January 2024
SoonerSelect Dental
SoonerSelect dental enrollment closed on Jan. 10, 2024. That means you have already either picked your dental plan or OHCA has picked one for you. On February 1, you will begin receiving services from your new health plan.
If you wish to change your plan, you can still do so. You have 90 days after picking your plan or being assigned a plan to change plans. Be sure to review the plans and the added benefits that each provides.
View the FAQ page for answers to some common questions. If you have other questions, call the SoonerCare helpline at 800-987-7767.
SoonerSelect Health and Children's Specialty Program
Enrollment for the SoonerSelect health program and Children's Specialty Program will begin on Feb. 1, 2024. There are three plans to pick from. Compare the benefits of each to pick the one that's right for you. The last day to pick a plan is March 10. If you do not pick a plan, OHCA will pick a plan for you.
SoonerSelect coverage begins on April 1. Until then, your SoonerCare coverage will remain in effect and will not change. That means you can continue using your current dental plan and receiving the services and benefits you have already been receiving.
If you have any questions, please visit MySoonerCare.org or call the helpline at 800-987-7767.
Want to learn more about SoonerSelect? Stop by the OU Health Fair between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 27. Representatives from all three SoonerSelect health plans — Aetna Better Health, Humana and Oklahoma Complete Health — will be available to answer your questions. In addition, there will be:
- Health screenings and information
- Kids activities and a teddy bear clinic
- Snacks
- Special Oklahoma City Thunder visitors
- Information on primary care providers
The wellness fair will be held at Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health in Oklahoma City. It's a great opportunity to learn about the health plans and help you pick the one that's right for you.
 Wanting or thinking about quitting tobacco this New Year? SoonerCare provides a benefit to help you quit. It includes ALL seven FDA-approved medications that do not count against your six-prescription limit per month. Talk to your provider about which options will work for you. You can find more information about SoonerCare benefits on our tobacco cessation page.
SoonerPlan offers eligible Oklahomans family planning services such as birth control and supplies. But did you know OHCA recently raised the income limit for SoonerPlan eligibility? It has increased to include those within 210% of the federal poverty level, which means more people will be eligible.
SoonerPlan services include:
- Birth control information and supplies.
- Office visits and physical exams related to family planning.
- Lab tests related to family planning services, including pregnancy tests, Pap smears and screenings.
- Tubal ligations for women ages 21 and older.
- Vasectomies for men ages 21 and older.
- Gardasil for males and females through age 45.
To find out if you qualify, visit the SoonerPlan page today.
For many people, it’s goal-setting time again! However, we know these can be set year-around and take time to master. Seeking support and accountability are key. SoonerCare can help by providing nutrition counseling. Find out if you qualify for this benefit and ask your doctor for a referral.
OHCA has been sending surveys to a sample of SoonerCare members. We are working to make your member experience the best it can be. If you get a survey, use the provided link or phone number to take the survey. The survey is available in English and Spanish and takes just a few minutes to complete.
 Are you currently pregnant and on SoonerCare? You could earn up to $580 by participating in a research study about smoking habits. To be eligible, you must be a SoonerCare member at least 18 years of age and be no more than 25 weeks pregnant. Participants must be willing to stop smoking cannabis and other combustible tobacco products during the study. Participants must be able to speak and understand English.
Once enrolled, SoonerCare members will complete six (6) paid surveys over 6 to 10 months. They will get coaching calls and may receive nicotine replacement therapy. They may also get incentives for completing parts of treatment and for quitting smoking. Contact the Helpline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Enroll in the multiple call program to see if you qualify for the study.
Let’s tackle the risks of smokeless tobacco together! Through With the Chew Week is coming up Feb. 18-24, and it's designed to raise awareness about the dangers of smokeless tobacco. Smokeless doesn’t mean harmless — it’s linked to cancer, gum disease and addiction. Spread the word and help make a change for better health. Plus, don’t forget the SoonerCare benefits that can help along the way. |
 OHCA has partnered with Unite Oklahoma, a supportive network of community-based groups and health care providers. Unite Oklahoma offers extra resources to SoonerCare members transitioning off of or recently disenrolled from SoonerCare coverage.
Are you a community member looking for food, housing, transportation, peer support or other services? Fill out the secure form on the Unite Oklahoma website.
Looking for a pharmacy? View an alphabetized list of pharmacies across the state.
Is there a limit to my pharmacy benefit? The maximum number and cost of prescriptions you can get each month depends on your age.
Ages 21 years and older:
- 6 total prescriptions each month
- 2 brand name drugs each month
- Copay for each prescription is $4
Ages 0-20:
- Unlimited number of prescriptions
- No copay
SoonerCare also covers some over-the-counter drugs with a prescription from your provider. Some drugs don’t even count against the monthly prescription limit.
You may also consider a 90-day supply of your maintenance or daily drugs! Many drugs are on the 90-day maintenance drug list. These will save you time and money.
If you still have questions, visit the pharmacy FAQ page or call the pharmacy help desk at 405- 522-6205, option 4, or toll-free 800-522-0114, option 4.
Did you know SoonerCare covers most vaccines? To learn about all the longstanding vaccines that are most important for your health, click the links below:
To learn about the new vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), click the links below:
Some vaccines are only needed for certain groups of people, but everyone 6 months or older should get a flu shot. Free flu shots are available at local county health departments and community health centers (CHC). Children up to age 18 who are covered by SoonerCare can also get free flu shots from Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers. Ask your health care provider if they are a VFC provider! Adults ages 19 and older who are covered by SoonerCare can receive free flu shots from their SoonerCare contracted pharmacy or health care provider. Flu shots and other vaccines do not count against the monthly script limit. There is no copay for these shots.
Want to view or print out a copy of your shot records? Visit the Oklahoma State Immunization Information System (OSIIS). You can view your shot records and find out which vaccines you may be missing. For more information about benefits and possible side effects of vaccines, talk to your health care provider. For questions about pharmacy coverage of vaccines, call the Pharmacy Help Desk at 405-522-6205, option 4, or toll-free at 800-522-0114, option 4.
The Oklahoma ABLE Tech Device Reutilization Program contracts with OHCA to provide and manage the equipment reutilization program. This program takes in gently used durable medical equipment (DME) and devices that are no longer needed. DME is then repaired and redistributed to individuals in need across Oklahoma, at no cost to them.
ABLE Tech serves all Oklahomans. But a big focus for the program is for SoonerCare members to return unused DME and receive needed DME. In 2023, 1,248 SoonerCare members received needed DME for a total savings value of $310,506.
This program depends 100% on donated equipment. ABLE Tech has new and long-standing partnerships that help in collecting this equipment across the state. They look forward to making 2024 even more impactful.
Want to learn more about where you can donate or apply for DME? Visit www.okabletech.org or email atreuse@okstate.edu.
For SoonerCare to fulfill your request, please make sure spam blocking is turned off on your phone. Sometimes when we return a call, it can show up as spam. Our phone number may also come up as a Colorado or Florida number on your caller ID.
About OHCA
Please call the SoonerCare helpline at 800-987-7767 if you have questions about your coverage or benefits. For updates on new policies, health tips, helpful resources and more, follow OHCA on Facebook and X. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
