I-70/71 Downtown Update: New Traffic Pattern for I-70 East Coming Soon
COLUMBUS - Starting Saturday, October 12, all three lanes of I-70 east will be shifted to the north between Grant Ave. and 18th St. This traffic pattern will be in place for a little over a year so crews can reconstruct the existing lanes of I-70 east.
 The exit ramp from I-70 east to I-71 north will be maintained, but drivers headed north must be in the middle or right lane. I-70 east through traffic should stay left. This is opposite of the current configuration at I-70/71, so drivers should use caution.
 Later this year, drivers can expect the new ramp from I-70 east to Parsons Avenue to open, replacing the exit ramp to 18th Street. Additionally, the Third Street entrance ramp to I-70 east will close permanently when the new ramp to Parsons opens. These changes are currently planned for November, weather permitting.
For more project information, please visit our project website.
Contact: Breanna Badanes at 614-995-0755
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