OnBoard Request for Decision on Unpaid Medical Bill(s) (Form HP-1.0) - Process Enhancement
OnBoard has been enhanced to allow health care providers and medical suppliers to submit Requests for Decision on Unpaid Medical Bill(s) (Form HP-1.0) where the claim was previously controverted via a First Report of Injury (FROI-04)/Subsequent Report of Injury (SROI-04) Denial, the Notice of Treatment Issue/Disputed Bill (Form C-8.1) was never received, and the claim is now established.
These enhancements resulted in updates to some field labels within the system, including the following:
- The section where information about a legal objection is entered has been relabeled from “Form C-8.1” to “Form C-8.1B or Denial.”
- The question “Have you received Form C-8.1B from the claim administrator?” has been changed to “Have you received either Form C-8.1B or a FROI-04/SROI-04-Denial from the claim administrator?”
*Please note – beginning in July 2022, the Form C-8.1 will be renamed to Form C-8.1B.

For More Information
For full details and instructions, please see the updated training webpages for health care providers and medical suppliers.
If you need assistance with OnBoard registration or technical support, email WCBCustomerSupport@wcb.ny.gov.
If you need assistance with OnBoard processes, email the Board's Medical Director's Office at WCBMedicalDirectorsOffice@wcb.ny.gov.
For all other questions, please email OnBoard@wcb.ny.gov.