HP-1.0 REMINDER: ZIP Code Addition and Drafts Removal

Treatment ZIP Code added to Request for Decision on Unpaid Medical Bill(s) (Form HP-1.0)

A new enhancement is coming to OnBoard! To ensure Form HP-1.0 submissions are routed correctly to the Board, a new form field has been added. Beginning on the evening of November 14, 2024, providers and their delegates will enter the ZIP Code of the location where the injured worker was treated.  

This new field can be seen under the Medical Bill Information section on the training webpage 

Deletion of Form HP-1.0 drafts

To prevent errors within the OnBoard application, Form HP-1.0 drafts that were created before November 14, 2024, will be automatically removed from the system on the evening of November 14, 2024.  

If you have draft Form HP-1.0s in the system, consider finalizing and submitting them before November 14, 2024; otherwise, they will be deleted and you will need to recreate them.  

For additional information please contact disputedmedicalbills@wcb.ny.gov 

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