This will be a main topic of discussion with our partner agencies that receive Federal dollars in a meeting to be held in November.  These agencies will be notified of the day and time.  It is very important for every agency with Federal dollars to have a qualified person attend the meeting to have input in the reporting details and format of the “Federal Expenditure Detail Reporting File”.

OMES will begin accepting the “Federal Grant Award File” and the “Federal Expenditure Detail Reporting File” later this calendar year that will cover the first quarter activity from July 1 through September 30 of this current fiscal year.

First Steps

Many details are still being developed, so your agency’s input is needed to make this implementation the best it can be.  If you are an agency that receives federal funding, please make plans now to attend this important meeting during the first part of November.  The agencies with federal funding will be notified once the date and time are finalized.

If you have questions or comments before the meeting in November, please contact Steve Funck, Deputy State Comptroller at 521-3231 or at

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Statewide Initiative for Savings through Prompt Pay Discounts

Some important process changes will be coming in order to enable the State to take better advantage of payment terms offering discounts for early payment.  This will be discussed at the OKFMA meeting on Thursday, October 13th.  Watch for more information in future newsletters.

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GSA Federal Per Diem Rate Changes – Effective October 1, 2016

(Previously announced in a special news article released last month)

The Government Services Administration (GSA) has posted revisions to the per diem rates we use for travel which are effective Oct. 1, 2016.  For Oklahoma, the meals and incidental rates (our per diem) did not change, however, the lodging rate decreased in the two “high-rate” areas of Oklahoma City and Enid. The Standard Rate lodging areas also increased.  Please view the rates on the OMES website.

This rate change is effective for travel occurring Oct. 1, 2016 and after, which is the start of the federal fiscal year (FY) 2017. These new rates can be viewed or downloaded at the GSA website.

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November 1 Effective Date for Travel Reimbursement Legislation

We had previously announced in CAR Newsletter Vol. 26, Number 11, dated May 6, 2016, three pieces of legislation that affect travel reimbursements. They are HB 2435, HB 2619, and HB 2704; and are effective Nov. 1, 2016.   

  • HB 2435 has probably the least effect on travelers since it removes the 31 day limit for the period of time that may be included on a single claim and changes it to one fiscal year. Although, most travelers are usually ready to file for reimbursement as soon as the trip is over. This will also re-enforce the split funding requirement for any travel crossing fiscal years. (74§500.3)

  • HB 2619 establishes that OMES would publish a schedule of mileage reimbursement rates that would replace the IRS mileage rate (but not to exceed the IRS rate).(74§85.45l)

The mileage rates are being reviewed and any changes will be announced prior to November 1st.

  • HB 2704 would also affect all mileage reimbursement travel since rather than using the ODOT map mileage for travel between cities and vicinity miles within a locality, the traveler must track actual business miles based on a recognized Global Positioning System (GPS).  Travelers must document actual mileage to each location traveled and attach the GPS Reading Sheet(s) to the travel voucher. (74§500.4)

We recognize that in some rural areas an actual GPS reading is not available and that occasionally minor detours are necessary.  Actual miles per the odometer will suffice as long as no personal miles are included, every travel point is documented, and the mileage is reasonably comparable to GPS models used in the audits.

As OMES audits travel vouchers the mileage submitted will be compared to available GPS models such as MapQuest or Google Maps for reasonableness. 

A revised Travel Form 19 has been prepared to account for the change in the recording of mileage and for several minor revisions to improve the form.

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Revised OMES Form 19 – Travel Voucher

A revised OMES Form 19 is available on the State Comptroller’s webpage under Related Topics and DCAR Forms. The new version has a revised date of 9/16.

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Warrant Actions - Forms Changed

We have reactivated a modified version of the OMES Form MWC, for cancelling miscellaneous warrants and limited replacements. We are also going back to an earlier version of the OMES Form 20R, for replacing lost or destroyed warrants. The modified 20R Form now has a selection for such reissues.

These forms had been combined with the Office of the State Treasurer (OST) forms for Stop Payment and Hard Cancellations into a single form (OST Stop Payment and Hard Cancel Form). The purpose of the combined form use was based on a planned implementation by the OST; however, due to a change in plans regarding the use of PeopleSoft as the system of record for state warrants and stop payments the merged form is no longer necessary.

Both of the OMES Forms are available on the Comptroller’s webpage under DCAR Forms. The OST will have its own forms for stop payment and hard cancel of non-PeopleSoft warrants available on its website.

