Through the first 11 months of 2024, the Board’s Office of Adjudication conducted 220,471 hearings and issued 237,224 decisions. Given the large volume of decisions the Board issues each year, some may unfortunately contain typographical or other minor errors.
When a party detects a minor or typographical error in a recently issued decision (EC-18R, EC-23, EC-23R, EC-32.3, NOSD) that is readily apparent based on a review of the hearing record, there is no need to file a Request for Further Action (Form RFA-1LC or Form RFA-2) or an Application for Board Review (Form RB-89) to address such errors.
Instead, if a minor or typographical error is discovered, the side that identified the issue should reach out to the opposing party (claimant’s attorney or carrier/carrier’s attorney) to determine if both sides agree the decision should be amended. If the parties agree, the next step would be for one party to send an email to the Senior Law Judge in the appropriate district, copying the other party.
If a request entails more than just a simple correction of a typographical or other minor error, the Senior Law Judge will inform the parties of the other options available to remedy the issue(s) raised.
Email the Office of General Counsel.