Listen to the voices of influential Oklahomans
Hear and learn from the oral histories of members of Oklahoma's Native nations and the indelible impact their legacies have had in shaping the success of the state through Voices of Oklahoma.
November is Native American Heritage Month. Search by topic or name to hear the interview about Jim Thorpe (Sac and Fox)—recorded with his son Bill, or listen to first-person interviews with N. Scott Momaday (Kiowa/ Cherokee), Joy Harjo, (Muscogee), Enoch Kelly Haney (Seminole), and many others by clicking here.
Voices of Oklahoma.com is dedicated to the preservation of the oral history of Oklahoma. Voices and stories of famous Oklahomans and ordinary citizens are captured forever in their own words. Voices of Oklahoma operates in partnership with the Oklahoma Historical Society.
"Territory of Lincoln" workshop
The Oklahoma History Center (OHC) will host a free workshop on Saturday, November 4, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to discuss the “Territory of Lincoln.”
After Abraham Lincoln’s death, several proposals were made to take existing Territories and create a state named “Lincoln.” Yet, during the Civil War, maps labeled Indian Territory—now present-day Oklahoma—as “Lincoln.” The workshop will explore the brief history window when the area known today as Oklahoma was considered for a name change. Black groups pushed for an All-Black state after the Civil War, much like the Native advocacy in 1905 to create the State of Sequoyah.
All sessions will take place in the Chesapeake Event Center and Gallery at the OHC. The event is free, but registration is required. Click here to see the full schedule.

Honey Springs Battlefield near Checotah will host biennial demonstrations of the Civil War Battle of Honey Springs on Saturday, November 4, and Sunday, November 5.
On both days, special living history stations will open at 10 a.m., and the Battle of Honey Springs Civil War demonstrations will take place at 1 p.m. Visitors will see military drills, demonstrations, and living history programs while also getting the chance to tour Confederate, Union, and civilian camps, and explore “Sutlers’ Row,” featuring vendors selling 19th-century reproduction military equipment, clothes, books, and souvenirs. Tickets are $10 for anyone over the age of 12. Children ages 12 and under are free.
The Battle of Honey Springs Demonstrations take place every two years.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn about the history of the Civil War in Oklahoma while experiencing the sights and sounds of this significant living history weekend!
For more information call 918-617-7125 or email honeysprings@history.ok.gov.
State Historic Preservation Office | Fall Webinars
The Oklahoma Historical Society State Historic Preservation Office has several webinars scheduled in November. All the events listed below will take place virtually from 10 to 11 a.m. For more information, please get in touch with Tifani Darata at tiffany.darata@history.ok.gov or 405-521-6249.
Login information for the workshops will be sent the day before the workshop is scheduled to begin. Note: If you have a disability and need an accommodation, call 405-521-6249 at least two days before the event.
Sod House Museum workshop with Martha Ray
The Quilting workshop with Martha Ray meets on the second Saturday of each month from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Sod House Museum for $5 per person. Ray teaches how to create appliqué designs, traditional block patterns, original designs, crazy quilts, landscape designs, and paper piecing. New members of any skill level are always encouraged to attend!
Share in the happy exchange of shared skills, fun, camaraderie, door prizes, refreshments, discussions, quilt patterns, and old-fashioned bed turnings at the next quilting workshop. Proceeds directly fund Sod House Museum renovations.
The Sod House Museum is operated by the Oklahoma Historical Society, the museum is located southeast of Aline on State Highway 8. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For more information, call 580-463-2441 or email sodhouse@okhistory.org.
History Alive! on the Cherokee Strip
Step back in time and experience life in the Cherokee Outlet during History Alive! on the Cherokee Strip at the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center in Enid.
On the first and third Saturday of each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the four historic territorial buildings in the Humphrey Heritage Village come to life with reenactors dressed in period clothing from the late 1800s. Attendees can sit at school desks in the Turkey Creek one-room schoolhouse while lessons are taught, hear a pioneer tale from those tending their shops, and watch as craftsmen and women work their trades. Visitors can enter the 117-year-old Glidewell Home or stop at the tiny Village Church. Guests can watch and participate in the different skills and trades of the time or file their own land claim at the historic US Land Office.
The Oklahoma Historical Society is seeking proposals for the 2024 Oklahoma History Symposium. Formats may include traditional presentations, research sessions, discussion sessions, and panel discussions.
The proposal submission deadline is Thursday, November 30, 2023.
Click event listings below for more information.
1 - The People's House film screening at Will Rogers Motion Picture Festival, Will Rogers Memorial Museum, Claremore
1–4 - Will Rogers Days and Motion Picture Festival, Will Rogers Memorial Museum, Claremore
2 - The Battle of Honey Springs (2021) OHS film televised, OETA
3 - Battle of Honey Springs Education Day, Honey Springs Battlefield, Checotah
3 - "Preservation and Care of Photographs" workshop, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
4 - Blacksmithing Demonstrations with the Saltfork Craftsmen, Cherokee Strip Museum, Perry
4 - Pawnee Bill's Rolling Thunder Car Show and Fall Festival, Pawnee Bill Ranch and Museum, Pawnee
4 - “Territory of Lincoln” workshop, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
4 - History Alive! on the Cherokee Strip, Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, Enid
4 - Cast-Iron Cooking Class *class is full,* Chisholm Trail Museum, Kingfisher
4 - The Battle of Honey Springs (2021) OHS film televised, OETA WORLD
4-5 -The Battle of Honey Springs Civil War Demonstrations, Honey Springs Battlefield, Checotah
6 - “Working with the National Register of Historic Places: An Overview” webinar (VIRTUAL), State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma City
7 - “Do’s and Don’ts: Best Practices for National Register Nominations” webinar, State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma City
11 - Quilting workshop with Martha Ray, Sod House Museum, Aline
13 - Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) webinar, State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma City
14 - “Archaeological Investigations and Site Evaluations” webinar, State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma City
15 - Oklahoma Historical Society Executive Committee meeting, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
16 - “The Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program: An Overview” webinar, State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma City
16 - Chunky Knit Blanket workshop, Pawnee Bill Ranch and Museum, Pawnee
16 - Oklahoma Territorial Museum 50th Anniversary Celebration, Guthrie Depot, Guthrie
17 - “The Historic Preservation Tax Credit: A Case Study” webinar, State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma City
17 - Learning Lecture with author Gary Clayton Anderson, Will Rogers Memorial Museum, Claremore
18 - "Hunting and Recreational Shooting in the 19th Century" program, Hunter’s Home, Park Hill
18 - Story Time at Hunter’s Home, Hunter’s Home, Park Hill
18 - History Alive! on the Cherokee Strip, Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, Enid
18 - “Glass and a Glass” glass fusion class, Pioneer Woman Statue and Museum, Ponca City
27 - Silver Selections from the USS Oklahoma exhibit opens, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
27 - Kilgen Theatre Organ performance featuring Donnie Rankin and the silent film Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928), Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
28 - Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission meeting, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
December 2023
1–2 - Oklahoma History Center Museum Store Annual Holiday Sale, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City
1 - Museum After Dark: Christmas in the Village, Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, Enid
Masthead photo: A group at the Mead School, Mead, Indian Territory. From left to right, back row: Dr. William G. Austin, William R. Davis, Blacksmith, Dr. Robert M. Creswell. Front row, Mrs. Myrtle Armstrong, unknown, Dr. David Armstrong (20288.91.214.1.A, Chickasaw Council House Museum Collection, OHS).
This photograph is available on The Gateway to Oklahoma History.