Third quarter BWC in-person training, safety Webinars, and virtual training classes
View our events page for up-to-date listings of upcoming training courses available from BWC! Flyers are available for our in-person courses or virtual training classes.
![Firefighter](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OHBWC/2024/10/10310553/5751712/file-8_crop.jpg) Volunteer firefighters needed
The number of volunteer firefighters in Ohio is decreasing, a concerning trend because more than two-thirds of Ohio’s fire departments are volunteer based. Visit the Ohio Fire Marshal’s website to learn how you can become the hometown hero your community needs.
![Carbon monoxide](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OHBWC/2024/10/10310612/5751714/file-9_crop.jpg) Quarterly safety topic - carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) interferes with our body’s ability to use oxygen. Small exposures can lead to mild symptoms like headache, upset stomach, tiredness, or dizziness. High exposures can result in fainting, brain damage, or death. CO is produced when fuels like kerosene, natural gas, and wood don’t burn completely. The risk for CO exposure increases in winter as we turn to different sources to heat our homes and businesses.
To minimize your exposure to CO, use the following prevention tips:
- Identify sources: Know where CO risks are in your home and office.
- Install monitors: Place CO detectors in your space and test them regularly.
- Maintain equipment: Regularly check and maintain fuel-burning devices and their components.
- Ventilate properly: Never burn fuel in enclosed spaces without proper ventilation.
November 18-24 is National Carbon Monoxide week. Concerned about CO exposure in your work environment? BWC consultants are here to help, request a consultation today!
![Hearing protection](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OHBWC/2024/10/10310643/5751715/file-10_crop.jpg) BWC's Spanish-language hearing videos are now available on YouTube
Effects on Hearing: https://youtu.be/A0TSK-oTQ4o
Hearing Protectors: https://youtu.be/cjI69G_ZugQ
Hearing Tests: https://youtu.be/4cS4JP2R8iU
A question received by the library over the past quarter with our response.
OSHA 1910.38 doesn’t specifically state that evacuation maps must be posted for industrial use and are only mentioned in the Non-Mandatory Appendix E. Are there any other regulations that require evacuation maps to be posted?
The Ohio Fire Code Rule 1301:7-7-04 Emergency planning and preparedness states there are certain types of occupancies that require evacuation diagrams such as hotels and dormitories, but do not list a requirement for Group F factory, Group B businesses, Group M mercantile or Group S storage.
NFPA 1 Fire Code requires in Section 10.8.1 that emergency action plans be provided for high-rise, health care, ambulatory health care, residential board and care, assembly, day-care centers, special amusement buildings, hotels and dormitories, detention and correctional occupancies, educational, underground and windowless structures, facilities storing or handling materials. Floor diagrams are mentioned for hotels or dormitories in NFPA 1
A floor diagram reflecting the actual floor arrangement, exit locations, and room identification shall be posted in a location and manner acceptable to the AHJ on, or immediately adjacent to, every guest room door in hotels and in every resident room in dormitories. [101:; 101:]
NFPA is available to view online with a free account. Just click on “View Free Access.”
If you need help with understanding safety, contact BWC’s Safety Services. Consultation services are free for employers with a BWC policy. Do you have a question for our library? You can submit a question to us, anytime!
OSHA proposed rule on heat hazards
OSHA’s new proposed rule for outdoor and indoor heat hazards was published on August 30, 2024, and is available to read in the Federal Register. OSHA prepared a video overview of the new rule. The public can submit comments until the December 30 deadline.
OSHA's new Severe Injury Report
This video from OSHA describes how to use the agency’s new Severe Injury Report data dashboard. The dashboard includes all work-related inpatient hospitalizations, amputations or eye losses reported to OSHA, excluding state plan data. OSHA estimates that the data covers around half of U.S. workers. The narratives featured in the dashboard include a description of the severe injury, its source and the body part(s) involved.
CPWR September Data Bulletin on Mental Health in Construction
The September 2024 edition of The Center for Construction Research and Training’s (CPWR) Data Bulletin, “Mental Health Trends in the Construction Industry,” reveals numbers on anxiety and depression, mental health access, overdose and suicide deaths, and use of opioids in construction workers.
The Ohio BWC Library of BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene compiles and distributes this newsletter quarterly.
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
Vision: To transform BWC into an agile organization driven by customer success. Mission: To deliver consistently excellent experiences for each BWC customer every day. Core Values: One Agency, Personal Connection, Innovative Leadership, Relentless Excellence.
Established in 1912, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is the exclusive provider of workers’ compensation insurance in Ohio, serving 257,000 public and private employers. With nearly 1,600 employees and assets of approximately $22 billion, BWC is one of the largest state-run insurance systems in the United States. For more, visit bwc.ohio.gov.