For Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016, the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) and the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI) are meeting or exceeding performance measures in the areas of applications, eligibilities, plans written, and successful closures.
At just under 45% through FFY16, BVR and BSVI are at 47% of their application goal. We are on pace to process over 1,500 more applications than in FFY15. BVR and BSVI are also on pace to process nearly 2,500 more applications than in FFY15. We have completed over 55% of the closed rehab goal for FFY16. This is over 600 more successful closures than at the same point last year. We are also on pace to meet the goals in eligibilities and plans written.
I am a firm believer that meeting consumer expectations through timely delivery of services and setting expectations for both our staff and those we serve is critical. While the individuals we serve continues to increase along with our successful outcomes, our engagement strategies are also paying off for both our staff and jobseekers.
For the current FFY (as of the end of February 2016), I am pleased to report that we are making progress and will continue to do better. We have more jobseekers getting into a plan for employment and receiving services to achieve the plan goals. The time investment our staff are making in processing applications and determining eligibility is resulting in greater rewards with an increased service rate.
All staff have worked hard
to implement strategies in order to more efficiently and accurately provide
quality service to Ohioans with disabilities.
Their efforts have put us on track to not only meet all of our
performance expectations, but exceed them.
The Division of Disability Determination (DDD) continues to process claims to achieve
the goals set forth by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Nearly half way through the federal fiscal year,
the production by the Ohio DDD continues to rank
near the top in the Chicago Region.
Providing timely and accurate service to
claimants remains paramount. DDD is currently at 104.1% of our goals year
to date; which means we are staying current and are a little bit ahead on our
workload. DDD continues to lead the Chicago Region and continues to assist
other states with their claims processing.
DDD is well positioned to meet production goals this year. The staff and medical consultants who diligently work on processing claims timely, efficiently, and accurately, are the strength of this effort as we strive to serve Ohioans.
As a testament to the good work being
achieved by DDD, Ohio has been selected as an early adopter state to test the
new Disability Claims Processing System
that SSA is rolling out. This new case management system continues to be
developed, and is a much more modern tool than what states are currently using.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Current FFY2016
Individuals in Job Ready Status: 3,494 3,191
(For county level information
& map visit our website)
Individuals Employed: 1,605 2,857
(Employed, not yet successfully closed)
Successful Closures: 3,324
(Employed for over 90 days,
case closed successfully)
Disability Determination
(FFY2016 as of 03/11/2016 – Week 24)
Applications Received: 89,939
Determinations: 92,872
Productivity Per Work Year (PPWY) 375.2
(Total number of cases processed
divided by the number of work years funded)
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