Wildlife Diversity Update for September

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September 20, 2017

Purple Martin


OK Gardening Shares Tips for Winterizing Martin Houses

With the height of purple martin migration behind us, Oklahoma Gardening offers advice for preparing martin houses for the winter. From cleaning the nesting compartments and outer house to storage options, this short video covers the winterizing basics.

Watch Oklahoma Gardening's purple martin segment

Ringed Salamander


Species Spotlight:  Ringed Salamander

The ringed salamander makes its underground home in six eastern Oklahoma counties and relies on small, fishless ponds and ditches in the fall to mate and lay eggs. These eye-catching salamanders emerge from their burrows and travel to breeding ponds in droves after fall rains, but suitable ponds may be limited in number.

Report ringed salamander sightings or known breeding ponds to the Wildlife Department to help us better understand this species of greatest conservation need.

Learn more about ringed salamanders in the Wildlife Department's Field Guide

Gulf Cooter


Turtle Trivia

Turtles are often associated with words like “slow” or “fearful,” but many wildlife enthusiasts know these tiny tanks are built to withstand a wide variety of challenges. Turtles – land and aquatic – can be found across our great state and provide a wealth of ecosystem services.

Wow your friends and coworkers with these six turtle truths

Painted Lady on Buttonbush


Brilliant Blossoms Bring Bees and Butterflies

Before the blazing yellow, orange and red leaves of fall sneak across our landscape, be sure to listen for the buzz of insects wherever wildflower blooms flourish.

Zoom in to Oklahoma’s intense fall blooms

Calendar of Events


Wildlife Expo

September 23 & 24, 2017

Saturday:  9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Sunday:  9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Lazy E Arena, Guthrie

Monarch Watch and Tagging

October 1 - 7, 2017

Hackberry Flat Center, Frederick


The Wild Side e-newsletter is a project of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's Wildlife Diversity Program. The Wildlife Diversity Program monitors, manages and promotes rare, declining, and endangered wildlife, as well as common wildlife not fished or hunted. It is primarily funded by the sales of Wildlife Department license plates, publication sales and private donors. 

Get involved with the Wildlife Diversity Program and learn more about Oklahoma's nongame wildlife at: wildlifedepartment.com

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