Wildcat Weekly - Jr/Sr HS 5-26-19

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Wildcat Weekly

May 26, 2019

High School

Exciting Happenings

2019-2020 School Calendar

On Tuesday, February 19, the Deer Park Board of Education approved the 2019-20 Deer Park Community City School District calendar. Please see below for the official calendar or click the link provided. As always, please let the Board Office know if you have any questions or concerns.

To view the PDF, click here.

A Message From the Superintendent Regarding Air Conditioning at the Jr/Sr High School

Following the Deer Park Schools Regular Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday evening, I have a pair of developments that I would like to share with you.

Air Conditioning Coming to Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School

In the fall and winter of 2017, we held many listening sessions with students, teachers, parents, community members, and business leaders to help guide the development of our district’s 5-year strategic plan. One thing I heard loud and clear: it was time to put air conditioning in Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School. I am excited to inform you that this will be a reality for the 2019-20 school year.

We have been working hard to find the funding without putting extra burden on the taxpayers of Deer Park. Thanks to diligent work and conservative spending during the Amity Project, we came in nearly $1 million under budget. This savings will now be used to install air conditioning in the Jr./Sr. High School. All classrooms, the gymnasium and the cafeteria will be climate controlled once the project is complete.

The work will begin when the students and staff dismiss on June 7, with the hope that all rooms will be completed by the time school is back in session on August 13. This is very exciting for the students and staff of our Jr./Sr. High School and is a big step forward for our school district.

Board Office Moving to Holmes Elementary

The second piece of information I am happy to share with you is that the Board of Education officially approved the sale of the Howard Elementary property at the Regular Board of Education Meeting yesterday evening. As a result, we will be moving the board offices to Holmes Elementary for the start of the 2019-20 school year.

After conversations with a pair of schools and one private organization, a small private school based out of Amberley Village made the district a very fair offer to obtain the property. We will be finalizing details of the contract over the next couple of weeks and will be transitioning all employees who currently work out of the Howard Building to the Holmes Building by the first of July. In doing so, the district will also be saving nearly $200,000 in abatement and demolition costs originally earmarked for the Howard Building.

We are very excited about these developments and thankful to the Deer Park community for all of their input and their support that made these projects possible.

It truly is a great day to be a Wildcat!


Jay Phillips


Summer School Information

This summer, Deer Park Jr/Sr High School will once again be offering an online health course for any incoming 9th through 12th grader interested in completing their health graduation requirement over the summer and credit recovery for any students in need. The Health course addresses topics in mental health, social health, nutrition, physical fitness, substance abuse, human development, and preventing disease. The course emphasizes the physical and emotional benefits of making healthy choices and discusses the consequences of unhealthy behaviors. Critical thinking is encouraged through the use of open-ended questions, assessments, and videos that present real-life situations. All courses will be delivered online and all assignments will be completed and turned in online.  Students will have from June 17th - August 2nd to complete their course. If you would like to register for the course, please do so by contacting Melissa Vickery at 891-0010.

IBM Gives Back


In case you didn't know, IBM has been supporting an E-Mentoring program in our Junior High for many years.  They also like to come in and share their knowledge with a whole grade! Thank you to Willa D. Ricks-Averette of IBM for coming into Ms. Winebar’s math class to talk about real-world applications and mental math!

From the Office of 

College and Career Readiness

Need to Know By Grade Level


Important Senior Dates and Times

Senior Awards Rehearsal
June 3rd at 8:00am-Auditorium

Senior Awards
June 3rd at 12:35pm-Auditorium
Wear Caps and nice clothing

Senior Picnic
June 4th at 12:35

Graduation Walkthrough and Rehearsal
June 6th at 7:45am-Meet in Auditorium with cap and gowns

June 6th at 7pm (students line up at 6pm in the gym)

Students MUST attend all rehearsals in order to participate in events.

Each graduating senior will receive five (5) main floor tickets and three (3) additional tickets to give to family and friends. The three additional tickets will be varied between the rear main floor and the balcony. No one will be admitted without a ticket. Tickets will be assigned through a random lottery, making sure that seats assigned will be on the same side of the auditorium that your student is seated on. Ticket distribution will begin on Friday, May 24, 2019, in the CCR Office of the high school. Only the student or parent may pick up tickets. If a student knows that he or she will not need all eight (8) tickets, the student should return those tickets to Mrs. Melissa Vickrey as soon as possible. Requests for additional seats can be made to Mrs. Vickrey either in writing or via e-mail and can only be filled if additional seats become available. Mrs. Vickrey’s e-mail address is: vickrey.m@dpccsd.org.

Requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Mrs. Vickrey will begin accepting requests for additional tickets on Friday, May 24, 2019.  All student fees, book damage deposits, uniform/equipment returns and other financial obligations must be paid prior to receiving tickets. May 1, 2019, is the last date checks will be accepted for payment of fees and/or financial obligations.

Prestige Portraits will come to Deer Park on Friday, April 12 from 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM to do "Last Chance" photos.  This is the last opportunity to get photos taken for the yearbook and the composite portraits. The fee is $30. Please email Dr. West at west.c@dpccsd.org with any questions.


It is grade-crunch time!  Students need to remember that 4th quarter grades affect fall eligibility, including those classes taken in the WVA.  

