Temporary Access to Free Resources!

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April 6, 2020

Temporary Access to free library and information resources / Britannica Student Status

In this email:

  • Temporary Access to free resources
  • Statewide Access to Britannica School Elementary and Middle School databases ends April 13
  • Finding information for students in EBSCO

Free Information Resources for a Limited Time

Library and information vendors continue to announce free access to selected products to help Americans access information for work, school, and entertainment as they shelter at home. To access these free resources, visit:


Digital Prairie Research and Discovery

Under the Temporary Access category, you'll discover thousands of free ebooks courtesy of EBSCO and resources on Distance Learning as well as COVID-19. (See this message from our friends at EBSCO.)


Britannica is offering free access to selected topics in their Social Studies and Science Launch Packs. The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) is making dozens of their products free right now, too. Offerings range from top scientific and medical journals to online books and movies. While on the Research and Discovery page, investigate all of the other resources available to every Oklahoman thanks to ODL's statewide contract with EBSCO. Head to Digital Prairie Research and Discovery and… Discover!


(Note: Schools that wish to add the Britannica Launch Packs to their own websites, may complete the form on this page.)


Access to Britannica School Ends April 13

The Oklahoma Department of Libraries is not renewing its Statewide Contract with Britannica for the Britannica School Elementary and Middle School databases. This was a decision made months ago during the budgeting process when ODL determined it could not justify the expense based on the relatively low use of the products. Libraries and schools will have access until April 13. For those teachers, librarians, and homeschoolers who did use the product, we apologize for any inconvenience. To find age-appropriate information for your students on EBSCO, read on…


EBSCO Explora and EBSCOhost Student Search

Under the Preschool–12th category on the Digital Prairie Research and Discovery page, you'll find access to Explora interfaces for Elementary, Middle School, and High School students. Browse the categories in Explora to find age-appropriate information and resources. To search EBSCO databases, we recommend teachers and young people use the EBSCOhost Student Search option under the Preschool-12th category. ODL created this search function to help zero in on resources for students.


By the way, don't forget the main Digital Prairie page. History and social studies students can discover some interesting primary sources in ODL's historical digital collections. Also get a glimpse into the history of the state with this new feature, Timeline of Oklahoma History.



We hope these resources help you with teleworking, distance education, and recreation during this time. Stay safe!


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