CAR Newsletter - July 2016

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Oklahoma Employment Security Commission Notification

State agencies may receive a notification from the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) regarding the submission of the quarterly contribution report. OMES submits the quarterly wage report for all state agencies which use the Oracle/PeopleSoft HCM system and are under the state’s FEIN. The report is currently submitted using the EZ Tax Express website. If you receive this notification and have any questions, please contact Lisa Raihl at 405-521-3258, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300,

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Employee Terminations and Rehires - Reminder

Upon employment termination, agencies must terminate employee general deductions and benefits.  This will prevent errors if the employee is rehired as these items process automatically if not terminated.

Upon rehire of an employee, agencies must verify all employee data, including general deductions and benefits to ensure that the data is set up correctly for the new position.

Failure to complete these steps could result in items processing through payroll that may not be correct. Items processed incorrectly cause reporting errors and undue burden on others outside the payroll arena. 

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Adjustments to Oklahoma Child Support Payments

Agencies must notify OMES CAR of any items that will affect the Oklahoma centralized child support payment. Items that could affect the amount to be paid include refunds to employees for amounts withheld in error and reversals of payroll warrants. If OMES is not notified and the centralized child support payment is processed, the agency will be responsible for contacting the Department of Human Services child support division to attempt to get a refund.  If the funds have already been disbursed to the recipient, the money might not be refunded back to the agency. Timely communication from agencies is critical in these situations.

CAR runs the HCM process to report and make payment to the OCSS/Oklahoma Centralized Support Registry, PS vendor ID 0000190715, every Monday.  The process is run for payments with dates from the second previous Saturday through the previous Friday. For example: paychecks with an issue date between 7/02/2016 – 7/08/2016 were processed to pay the child support withholdings on 7/11/2016. All payments going to the OCSS must be set up to use Vendor ID 0000190715.  Payments to Vendor ID 0000000830 or Vendor ID 0000197419 for the OCSS are no longer allowed and will not get processed for centralized payment if used in error.  

In PeopleSoft Financials, a journal entry is created to remove the funds from the agency’s 994 fund.  The agency will see a debit to the 633190 account and a credit to 101000.

For questions, please contact Beth Brox at 405-522-1099, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300,

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Submission of OMES Form 94P - Tidbits

Please complete and submit the OMES Form 94P as soon as the employee has paid back the overpayment to the agency.  Timely submission helps ensure corrections are reflected in the quarter in which they occurred for proper reporting and also helps in the full recovery of OPERS retirement amounts.  If the retirement system is not aware of an overpayment and the pending overpayment refund request, payouts to former employees may be incorrect and result in a loss to the agency. In addition, retirement calculations may be incorrect if the overpayment is not reported timely.

Please do not provide copies of personal checks.  The form allows the agency to enter the amount reimbursed.  Additional back up data is not required.  

The form requires the State EmplID be entered.  This has been changed for the privacy and security of the employee. Please do not submit with the social security number or any other number.

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Reduction of Annual Leave Hours for Overpayments

When an employee chooses to reimburse an overpayment using annual leave, the amount of annual leave reduced should equal the gross amount of overpayment. In the past there have been instances where agencies have incorrectly reduced the annual leave by the net amount of the overpayment. 

If an employee reimburses an overpayment using terminal leave, an OMES Form 94P must be submitted to correct the retirement amounts reported on the check which included the overpayment. Terminal leave is not included in retirement wage calculations; therefore, a payroll earnings adjustment is required.

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Higher Ed Deferred Payroll

Payroll claims for hours worked in fiscal years 2016 and 2017 on one payroll fund transfer (PFT) file will record payroll expenses to the institution’s operating funds with bud refs 16 and 17. The claim number will begin with 17, which will require that all class 78900 transactions on the PFT file be recorded with bud ref 17. The first two digits of the claim number determine which 78900 budget is used for the net payroll vouchers, so all 78900 transactions on the PFT must be recorded with bud ref 17 to ensure the same allotment budget is used.

Please ensure the FY 2017 78900 allotment budget is sufficient for the FY 2016 expenses paid in July and August 2017.

