Ohio EPA is accepting Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) grant applications for up to $50,000
Office of Environmental Education May 29, 2024
Ohio EPA is accepting grant applications to the Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) for projects educating pre-school through university students and teachers, the general public, and the regulated community. OEEF offers mini grants between $500 - $5,000, and general grants of up to $50,000. Application guidelines are posted at Ohio Environmental Education Fund | Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Prospective applicants must submit an electronic Letter of Intent to apply within OEEF's grant management system in the eBusiness Center no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 8th to start the application process. Completed applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 15th. Prospective applicants are encouraged to speak with OEEF staff members about project ideas before applying.
The FY25 OEEF funding priorities include projects that demonstrate and/or encourage:
- the reduction of air emissions, including, but not limited to, promotion of alternative modes of transportation;
best management practices for nutrients, including, but not limited to, targeted efforts to reduce nutrient loadings to rivers and streams from urban and rural areas;
- the use of innovative storm water management practices;
- the importance of habitat restoration efforts to increase biodiversity and improve air and water quality; and
- pre-school through university students to explore careers in the environmental sciences and environmental engineering.
Ohio EPA is committed to providing access and inclusion and reasonable accommodation in its services, activities, programs, and employment opportunities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. To request a reasonable accommodation due to a disability please contact Ohio EPA's ADA Coordinator at 440.975.6801 (call or text) or naquetta.porter@epa.ohio.gov, no later than 14 days before participating in the online or in-person event. |