Your Franklin County Auditor’s office is sending the January newsletter a little early, so we can remind dog owners that there is a little less than a week left to license your dogs without penalty.
The dog licensing season has returned to pre-pandemic guidelines, and the deadline to license your dog is now January 31. One-year, three-year and permanent dog licenses can be purchased online at doglicense.franklincountyohio.gov, or at the Auditor’s office License Counter, 373 S. High St., 21st Floor, in downtown Columbus. The counter is open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm.
The Auditor’s office also offers expanded locations where owners can purchase licenses, including via the Auditor’s Mobile Office, the Franklin County Dog Shelter, and at other community events.
Dog licensing is required by state law and ensures that a dog has been vaccinated against rabies, which is required in Franklin County. It also ensures any lost dog is returned quickly to their owner. License fees help support the Franklin County Dog Shelter and Adoption Center.
Dog licensing is part of responsible pet care, and I encourage dog owners to license your dog today.
Michael Stinziano Franklin County Auditor |
 Board of Revision Holds Clinics to Help Homeowners File Challenges
To help homeowners navigate the Board of Revision filling process, the Auditor’s office is holding more than 30 walk-in clinics through the end of March at locations across the county. Times and locations are listed in the graphic and on the Auditor’s office website.
The clinics are educational events that walk homeowners through the process of filing complaints and answer questions that may arise throughout the filing process.
Homeowners can now file a complaint with the Franklin County Board of Revision (BOR), which has the authority to change property value assessments. Complaints can be filed online at the BOR website. The deadline to file with the BOR is April 1, 2024.
Homeowner Assistance Program Helps Homeowners with Expert Advice
In an effort to help lower- and middle-income homeowners navigate the Bord of Revision filing process, the Auditor’s office is teaming up with the Legal Aid Society of Columbus to offer the Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP).
This is the fourth year the office has offered the program, which is open to all Franklin County homeowners who make less than $75,000 in annual household income.
For the program, real estate and legal experts will hold in-person events, phone banks and zoom clinics where they assist property owner with determining if they should file a complaint, guidance with what value they should request, and help filing a complaint with the BOR. Program volunteers can also guide homeowners with what kind of evidence they should use in a hearing.
If needed, HAP also offers referrals for qualifying homeowners for possible further legal representation at BOR hearings. Property owners who are interested in participating in HAP can fill out an online registration form or contact the office at (614) 525-HOME (4663) or auditorstinziano@franklincountyohio.gov.
January True Transactions Award goes to Jersey Mike’s
Jersey Mikes in Blendon Township, near Westerville, has won the January True Transactions Award for its use of accurate scales and scanners in the sale of its quality sub sandwiches and other fare.
“I want to congratulate and thank the team at Jersey Mikes in Blendon Township for their use of precision scales and scanners for the benefit of their customers,” Auditor Stinziano said.
Jersey Mikes was founded in Point Pleasant, New Jersey in 1956 and has grown to more than 2,000 locations across the country. It offers high-quality subs using premium ingredients and fresh-baked bread. The Blendon Township location is at 5957 S. Sunbury Rd., near Westerville.
February Community Hours
Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano continues to hold weekly Community Hours meetings where residents can stop by and visit, or join virtually via Facebook @mstinziano, and share firsthand their feedback and ideas about the Auditor’s office or any concerns they have.
Community Hours will be held at the dates and locations listed below:
- Monday, February 5 at 12 pm – Virtual community hours featuring Anthony Thomas Candy Shoppe, Marble Cliff
Thursday, February 15 at 9 am – In-person community hours at Bexley Coffee Shop, 492 N. Cassady Ave. in Bexley
Wednesday, February 21 at 11:30 am – Virtual community hours featuring Tropical Nut & Fruit, Grove City
Monday, February 26 at 9:30 am – In-person community hours at Columbus Metropolitan Library, New Albany Branch, Meeting Room 2, 200 Market St. in New Albany
Do you have a suggestion for your Franklin County Auditor's office? Email AuditorStinziano@franklincountyohio.gov. Our goal is to make the office accessible to YOU.