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Payroll Withholding Voucher Documentation

Agencies using voucher build to create payroll withholding vouchers need only include the signed Form 15A as supporting documentation. The deduction registers do not need to be included since they are available in the HCM system.

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Accounts Payable Group Addresses

Transaction Processing established three group emails in August 2016. After some lessons learned, we would like to request the following:

  1. – This group email address was set up to receive batch slips and travel voucher reimbursement inquires. It should also be used for general travel questions.
    o   Please include the agency number in the email subject line to help us search when responding to subsequent questions.
    o   Multiple batch slips other than P-Card and Rush batches can be submitted in one email, but please submit them with one pdf per batch slip. For example, if MO and TU batch slips are submitted at the same time, there should be two pdf attachments in the email.
    o   Submit the P-Card batch slips in an email separate from the MO – FR batch slips and include the agency number and ‘P-Card’ in the subject line.
  2. – This group email address was set up to receive email inquiries about PeopleSoft issues, unprocessed vouchers, and rush payments.
    o   Please include the agency number in the email subject line.
    o   Since the Rush Payment requests are submitted through this group email, also email the Rush batch slips to this group email address after approval has been given. Please include the agency number and ‘SP’ in the subject line.
  3. – This group email address was set up to receive the Form 20R whenever a warrant is not available. It is also used for stat cancel and lost warrant replacement inquiries.
    o   The OST Stop Pay and Hard Cancel Form should be sent or faxed to OST per the information on the OST form. OST and OMES are no longer sharing the form. (See the Warrant Actions - Forms Changed article.) Both the Stat Cancel and the Lost Replacement affidavit will now be on the Form 20R.
    o   Please include the agency number and indicate if it is a Stat Cancel or Lost Warrant Replacement in the email subject line.
    o   Please type the Vendor Name in the body of the email.
    o   Please include the Stop Payment request date in the body of the email for lost warrant replacements.

Questions regarding this article can be submitted to

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Review 1099 Reportable Transactions Report

Each agency should review their 1099 reportable transactions for the first three quarters of the calendar year 2016. Agencies should run and print the 1099 Transaction Report in the PeopleSoft system. The report path is:

Accounts Payable --> Reports --> Payments --> Misc. Tax Information Report
Specify your agency number and select the date range as 01/01/2016 through 09/30/2016. 

As you review this report please note the IRS Name, TIN and 1099 address are our primary concerns along with the 1099 Flag.  All vendors that need to receive a 1099 should have a ‘Y’ in the 1099 Flag column. If it shows an ‘N’ and the vendor needs a 1099 please indicate the change with your corrections. If a 1099 Flag is 'N' there is no need to submit a change of address since the vendor will not receive a 1099, otherwise please verify the address where the 1099 should be sent.  Return the report and all available W-9s to document your changes (even if it is ‘only’ an address change) to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services on or before Friday, Oct. 28, 2016.   Your timely review and response to this report will allow us to update the vendor file in order to have the best information possible for the final report which will need to be reviewed the first week of January 2017.

The preferred way of submitting any corrections to our office is to print the report and write the corrections on the report using a color of ink other than black.  Please send comments and corrections by mail or interagency mail, or if there are just a few corrections, they may be sent via e-mail to or by fax to (405) 522-2186.  Any other questions or comments regarding this matter should be directed to Beth Brox at 522-1099.

Tax reporting for 2016 will be at an accelerated pace due to new IRS regulations.  After 1099s are distributed in January, 2017 corrections will be required to be returned within a week so they can be entered in the file that is due to the IRS by Jan. 31, 2017.  Any corrections needed after this date should still be sent to OMES for us to notify the IRS.  This will ensure our reporting is as accurate and complete as possible.

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Audit Report Deadline – Pensions/Component Units/College & Universities

All pension trusts, colleges and universities, and other component units (with a fiscal year of June 30) should be working with their auditors to complete financial statements. The deadline for submitting these, and any necessary financial reporting packages, to the OMES Financial Reporting Unit is October 31. Failure to complete these statements in a timely manner jeopardizes the State’s ability to complete the audit of the CAFR in time to meet disclosure requirements set forth by bond issuers and the GFOA. A potential risk of missing the deadline includes a downgraded bond rating for the State.  All component units are expected to ensure their auditors are aware of the deadline and complete their final reports in time for you to provide it to OMES no later than October 31st.