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1099 Tax Information Quarterly Report

We have just completed the first two quarters of the 2016 tax year; it is time for ALL agencies to run the Miscellaneous 1099 Tax Information Report which will include all transactions from Jan. 1, 2016, through June 30, 2016. The path for this report in PeopleSoft Financials is: Accounts Payable>Reports> Payments> Misc Tax Information Report. With this report please review the following:

  • The Name and Tax ID number (TIN) must match the information on the vendor’s W-9, which designates the way the vendor reports their taxes to the state and IRS.
  • Pay attention to the 1099 Flag: Y means the vendor should receive a 1099, and N means the vendor should not receive a 1099. A vendor does not need a 1099 if it is registered as a corporation, non-profit or government entity (the exception to this is when the payment is for legal or medical services).  State employees in most cases should have an N 1099 flag.  All other vendors should have a Y 1099 flag.  If there are any questions about a vendor’s 1099 status please request an updated W-9 from the vendor and forward a copy to OMES.
  • Please note that Address 1 in the vendor file is the designated address for 1099 reporting. If the vendor’s 1099 Flag is N, any new addresses provided will be added as a different location, but Address 1 will not change.
  • Review all warrants processed for each vendor to ensure that the correct amount is listed for the proper vendor.  (Any warrant corrections will need to be made at the agency level.)

Please send any corrections on this report to the Office of Management & Enterprise Services (OMES) by Friday, July 29, 2016. If you have any questions contact Beth Brox at 405-522-1099 or by e-mail at

NOTE:  This does not apply to Higher Ed Institutions since they will be doing their own 1099 reporting for 2016 and forward.

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Mid-Year 1099 IRS TIN Match

In July, OMES will TIN match with the IRS all vendors who have received 1099 reportable payments for the first half of tax year 2016.  By doing this we hope to provide more correct information on the original 1099 that the vendor will receive since the time for reporting is more limited for 2016.  We will notify individual agencies of vendors that don’t match with the IRS asking for them to provide the necessary correcting information.  Please be ready to respond promptly if/when you are notified.  Please contact Beth Brox at 405-522-1099 or by e-mail at if you have any questions.

NOTE:  This does not apply to Higher Ed Institutions since they will be doing their own 1099 reporting for 2016 and forward.

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Late Payment To Vendors - New Interest Rate - FY 2017

The FY 2017 interest rate applicable to late payments to vendors has been set at 0.11% per annum, or $0.0003 per $100 per day, which will be in effect July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. This interest rate is provided by the State Treasurer based on the average interest rate for thirty day time deposits of state funds during the last calendar quarter of the last preceding fiscal year. (62 O.S. § 34.71 & 34.72 and 74 O.S. § 500.16A and OMES Prompt Payment Rules/Regulations)

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OMES Vendor File Maintenance Contact Information

Please update contact and form submission information for PeopleSoft vendor file maintenance requests. For faster processing, please submit all vendor file requests via email to Forms may also be faxed to the updated number, 405-521-3663 Attn: Vendor File Maintenance. Please ensure all requests include the agency instructions and vendor authorization.

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OMES Vendor Forms Update

Please ensure you are utilizing the most recent versions of OMES vendor forms. Newest forms provide additional fields supporting EFT payment processes and new IRS W-9 requirements. Forms may be access at the Central Accounting and Reporting forms website.

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Vendor Name and/or Tax Identification Change Notification

Vendors submitting notifications of business changes including business name and or tax identification number changes should process changes by contacting the OMES Service Desk Attn: Vendor Registration at 405-521-2444 or State agencies with open purchase orders, contracts and recent payment activity will be notified by Vendor Registration via email of pending changes and instructions. Please contact Victoria Baker, Vendor Registration Manager at for additional assistance.

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Vendor Reactivation Requests

Reactivation requests should only be submitted for suppliers with existing or new business with a state agency. The agency should first review vendor name field notes annotated on the PeopleSoft Supplier ID “Identifying Information” tab. To reactivate, please have payee complete relevant registration requirements and complete a new OMES Vendor Payee Form or W-9 prior to submission of a reactivation request. All reactivation requests should be submitted to OMES Vendor Registration via email to or via Fax to 405-521-3996. Please contact Victoria Baker, Vendor Registration Manager at for additional assistance.

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Vendor EFT Registration Instructions

State agencies may provide the following instructions for EFT registration to their vendors detailing the steps needed for direct deposit enrollment. Agencies will initiate the process with the vendor by having them complete the OMES Vendor Payee Form to include the financial registration contact information for the authorized individual who may provide financial information used for ACH Electronic Funds Transfer payment processes. An email will be sent to this contact providing instructions for accessing the State of Oklahoma online registration system.

Vendors needing to register only for direct deposit payment should complete the following steps:

  1. Contact your paying state agency to supply the authorized representative contact information for EFT registration access. Agency personnel will have you complete an OMES Vendor Payee form or agency authorized enrollment form.
  2. Once you have received your PIN number and PeopleSoft Vendor ID via email, complete the online financial registration process.
  3. Download Vendor OMES EFT Bank Change Request Form via the online registration portal within the Banking Information Step. Ensure form is completed correctly using instructions provided on page 1 of form.
  4. FAX completed OMES EFT Bank Change Request Form or authorized bank letter direct to Office of State Treasurer at 405-521-4994.
  5. Please allow 7-10 days for processing after the EFT Bank Change Request Form is submitted. Automated approval emails are sent via our online registration system.

