Weekly Focus 3-11-2016

An update and information report for doctors who provide consultative exams for OOD’s Division of Disability Determination
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Kevin L. Miller, Executive Director

March 11, 2016

The mission of the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Agency is to ensure individuals with disabilities achieve quality employment, independence and disability determination outcomes.

What's Inside:

New Employee Orientation

New Employee Orientation 3-11-16 Focus
Front row, left to right: Whitnie Green, Kellie Hooker, Shelly Burkhart, Arwin Hopkins, Misty Murray. Back row, left to right: Tyler Stone, Amanda Teddleton, Rhonda McDonald, Cherith Miller, John Potter, Heather Mauk


On Monday, 11 new employees attended OOD’s Division of Human Resources New Employee Orientation at the 400 building in Columbus.  Participants discovered their True Colors and learned how to better communicate with their co-workers.  They received an overview of each division of OOD, reviewed time and attendance policies and procedures and received EEO/Sexual Harassment Training.  I had the opportunity to personally welcome them and provide a chance to ask me any questions they had about the agency. On behalf of OOD, we welcome our new employees!

Governor's Executive Workforce Board Meeting

Gov Exec Wrkbrd Mtng 3-11-16 focus
Job and Family Services Director Dungey and OOD Director Miller presenting the Toolkit for Employers, Managers and Human Resource Professionals to the Governor’s Executive Workforce Board


On Tuesday, Job and Family Services (JFS) Director Cynthia Dungey and I presented A Toolkit for Employers, Managers and Human Resource Professionals to the Governor’s Executive Workforce Board.  The Toolkit for Employers is the best source of information for recruiting, hiring and retaining workers with disabilities.  Many employers are not aware of the benefits of hiring workers with disabilities.  Employers can learn about best practices from some of Ohio’s top employers; tax incentives for hiring workers with disabilities and many other important practices.


The Tool Kit for Employers is one of 10 recommendations from the

Workforce Integration Task Force Final Report to Governor John R. Kasich in December 2014.


The Governor’s Executive Workforce Board works to support the process of forecasting the skill needs of employers; ensure that the delivery and services of Ohio’s Workforce System are aligned; and provide guidance on performance measurements of the system.  Please click Toolkit for Employers for more information.

Developmental Disability Awareness & Advocacy Day

DD Advocacy Day 3-11-16 Focus
Shari Cooper the emcee at the DD and Advocacy Day event


Also on Tuesday, we participated in the 2016 Developmental Disability Awareness & Advocacy Day event at the Ohio Statehouse and Riffe Center. This year’s theme is, “What’s Your Story,” which emphasizes a person’s abilities rather than their disability. Throughout Ohio, there are many stories of people with disabilities working, living or participating in community activities that are changing the way others understand disability and people with disabilities.

Transition Community of Practice Training Series

Transition Workshop 3-11-16 Focus
VR staff participating in the Transition Community of Practice Training Series at Crosswoods


Yesterday, approximately 80 VR staff from around the state gathered in Columbus to participate in one of the Transition Community of Practice Training Series.  This interactive training, on the Employment First Transition Framework:  Tools and Processes to Facilitate and Support Multi Agency Planning for Transition Youth, is designed to provide an overview of the Employment First Transition Framework and include information about the tools and resources of the Framework.


The training was presented by Chris Filler and Sue Beck from OCALI.  All of the Transition Community of Practice Trainings are designed to improve service provision to students with disabilities and cover various topics, including:  Career Tech Ed; Developmental Activities; ETR and IEP; Parent Outreach and Family Engagement; and more.

EARN Inviting Businesses to Share Their Disability Employment Stories

EARN 3-11-16 Focus


The Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) monthly newsletter features and recognizes employers’ successful practices for outreach, recruiting, hiring, and accommodating workers with disabilities.


For example, the February 17, 2016 EARN newsletter features information on “Building the Defense Talent Pipeline,” Accommodating Pregnancy in the Workplace,” and “Has Disability.gov Helped You?” Through EARN, a business can also request customized training. Please click EARN to access the newsletter.

Did You Know? Tactile Interpreting

Tactile Interpretering 3-11-16 Focus
Left to right: Bryan Grubb, member, Governor’s Council on People with Disabilities, Tina Shifflett, tactile interpreter, Deaf Services Center (DSC), Lewis Wright, sign language interpreter, DSC, and Michael Stinziano, Columbus City Council member, at the 2015 GCPD Annual Awards


Tactile interpreting is a way of communication for people who are deaf and blind. The tactile interpreter puts a hand either on top of or below the person’s hand. The tactile interpreter will then make tactile signs on the person’s hand so the person can feel and understand what is being said. This method of communication can also be done with two hands. While tactile interpreters directly communicate the conversation, they actually do more than translate words. They also describe the person’s facial features, body language, and the environment, providing their client with the same experience anyone else would have by listening and viewing the communication.

OOD by the Numbers

                                  Vocational Rehabilitation

                                                                              Current        FFY2016


Individuals in Job Ready Status:                         3,517          3,099

(For county level information

& map visit our website)


Individuals Employed:                                          1,620           2,757

(Employed, not yet successfully closed)


Successful Closures:                                                                3,212

(Employed for over 90 days,

case closed successfully)


                                   Disability Determination

(FFY2016 as of 03/4/2016 – Week 23)


Applications Received:                                 85,795


Determinations:                                              88,993


Productivity Per Work Year (PPWY)                   376

(Total number of cases processed

divided by the number of work years funded)


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