CAC Updates
Hello Friends:
The CAC Team hopes that everyone is still safe and healthy as we move into this next phase and work toward recovery from COVID-19. It has been a strange time for all but I have been so impressed with how educators are innovating and learning new ways to teach and take care of our students and others through the crisis.
We just keep hearing stories of people reaching out to people. Examples of ways that CareerTech centers have been helping their communities include:
Donations of food/supplies for local school lunch programs who continued operations even when school was closed.
Donations of food and PPE to local hospitals
3D printed equipment for hospitals and clinics
Masks for students working in essential jobs in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, and farm supply stores.
Recognizing graduating seniors via social media
Helping to print and distribute Senior 2020 Yard Signs
There are too many examples of caring to list them all, but my hope is that the momentum will carry and that once this is over we do not forget how much we actually missed our teachers, colleagues, friends, and family…and how much we need each other.
We can come out of this better than we were before. We had to think outside the box to do our work. Some of those new skills can be applied moving forward to make PD and training more accessible, and enhance our ability to share information. If we also remember – once we return to “normal”- the things that were taken away suddenly and how much we missed them, maybe this spirit of collaboration and caring … the idea that we really are in this together…. will stay.
Thank you,
Cari Lousch
Career & Academic Connections Manager
Teacher Resources
Please free to check out all our resources on our website located at :
Career Advisor
As the school year is wrapping up, I want to say a sincere THANK YOU for all that you've done for students over the past 8 weeks. We've found ourselves in an unprecedented time and you've shined as educators.
As we press forward into the summer, please review the documents regarding OCAS codes, consult your CT teacher in your building to verify you have the correct codes for their courses. Please verify with your local CareerTech as to the correct numbers to use for first year students vs second year students, the OCAS codes will be different. This will be very important next year as OSDE will pull post-secondary points from the wave.
We look forward getting stronger together.
Shawna Nord, M.Ed.
Academic Coordinator
Counselor Resources
Oklahoma Promise Update:
Oklahoma’s Promise: ALERT for 10th-Grade Parents with Recent Income Loss
If your student is or was in the 10th grade during the 2019-20 school year and you anticipate that your 2020 income may be under the $55,000 application limit for the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship due to recent reductions in your income, you may submit an application based on your 2020 estimated income. The application must be submitted prior to the June 30, 2020 deadline at You will be required to provide a copy of your 2020 federal tax return when completed to verify that your 2020 income was under $55,000. The application will be held as pending until the tax documentation is received. Please send any questions to
*9000+ subject codes can only be used for courses taught at the technology centers. High Schools SHOULD NOT use 9000+ subject codes for courses offered at the high school.
*8000+ subject codes should be used at the high schools for courses taught by certified Career Tech Education (CTE) teachers only. Some courses at the technology centers use 8000+ codes. A few academic courses taught at the technology centers use SDE subject codes (Geometry, Algebra II, etc.) High schools should transcript courses taught at the technology centers using the 8000+ or 9000+ subject codes provided by the technology centers.
The OKCareerGuide Team has developed several resources to help educators facilitate meaningful career development and ICAP implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the links below you’ll find step-by-step guides and videos for both students and educators, as well as powerful resources such as ready-made curriculum filled with activities and learning opportunities.
The Training link:
Kuder Client Engagement (877) 999 – 6227 Monday – Friday 7 a/m – 6 p.m. (Central Time)
Galaxy - Its Elementary!
Take a look at Galaxy Ready to launch kids into a universe of possibilities?
OkCareerGuide - (Grades 6th - 12th)
OkCareerGuide Training Videos
 OKCareerGuide Secondary Resources
 OkCareerGuide Resources
New Training Videos to Support Free System Access for Kuder Galaxy®
Take a look at our new instructional videos to help you access and utilize our Galaxy systems to the fullest.
Curriculum that supports the Galaxy system can be found at CareerTech’s learning management system
Our Galaxy (grades pre-K to 5) tutorials provide parents with step-by-step instructions on how to quickly create an account. The videos also walk through the system's interactive games and activities.
Additional resources can be found at Kuder’s Success at Home web site.
Career Development Specialist
We are here to help provide you with training for OKcareerGuide and Kuder Galaxy. We can also help you to locate career based resources, and assist you with questions you may have while accessing our systems.
Your OkcareerGuide Team is here to support you !
Gene Bottoms Pacesetter Award Winners
Award Winners for year 2020
Two Oklahoma technology centers and one high school was awarded the award this year.
To qualify for the award the site must:
- Be an active member of the Making Schools Work network for two consecutive years;
- Administer SREB’s student and teacher surveys for middle grades schools, high schools and/or technology centers
- Provide evidence of implementing with fidelity one of the key practices
- Provide evidence of student achievement; and
- Participate in the staff development conference and present a session aligned to the key practice for which the school is being recognized for the award
Congratulations to the Oklahoma 2020 award winners:
Gordon Cooper Technology Center
Mid America Technology Center
Moore High School
Best Regards,
Twila Green
High Schools & Tech Centers That Work Coordinator
SREB Resources
Gene Bottoms Pacesetter Award Application for 2021:
The Special Scoop
During these challenging times, we have gained a much greater appreciation for each other and the many things we have taken for granted in the past. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful work you do for CareerTech students.
Thank you,
Sharon Baker
Disabilities Services Specialist
Inspirational Story
Grocery Employee With Down Syndrome Wants To Do More Amid Pandemic, by Disability Scoop
"Never underestimate the valuable and important difference you make in every life you touch. For the impact you make today has a powerful rippling effect on every tomorrow." -- Anonymous
Scholarship Winners
OAMCTE Discovering Futures . . . Building Foundations!
2019-20 Essay Contest winners awarded
The Oklahoma Association of Minorities in Career and Technology Education awarded 2019-20 essay contest prizes to three Oklahoma career and technology education junior high or high school students.
David Reynaldo Fuentez, a Canadian Valley Technology Center and Piedmont High School student, placed first and received $250. Deisy Nunez, a Metro Technology Centers and ASTEC Charter High School student, placed second and received $175. Iceis Wiley, a Tulsa Technology Center and Booker T. Washington High School student, placed third and received $100.
The students submitted essays revolving around the theme, “Why I Choose Career and Technology Center as Part of My Career Pathway,” said Cynthia Vick of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. She served as the chairperson of the OAMCTE Essay Contest committee.
“Our committee received several outstanding submissions, ,” she said. “Narrowing down the winners was very difficult for our selection committee.”
She added that she was also impressed that many of the students realized how CareerTech education can help them further their education and succeed in the professional world, she said.
“Several students said they could use these skills to help pay their way through college,” Vick said. “Many of the students said they decided to attend a technology center so they could learn a marketable skill that they could use after high school and help pay their way through college. That is the message that OAMCTE is trying to convey.”
Events and Workshops
Thank You!!!