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1099 Information

In past years OMES has TIN Matched vendor names and Tax ID Numbers (TINs) through the IRS e-Services website.  As a reminder, beginning with tax year 2016, each Higher Ed Institution is responsible for reporting their own 1099 information to the IRS, therefore, as a whole, Higher Ed vendors have not been TIN Matched in this tax year.  To avoid penalties for mismatched Name and TINs it is recommended that institutions register and use the e-Services Online Tools offered by the IRS.  The following is the link to the registration page for this service.
e-Services Online

You may contact Beth Brox, 405-522-1099,, with any questions you may have on registration or using the site.

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November Payroll Deadlines

In planning your work for November, it is important to remember that Veterans Day is Friday, Nov. 11.  Thanksgiving is recognized on Thursday, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25 is also a state holiday. With these dates in mind, please adjust your payroll processing schedules as needed. All payroll documents must be received five (5) business days prior to the actual pay date to ensure adequate time for audit and processing.

Statutory Cancellation Reports

The 36 Month Statutory Cancellation and the AP Statutory Cancellations reports have been updated to include the Higher Education stat cancelled payroll warrants recorded in the 78900 class fund.

The 36 Month Statutory Cancellation report lists all stat cancelled warrants during the last 36 months and includes Statutory Cancellation Replacement and ‘Do Not Reissue’ information. If a statutory cancelled payroll warrant needs to be replaced, please ensure the employee is set up in the SETID 00000 vendor file. If the employee is not in the SETID 00000 file, submit the Additions/Changes for Employees/Board Member form as follows:

  • If the stat cancelled warrant accompanies Form 20R, please mail the form, warrant, and the Additions/Changes for Employees/Board Member form, if applicable, to Joana Stenulson at OMES, 5005 N. Lincoln Blvd, Suite 100, OKC, OK 73105.
  • If the stat cancelled warrant is lost, please email Form 20R and the Additions/Changes for Employees/Board Member form, if applicable, to with the agency number and Stat Cancel Replacement Form without Warrant in the subject line. Please include the employees name in the body of the email.

The Statutory Cancellation report lists statutory cancellation warrants in a specified date range and should be run monthly to identify stat cancelled warrants that should not be replaced per 62 O.S. § 34.80C. Warrants that should not be replaced must be reported to Steve Wilson at

As a reminder, institutions can run the Month End Outstanding Warrants Report to monitor aging warrants before they stat cancel.

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Volume 27, Number 4
Fiscal Year-2017
October 13, 2016

In This Issue ...


OKFMA Quarterly Meeting

The next quarterly meeting is TODAY, October 13, 2016.  Seminars are provided free of charge.  To ensure an adequate number of training materials and refreshments are available, please register at:

Date:    October 13, 2016
Time:   1:30 - 4 p.m.
Place:   Business Conference  Center Auditorium             MetroTech Springlake Campus   1900 Springlake Drive, Oklahoma City, OK

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APA Preparing for Year End and 2017

Preparing for Year-End and 2017 brings you up to date on the latest changes in legislation and regulations that affect the close of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. Year-end processing tips, fringe benefit taxation and reporting, implementing new tax laws and regulations. Good for payroll, human resources, systems, accounting and finance professionals responsible for payroll operations and involved in year-end processing.

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
Presented by American Payroll Association
Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center
6808 South 107th Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 307-2600

For more information, please visit:  APA website

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Payroll Law 2016

November 16, 2016
Presented by Fred Pryor Seminars

Sheraton Downtown
1 N Broadway Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

1-Day Seminar cost - $149
For groups of 5 or more - $139 each

For more information, please visit their website.

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The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues

Presented by the Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSCPA)

Monday November 14, 2016 - Tulsa
Tuesday December 13, 2016 – Shawnee
Thursday December 15, 2016 - Lawton

For more information, please visit: OSCPA website

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State Comptroller:
Lynne Bajema, CPA

Deputy State Comptroller:
Steve Funck, CPA, CGFM

Jennie Pratt, CPA, CGFM

General Ledger:
Dan Thomason, CPA

Lisa Raihl, CPA

Transaction Processing:
Steve Wilson

Payroll Processing:
Elsa Kunnel

AP Manager:
Patricia Garcia, CPA, CGFM

ISD Finance:
Cathy Menefee, CPA, CGFM

Vendor Maintenance:
Victoria Baker

OMES Service Desk:
(PeopleSoft questions)

Financial Reporting Unit:
Matt Clarkson, CPA

Agency Business Services:
Steven Hawkins, CGFM

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