(COLUMBUS) – As Ohio liquor permit holders finalize plans for their annual St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, agents with the Ohio Investigative Unit want patron safety to top the list.
Many patrons will set out to consume green beer or other alcoholic beverages this weekend and on St. Patrick’s Day. Liquor permit holders must put their safety first by discouraging excessive consumption of alcohol and not serving intoxicated individuals. It is illegal to serve, sell or furnish alcohol to someone who is intoxicated and anyone who has not turned 21.
“While there is a component of personal responsibility, liquor permit holders also have a responsibility to not serve anyone who is intoxicated,” said Enforcement Commander Eric Wolf. “Ensuring patrons are safe should be of utmost importance. Patron safety starts with vigilant staff.”
Patrons can help out their favorite bars and restaurants by following the precautions put in place to make their establishments safe and compliant with the health directives. Agents will cite establishments for health violations when necessary to ensure everyone can enjoy a safe and healthy environment.
Any liquor permit staff found to be in violation of serving intoxicated or underage individuals can be charged criminally. In addition, agents may administratively cite the liquor permit. The administrative case will be presented to the Ohio Liquor Control Commission for their consideration. Possible administrative penalties include fines, suspension or revocation of the liquor permit.
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