DAS Update

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Ohio Department of Administrative Services

The latest news from the Ohio Department of Administrative Services

June 6, 2022

Learn about doing business with the state at Business Matchmaker

The Ohio Business Matchmaker, which runs July 13-14 in Dayton, helps Ohio businesses develop relationships with government buyers and large prime contractors.

The event will offer businesses the opportunity to learn about doing business with federal, state and local governments and to meet with representatives one-on-one to market and sell their goods and services.

The event also offers opportunities for small and minority businesses to learn about the State of Ohio business certification programs, including MBE (Minority Business Enterprise), EDGE (Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity), WBE (Women’s Business Enterprise) and VBE (Veterans Business Enterprise). The programs, formerly managed within DAS, are now part of Ohio’s one-stop shop for small, minority and disadvantaged businesses within the Ohio Department of Development.

Visit ohiobusinessmatchmaker.com for more information and to register for the Ohio Business Matchmaker.

The DAS Office of Procurement Services also offers businesses and citizens several resources to assist with opportunities to sell to the State of Ohio. 

DAS, OhioMHAS host mental health panel

Thanks to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) Director Lori Criss for joining DAS for a panel discussion last week in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month.

DAS Director Kathleen Madden hosted the May 31 event covering the importance of stress recognition and management. Criss led the conversation with Mental Health Treatment Bureau Chief Dr. Vicki Montesano and Trauma-competent Care Project Coordinator Dr. Marjorie Kukor about Stress First Aid, which can help you recognize and address signs of emotional distress and take action to promote wellness for yourself and others.

Learn more about Stress First Aid at mha.ohio.gov and view the panel discussion on the Ohio Channel.

Mental Health Month panel pic

OhioMHAS leaders from left, Mental Health Treatment Bureau Chief Dr. Vicki Montesano, Director Lori Criss and Trauma-competent Care Project Coordinator Dr. Marjorie Kukor.