During a guided trip on Keystone last Friday, Justin Hamlin caught the fish of a lifetime. The estimated 157 pound behemoth paddlefish would eclipse the current world record by more than an estimated 10 pounds and would have smashed our state record of 132 pounds!
However, state regulations for more than a decade have required all paddlefish snagged on Mondays and Fridays be released immediately to help protect these unique fish from overharvest. The fish was not eligible to be recorded as a state and world record. But the good news is that Justin released the fish and it is still out there for someone to catch again.
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Fishing Report for February 19, 2020
Dolese: February 17. Elevation normal, water 44. Trout slow on PowerBait along shorelines. Report submitted by Ashley Walters, Oklahoma City Park and Rec.
Copan: February 16. Elevation above normal, water 50s and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/COPA.lakepage.html.Crappie fair on hair jigs and tube jigs around brush structure. Report submitted by Lt. Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County.
Ft. Gibson: February 17. Elevation above normal, water 45 and visibility less than 1 ft. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FGIB.lakepage.html. Blue and channel catfish good on goldfish and shad in the main lake, around points and windblown banks. Paddlefish fair snagging below the dam and river channel. Largemouth bass slow on jigs, rogues, chatter baits and square-bill crankbaits along creek channels and main lake. Report submitted by Ben Haff, game warden stationed in Wagoner County.
Greenleaf: February 18. Elevation above normal, water 45 and murky. Crappie fair on minnows and jigs around brush structure and docks. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait along channels, in coves and flats. Report submitted by Josey Branch, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.
Hudson: February 15. Elevation normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/HUDS.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass good on Alabama rigs and jerk baits in the main lake and around points. Crappie good on minnows and jigs around brush structure and docks. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait and shad along flats and main lake. Report submitted by Kody Moore, game warden stationed in Mayes County.
Hulah: February 16. Elevation above normal, water 50s and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/HULA.lakepage.html. Crappie fair on hair jigs and tube jigs around brush structure. Report submitted by Lt. Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County.
Kaw: February 18. Elevation 3 ft. above normal, water 40s and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/KAWL.lakepage.html. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait, punch bait, shad and worms in the main lake, river channel and river mouth. Crappie fair on hair jigs, jigs, minnows and tube jigs around brush structure, channels, creek channels, riprap and standing timber. Paddlefish excellent snagging below the dam. Report submitted by Spencer Grace, game warden stationed in Kay County.
Keystone: February 13. Elevation above normal, water muddy. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/KEYS.lakepage.html. Blue catfish good on cut bait below the dam. Crappie good on minnows around brush structure and docks. Report submitted by Karlin Bailey, game warden stationed in Creek County.
Lower Illinois: February 14. Elevation above normal, water 46 and clear. Water levels remain high; currently running at 5600 cfs around the clock. Trout fair on PowerBait below the dam. Report submitted by Brek Henry, game warden stationed in Sequoyah County.
McMurtry: February 12. Crappie slow on minnows. Catfish fair on cut bait and worms along channels, dam, flats and docks. Report submitted by Lake McMurtry staff.
Perry CCC: February 16. Elevation normal, water murky. Trout fair on PowerBait and small lures in coves and along the dam. Report submitted by Stephen Paul, game warden stationed in Noble County.
Sooner: February 16. Elevation normal, water murky. Largemouth bass fair on plastic baits around brush structure. Saugeye slow on jerk baits and plastic baits along riprap. Report submitted by Stephen Paul, game warden stationed in Noble County.
Tenkiller: February 17. Elevation above normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/TENK.lakepage.html. Crappie fair on minnows, jigs and small lures around brush structure and docks. Largemouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, jigs and rogues around brush structure, creek channels and points. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait and shad along creek channels and points. Report submitted by Cody Youngblood, game warden stationed in Cherokee County.
Webbers Falls: February 18. Elevation above normal, water 45 and murky. Elevation above normal, water 43 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/WFLO2.current.html. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait below the dam, along channels, in coves, creek channels, dam, discharge, flats, main lake, riprap, river channel and river mouth. Walleye fair on jigs and plastic baits below the dam. Report submitted by Josey Branch, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.
Canton: February 15. Elevation above normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/CANT.lakepage.html. Crappie fair on jigs around brush structure. Channel and blue catfish good on shad along the river channel. Report submitted by Mark Walker, game warden stationed in Blaine County.
Foss: February 17. Elevation 1/3 ft. below normal with gates closed. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FOSS.lakepage.html. Striped bass hybrids slow to fair on slabs in deep water. Crappie slow on jigs near marina. Walleye slow on live bait. Catfish slow. Report submitted by Eric Puyear, B & K Bait House.
Ft. Supply: February 18. Elevation normal, water 39. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FSUP.lakepage.html. Channel catfish, crappie and walleye slow below the dam and main lake. Report submitted by Jason Badley, game warden stationed in Harper County.
