December 24, 2024
Town Hall will be CLOSED - December 25, 2024 -
Normal Business Hours Resume - December 26, 2024, 8:30am -
Dear Neighbors,
As the year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a joyful Kwanzaa to all who celebrate! This time of year, brings us together in gratitude, reflection, and celebration of the bonds that unite us as a community.
As we reflect on 2024, I am proud to share the incredible progress we have made as a Town. When we took office in January, we set out on a mission to enhance and protect the quality of life for our neighbors here in Wappinger. I am pleased to report that our promises were kept, as we focused on responsible development and preservation. We passed laws to limit over-development and created conservation easements across hundreds of acres, ensuring our open spaces remain protected. At the same time, we fostered innovative development in vacant and abandoned properties, proving that our Town can thrive economically while preserving its character.
Together, this year we have also worked diligently to streamline government operations, restore accountability at Town Hall, and deliver savings to our taxpayers. Through responsible budgeting and cutting wasteful spending, we saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and generated new revenue by diversifying Town funds. We ended a two-year arbitration with the CSEA members of the Highway Department and launched a "Quality-of-Life taskforce" to address blight and abandoned buildings. With the introduction of newly restructured cycled community policing patrols, we have enhanced safety throughout our neighborhoods.
Our commitment to reinvesting in our Town has been evident in our efforts to improve parks, facilities, and infrastructure. Through the Wappinger Parkland Infrastructure Improvement Act, we have made great strides on completing what we set out to do on Inauguration Day, including completing the Challenger Inspiration Field, enhancing amenities at Martz Field, and acting on reconstructing the Chelsea Boat Ramp. Our Wappinger Town Highway Department has paved more than a dozen roads, many of which were over 20 years old and are looking to do more into 2025, now with their safely renovated Highway Facility. We’ve saved taxpayers over hundreds of thousands of dollars through utilizing in-house labor, local vendors, and enacting efficient project management.
Looking ahead to 2025, we are excited to present a balanced and responsible budget that includes a tax rate decrease, while investing in essential services, expanding recreation programs, and improving our Town’s infrastructure. With a focus on fiscal responsibility and planning, we have developed a budget that reflects our commitment to both the future and the present of Wappinger. Additionally, we are proud to begin preparations for celebrating our Town’s 150th anniversary with the Wappinger150 initiative, which will bring a year’s worth of events and programs for all to enjoy.
As we enter the new year, we remain committed to protecting our quality of life, preserving our rural-suburban lifestyle, and planning strategically for a brighter future. We look forward to continuing our work on critical infrastructure improvements, such as building a new live performance stage at Brexel-Schlathaus Park and revitalizing Carnwath Farms Historic Site & Park for Town events.
On behalf of my family, the Town Board, and our entire administration, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a joyful holiday season. May the new year bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to you and your loved ones.
See you around Town, Joseph D. Cavaccini, Town Supervisor