Questions for EFT Processing may be directed to or to the OMES Service Desk Attn: Vendor Registration at 405-521-2444.

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Audit Requests

The OMES Audit Group provides 24/7 continuous monitoring on all P-Card transactions.  In the course of their reviews, they may request receipts, invoices, or other additional information from agency P-Card administrators.  You may receive two emails, one with the password information and another requesting specific information.  The emails will be identified as from VISA IntelliLink.  Please be sure and respond to the auditor listed in the email with the requested information within the timeframe indicated in the emails.

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GAAP Requirements

In January 2016, the Government Accounting Standards Board issued Statement number 80, Blending Requirements for Certain Component Units—An Amendment of GASB Statement No. 14. The statement redefines the criteria of what constitutes a component unit of government to include organizations that may have previously been excluded from financial reports.

Beginning in fiscal year 2017, government reports using GAAP accounting will need to include the financial information of organizations incorporated as not-for-profit corporations of which the primary government is the sole corporate member as component units. Currently, OMES is unaware of any organization that meets this criteria. However, if your agency is aware of anything that may need to be evaluated, please contact the Financial Reporting Supervisor, Matt Clarkson at 405-521-2759.

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Payment into General Fund of State

Unless otherwise provided by law, all self-sustaining boards created by statute to regulate and prescribe standards, practices, and procedures in any profession, occupation or vocation shall pay into the General Revenue Fund of the state ten percent (10%) of the gross fees charged, collected and received by such board.  62 O.S. § 211

When transferring receipts to State General Revenue, Agency 00000, please use class fund 19X00.  X will be the last digit of the fiscal year to which the transfers apply.  Example:  19700 for FY17 receipts.  Please contact Dan Thomason at 405-522-4992 with questions. 

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Volume 27, Number 1
Fiscal Year-2017
July 12, 2016

In This Issue ...


OKFMA Next Quarterly Meeting

The next Oklahoma Financial Managers Association quarterly meeting is around the corner on Thursday, July 21.  This seminar is provided free of charge.  To ensure adequate training materials and  refreshments are available, please register at:

Date:   July 21, 2016
Time:   1:30 to 4 p.m.
Place:   Business Conference Center Auditorium
MetroTech Springlake Campus
1900 Springlake Drive
Oklahoma City, OK
Topics:   Oklahoma's Single Audit; Telework Panel; GAAP Packages; Military Department

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16th Annual Oklahoma Payroll Conference

Presented by the Oklahoma City and Northeastern Oklahoma Chapters of the American Payroll Association 

Friday, Sept. 9, 2016

Moore Norman Technology Center
South Pennsylvania Campus
13301 S Pennsylvania, OKC, OK


$115 July 1 – Aug. 20, 2016
$150 After Aug. 20, 2016

Please click here for the registration form or for more information, please visit their website.

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APA Preparing for Year End and 2017

Preparing for Year-End and 2017 brings you up to date on the latest changes in legislation and regulations that affect the close of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. Year-end processing tips, fringe benefit taxation and reporting, implementing new tax laws and regulations. Good for payroll, human resources, systems, accounting and finance professionals responsible for payroll operations and involved in year-end processing.

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016

Presented by American Payroll Association
Location to be determined

For more information, please visit:  APA website

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Payroll Law 2016

Presented by Fred Pryor Seminars

Oklahoma City, OK – November 16, 2016

1-Day Seminar cost - $149

For groups of 5 or more - $139 each

For more information, please visit their website.

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The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues

Presented by the Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSCPA)

Monday November 14, 2016 - Tulsa

Tuesday December 13, 2016 – Shawnee

Thursday December 16, 2016 - Lawton

For more information, please visit: OSCPA website

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State Comptroller:
Lynne Bajema, CPA

Deputy State Comptroller:
Steve Funck, CPA

Jennie Pratt, CPA, CGFM

General Ledger:
Dan Thomason, CPA

Lisa Raihl, CPA

Transaction Processing:
Steve Wilson

Payroll Processing:
Elsa Kunnel

AP Manager:
Patricia Garcia, CPA, CGFM

ISD Finance:
Cathy Menefee, CPA, CGFM

Vendor Maintenance:
Victoria Baker

OMES Service Desk:
(PeopleSoft questions)

Financial Reporting Unit:
Matt Clarkson, CPA

Steven Hawkins, CGFM

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