Revised Accommodations for English Learners
The Ohio Department of Education is committed to providing English learners an equal opportunity to achieve academic success. Accordingly, accommodations are available on state tests to ensure English learners have meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of the academic standards being assessed.
Following a review of the Department’s commitment to English learners and appropriate assessment accommodations, the Department updated its Accessibility Manual, Ohio’s State Test Rules Book and Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT) Test Administration Manuals. The updates ensure accommodations for English learners, including language translation, are not determined by time enrolled in U.S. schools or the number of years a student has been identified as an English learner. Previously, some accommodations were limited to the first three years a student was an English learner. These time limits are no longer in effect. Assessment accommodations for English learners are available any time the student is identified and reported as an English learner.
The updates also include an opportunity for eligible students to retake the Ohio Graduation Tests. Individuals who enrolled in grade 9 before July 1, 2014, including English learners, are eligible. Those interested may register with any Ohio public school district, community school, participating chartered nonpublic school or 22+ adult high school diploma program. The Ohio Graduation Tests are available through June 2022.
To learn more about revised assessment accommodations and retaking the Ohio Graduation Tests, visit the Department’s webpage for Revised Accommodations for English learners. Please share this information with your staff, and if you have any questions, contact the Office of Assessment at or (614) 466-1317.