In OnBoard, health care providers can resubmit MTG Confirmation PARs as MTG Variance PARs after they have been denied from a Level 2 review. To continue improving the OnBoard experience for payers and health care providers, the Request Details portion of MTG Confirmation PARs has been enhanced to include more information for users. This enhancement adds MTG Variance conversion information to health care provider and payer dashboards.
If a PAR contains multiple request items and a provider has converted one or more MTG Confirmations to MTG Variances, those request items will show “Converted to Variance” as "Yes" and contain a link to the Variance request. The example below displays the "Converted to Variance" column along with the associated information.
 This enhancement allows for easier navigation by both health care providers and payers for PAR items converted from a Confirmation to a Variance PAR, linking PARs directly to the new Variance PAR. This new information is updated immediately, allowing users to find the resources they need more quickly.
More information
Additional information can be found on the “Change Confirmation PAR to Variance PAR” training webpage for health care providers and "Multiple Requests with Same PAR Type" training webpage for payers.
Additional information on dashboards can be found on the "Dashboard Overview" training webpages for health care providers and payers.
For full OnBoard details, please visit the OnBoard webpage on the Board’s website.
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