Jr High:

As you may already know, all 7th and 8th grade students are asked to keep their cell phones in their lockers.  As a result of this, discipline in recent years related to cell phone usage has decreased tremendously. However, incidents of cyber bullying or just plain unkindness can happen outside the school day.  Please click HERE to read about how you at home can set up an effective cell phone contract with your child that may keep them safe from cyber bullying and/or from committing acts of cyberbullying.

Due to the scheduled DC trip for our 8th graders, the Jr Awards and 8th Grade Graduation program has been moved to May 30th 6:30 pm.  Please mark your calendars!

Celebrate Your Achievement

lifetouch graduation

Honor Your Graduation with Commencement PortraitsGraduation photography by Lifetouch Special Events

Lifetouch, our official commencement photographer, will have portraits available online at Events.Lifetouch.com approximately ten days after the ceremony. Celebrate your achievement with these professional portraits.


  • Everyone will be photographed
  • Photos will be online at events.lifetouch.com ten days after the ceremony
  • Complimentary proofs mailed to Graduates
  • No obligation to purchase

Preventing Drug Usage

Can’t come to one of the meetings previously mentioned?  The Prevention Action Alliance has an important new article about how you as parents can be the first line of defence to protect your students from substance abuse.  Please take a few minutes to read their recent newsletter. Click HERE for the article.

Need Help Talking to Your Student About Drugs?

The adult branch of Deer Park's Anti-Drug Coalition hosted its third parent/community conversation recently.  Their focus is to get info out to parents about effective tools to prevent student drug usage. Be on the lookout for future meetings or contact Jason Spelic, School Counselor, at 936-4652 for more info.

Naviance Student Information

Deer Park students grades 7 - 12 will continue to use the Naviance platform as part of their college and career readiness efforts.  While the look and name has changed, the link is still found by clicking on Naviance Family Connections on the main highschool website under Quick Links.  Your student's account will be their district email address and student ID number.  Students can also download the app to their phone. Please check out this great tool together.

Schoology Reminder

Don't have access to your student's grades, classes and assignments?  The information to create your own Schoology account can be found HERE.  Please contact Melissa Vickery at 891-0010 for your parent access code.  The Schoology App is also available to download to your phone or mobile device via I-Tunes or Google Play. Looking for tips on how to use the tools in Schoology?  Click HERE for more info!

Get Involved in a Club/Activity at Deer Park Jr/Sr High School

Anime Club
Rachel Hackney

Art Club
Amber Landers

Jason Spelic

Drama Club
Rachel Hackney
Sara Godwin

Mr. Moulton

Greg Tabar

Hope Squad
Corrie Madden
Sean Maher

International Club
Jen Taylor
Marti Kitsinis

Scott Calcaterra

Tim Hubbard
Sean Maher

Craig West

Polar Cat Club
Shannon Davison

Craig West

Self Care Club
Jen Taylor

Jason Spelic

Theatre Appreciation Club
Rachel Hackney

Important Information

Summer at the Public Library

The Deer Park Branch Library will offer activities, lunch, and reading practice during the summer break. Supporting this work requires about 50 volunteers! We have jobs for adults and teens (ages 12-17). The best way for folks to find out if our needs match their interests and schedules is to call or email and ask for Natalie Fields or Cate Newmark-Weishan at 513-369-4450, option 2 or DeerPark@CincinnatiLibrary.org. Online applications are available here.

2nd semester exam schedule

Important Date Change

Due to the scheduled DC trip for our 8th graders, the Jr Awards and 8th Grade Graduation program has been moved to May 30th 6:30 pm.  Please mark your calendars!

Attendance Line 513-891-2414

Please remember to call the attendance number when you need to report your child absent  or if they will be arriving late to school. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is important that the student’s name and reason for their absence are left on the attendance line. Thank you.

Homework Club Opportunities

Jr. High Homework Club
Thursday - Ms. Malkowski (Room 151)
Friday - Ms. Sullivan (Room 56)

9th Grade Homework Club
Monday - Dr. West 
Tuesday - Mr. Moore 
Wednesday - Mr. Moulton
Thursday - Mr. Fite 

High School Math Lab
Mondays - Ms. Ginn (Room 226)
Tuesdays - Mr. Benjamin (Room 224)
Wednesdays - Mr. Moulton (Room 157)
Thursdays - Mr. Gabbard (Room 132)


Staying Connected

There are multiple ways to stay connected to Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School. Please see the attached flyer for ways to stay connected through Email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Text Messages.

  • E-Mail: If you are not already signed up, please register for the e-mail communication. To register, simply go to www.deerparkcityschools.org and click on the button on the left side of the page that says “Subscribe to District News”. From there, you will send an email requesting that you be added to future email communication from the district.
  • Twitter: Follow Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School for the most up-to-date news and happenings! @DeerParkHS, @DeerParkSchools and @dpcounselor.
  • Facebook: follow us at Deer Park Community City Schools and Deer Park Jr/Sr High School
  • Text Messages: Through a great program titled Remind, we can provide text message alerts/reminders in a safe, confidential manner.Remind never shows a person's cell number, which means we never see your number and you never see ours. Standard text messaging rates do apply. To subscribe, send an individual text message to: 81010 with the message @dpwildcats. Follow the instructions you receive via text message to complete your registration. Seniors also have a text messaging service. To subscribe, send an individual text message to: 81010 with the message @dpseniors.
  • Instagram: follow us at DeerParkHS and DP_Schools

Upcoming Events

dates 5-26-19