Arbuckle: February 18. Elevation 2 ft. above normal, water 49 stained. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/ARBU.lakepage.html. Crappie good on jigs at 50 ft. along the dam. Bass fair on jerk baits and Alabama rigs over steeper banks. White bass good jigging spoons near deeper drop-offs. Dock fishing is poor. Report submitted by Jack Melton.
Broken Bow: February 14. Elevation rising, water 49 and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/BROK.lakepage.html. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits and spoons around points. Blue catfish fair on juglines baited with cut bait in the main lake and around points. Report submitted by Dru Polk, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
Eufaula: February 14. Elevation above normal, water turbid. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/EUFA.lakepage.html. White bass and sauger good on jigs, minnows and worms below the dam. Channel and blue catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, hotdogs and sunfish along the river channel, river mouth, rocks and shorelines. Crappie good on minnows and jigs at a minimum of 12 ft. in the main lake. Report submitted by Cannon Harrison, game warden stationed in McIntosh County.
Hugo: February 14. Elevation above normal, water 48 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/HUGO.lakepage.html. Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, live bait, shad, stinkbait and sunfish below the dam, along channels, main lake and river channel. Crappie good on minnows and jigs below the dam, around brush structure, main lake, river channel and standing timber. Report submitted by Andrew Potter, game warden stationed in Choctaw County.
Konawa: February 13. Elevation normal, water 50 and clear. Largemouth bass good on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, lipless baits and plastic baits in the main lake, river channel and weed beds. Striped bass hybrids and white bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits and live shad in coves, discharge and river channel. Channel catfish fair on chicken liver and stinkbait in coves, discharge and weed beds. Report submitted by Garret Harley, game warden stationed in Seminole County.
Lower Mountain Fork: February 14. Elevation normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ok/nwis/uv?site_no=07339000. Trout good on small lures, tube jigs and salmon eggs along channels, shallows and spillway. Report submitted by Mark Hannah, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
McGee Creek: February 14. Elevation above normal, water 49. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/MCGE.lakepage.html.Largemouth and spotted bass slow on Alabama rigs, crankbaits and plastic baits along channels, points and rocks. Channel catfish slow on chicken liver and punch bait along channels and river mouth. Report submitted by Jay Harvey, game warden stationed in Atoka County.
Pine Creek: February 14. Elevation normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/PINE.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass good on plastic baits and spoons around points and river channel. Crappie good on jigs, small lures and spoons around brush structure, in coves and creek channels. Channel catfish good on chicken liver, hotdogs and punch bait along creek channels and main lake. Report submitted by Mark Hannah, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
Robert S. Kerr: February 14. Elevation normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/KERO2.current.html. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait, dough bait and shad along creek channels, inlet, river channel and river mouth. Crappie fair on hair jigs, jigs and minnows along channels, creek channels, inlet and standing timber. Report submitted by Allen Couch, game warden stationed in Haskell County.
Sardis: February 13. Elevation above normal, water 46. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/SARD.lakepage.html. Largemouth and spotted bass good on bill baits, crankbaits, jigs, plastic baits and spinnerbaits around brush structure, creek channels, points, rocks, shorelines and standing timber. Channel catfish fair on cut bait and shad along channels, flats and main lake. Crappie fair on minnows, jigs and tube jigs around brush structure, channels, points and standing timber. Report submitted by Dane Polk, game warden stationed in Pushmataha County.
Texoma: February 14. Elevation normal, water 51. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/DENI.lakepage.html. Lake fishing has been decent the past week but don't expect to catch large numbers of fish right now. Blue catfish good on cut bait and shad below the dam, along flats, river channel and river mouth. Blue cats are still being caught by juglining with fresh bait, shad seem to be working the best. Striped bass good on flukes, live shad, plastic baits, sassy shad and shad along channels, main lake, points, river channel and river mouth. The biggest concentration of striped bass is located on the west end of the lake. Anglers should be ready to use different methods of fishing to produce a limit of striper which includes live bait, dead sticking and sassy shad. Report submitted by Trey Hale, game warden stationed in Marshall County.
Wister: February 14. Elevation above normal, water cloudy. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/WIST.lakepage.html. Largemouth and spotted bass good on bill baits, crankbaits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits around brush structure, channels, in coves, points and shorelines. Blue and channel catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, hotdogs, shad and stinkbait below the dam, along channels, main lake, points and standing timber. Crappie good on minnows and jigs below the dam, around brush structure, channels, standing timber and cedar brush. Report submitted by Thomas Gillham, game warden stationed in LeFlore County.
Waurika: February 18. Elevation normal, water 49-50 and cloudy. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/WAUR.lakepage.html. Crappie fair on tube jigs around brush structure and rocks. Crappie are beginning to pick up from day to day but still fairly slow overall. Walleye and saugeye fair on crankbaits along the dam and riprap. Striped bass hybrids and white bass slow on cut bait in the main lake. Report submitted by Matt Farris, game warden stationed in Jefferson County.
CONTACT: Jennifer Benge, (405) 521-4636, jennifer.benge@odwc.ok.gov