Updated First Report of Injury (FROI) Coming Soon!
An updated FROI will be available for use by the end of 2022! We have been working on improvements to create a better user experience. Some of the changes you can look forward to:
- A cleaner look with instructions and disclaimers all in one place.
- A new section for the submitter’s signature to eliminate the confusion about whose signature is in the injured worker box.
- An enhanced employer lookup.
- Screens tailored to the party that is submitting the form.
Enhanced MEDCO-14 is Here!
An enhanced Physician’s Report of Work Ability (MEDCO-14) is now available on our website.
We simplified and condensed the four-page form and instructions to two pages using functional medical language, with the goal of lessening roadblocks in getting Ohio’s injured workers back to work and back to life.
The MEDCO-14 features:
- Easy to use instructions.
- Clarified dates and form language.
- Improved explanations of the activities injured workers can perform.
- An enhanced snapshot of the worker’s abilities at the time of the provider’s evaluation.
Self-Insuring Employer Assessments
We have released the rates for assessment calculations that self-insuring (SI) employers must pay. Below is a chart of the July 2022 - June 2023 assessment rates including the minimum assessment for each fund.
Mandatory assessment description
2022 rates:
July 2022 - June 2023
2022 minimum assessment
Surplus Fund (mandatory)
Guaranty Fund
No minimum
Administrative Cost Fund (BWC)
Administrative Cost Fund (IC)
Division of Safety & Hygiene
Optional assessment description
2022 rates:
July 2022 - June 2023
2022 minimum assessment
Surplus Fund (disallowed claims reimbursement)
No minimum
Assessments are calculated using the paid compensation reported by SI employers on the Report of Paid Compensation and Case Reserves (SI-40). For this cycle, the paid compensation reported for the 2021 calendar year will be used to calculate the assessments. The amount calculated is split into two installments. BWC will issue corresponding invoices in Jan. 2023 with a due date of Feb. 28, 2023, and in July 2023 with a due date of Aug. 31, 2023.
All SI assessment invoices are printed and mailed unless the SI employer has registered for the e-notification email. If registered, the SI designee will receive an email when an invoice has been generated on its account. The SI employer will be able to log into their BWC account and download a copy of the invoice. We recommend paying all SI assessment invoices online. This will prevent delays in the USPS mailing system, which may cause the payment to be received late, resulting in a late payment penalty.
Find more information online, or send questions related to SI assessments to the Self-Insured Department email box at siinq@bwc.state.oh.us.
Injured Worker Prescription Reimbursement
Injured workers may request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses when a pharmacy charges them for a prescription instead of billing BWC.
The injured worker simply follows these three steps:
- Complete the Request for Injured Worker Outpatient Medication Reimbursement (C-17).
- Mail the completed C-17 with supporting documentation to BWC’s pharmacy benefits manager, Change Healthcare, per the instructions.
- Receive a check for out-of-pocket expenses from Change Healthcare.
Important reminder – Injured workers who submit a C-17 prior to their claim being allowed may experience delays or the need to resubmit the reimbursement request. Please remind your injured workers to wait until their claim has been allowed to submit reimbursement.
If you have questions, please email our dedicated pharmacy contact center or call 1-877-543-6446.
Public Employer Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) Recordkeeping
Ohio public employers are required to use and maintain recordkeeping forms to track work-related injuries and illnesses. All Ohio public employers will need to submit their PERRP Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (300AP) for calendar year 2022 by Feb. 1, 2023. Please submit the form online through the 300AP web portal on BWC’s website.
To learn more about PERRP recordkeeping, register for our free webinar on Dec. 20, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The webinar is designed for those new to recordkeeping or those who want a refresher.
Save the Date: Ohio Safety Congress & Expo, March 8-10, 2023
We are excited for the 2023 Ohio Safety Congress and Expo® to be back, live and in-person at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, March 8 -10, 2023.
New this year, we will stream keynotes and multiple sessions each day! Whether you plan to attend in-person or online, We’ve Got You Covered. With two days of Safety Education Training – Wednesday & Thursday and one day of Workshops – Friday.
Tracks include:
- Business Strategies
- Governance and Regulatory
- Leadership and Professional Development
- Safety Management Systems
- Total Worker Health
- Construction Safety
- Government Employee Safety
- Manufacturing Safety
- Technology and Innovation
- Workers' Compensation
Updates: OSHA, PERRP, MSHA & Fire Codes
OSC23® offers Continuing Education, BWC Rating Program, and Safety Council Credits.
With nearly 90 sessions and workshops to choose from, there is something for everyone at OSC23®.Save the date now! Registration opens in January.
Visit ohiosafetycongress.com for more information. We can’t wait to see you!
Upcoming Safety Webinars
We are offering several safety webinars in the next few months. These webinars provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and certificates when attendees complete the requirements of each webinar, including a short knowledge assessment immediately following the webinar. Here are the topics:
Webinar and e-Course offerings are continuously updated. The most current list available for enrollment month to month can be found here.