Town Adopts Comprehensive Plan; Cinco De Mayo at Senior Center; Town Officials to Aid in Creek Cleanup

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Town of Fishkill

MAY 5, 2023


Town Adopts Comprehensive Plan Update

At the Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Town Board meeting, the Board unanimously adopted an update to the Comprehensive Plan.

The vote was the product of nearly two years of dedicated work by Town officials, employees and citizens who comprised a volunteer committee which drafted the update to the plan. Work on the update was overseen by Town planner Liz Axelson of CPL Engineering.

The Board voted 5-0 to accept the 93-page update, which includes an exhaustive review of the Town's most recent Comprehensive Plan in 2009, a detailed description of the committee's methodology and source materials, and an itemized review of a number of alterations, additions and updates to that 2009 text. The vote also accepted more than 200 pages of supporting documents, including the full 2009 Comprehensive Plan, which was codified with this update, as well as the full results of a survey fielded by the committee and a number of maps Axelson created during the process as a resource to the Town.

Town Councilmembers were full of praise for the Comprehensive Plan Update and for the dedicated individuals who worked so hard to complete the daunting task of updating the Town's master document.


"This process brought together minds and viewpoints as diverse as the Town itself, and we were able to unite behind the cause of creating a document we can all agree upon, to guide the Town moving forward," Councilman Brian Wrye said. "Everyone should take pride for the roles they played in this effort, and know that they are a part of Town history forever - I know I'm proud of that."

"I'm proud to have voted for the first bipartisan Comprehensive Plan in the history of the Town of Fishkill," Councilmember Louise Daniele said. "This plan goes to further the efforts Supervisor Albra and I have been committed to since 2020 to protect our residents' water and sewer resources, and codifies the commitment to clean and affordable water which was the reason I got involved in Town government in the first place. I want to commend planner Liz Axelson, Greg Totino from the Supervisor's Office, former Councilmembers Jackie Bardini and Kenya Gadsden as well as current Councilmembers John Forman and Brian Wrye, and the entire committee for devoting their time and effort to bring this process to a close for the betterment of the residents."

"Liz Axelson of CPL did a masterful job on this Comprehensive Plan," Councilman John Forman said. "Not only did she bring Councilman Wrye and I into the fold when we took office, but she brought us up to speed and made it possible for us to contribute to a document which we can all be proud to vote for. I applaud Liz for her leadership, and the whole committee for its dedication."

"Since day one of my term as Town Supervisor, my top priority has been adopting a Comprehensive Plan that protects the citizens of Fishkill and enhances their quality of life," Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra said. "This vote is the capstone of more than three years of dedication by myself and the Town Board to achieve that goal, by adopting new laws for Zoning, Water and Sewer, Subdivisions and Public Hearings, all with the same goal of taking power away from developers who effectively ran the Town in years past, and giving that power to the residents. This 5-0 vote marks the completion of that goal, and enshrines those principles to help ensure Fishkill is a place people can be proud to live for generations to come. I thank everyone who participated in this process. It's a real team effort and I'm so honored to have a been a part."

Click Here to Watch the Town Board Vote

Korean Vet Gets Special Banner Reveal


Fishkill residents have been offering their overwhelming support for the Hometown Heroes Banner Program. Town officials have received dozens of calls and visits this week from the families of the men and women who are being honored as Fishkill's inaugural class of banners are being installed.

But for 91-year-old Korean War veteran Michael Cioppa, seeing his banner installed Friday came with a little extra fanfare.

When the banner program began accepting applications last fall, Michael was the first veteran to apply to the program. As such, no Fishkill veteran has waited quite as long to see his banner proudly displayed as Michael.

With that in mind, Town officials decided to make the occasion one for Michael and his family to remember.


On Friday, as worked crews approached the pole designated for Michael's banner near the intersection of Merritt Boulevard and Route 52, Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra paid a special visit to Michael's home to escort him and his wife Theresa to see the banner go up.

Before arriving at the pole location, Supervisor Albra drove Michael and his wife around the Town to see Michael's fellow honorees whose banners have been installed along Route 52. When they arrived at Michael's pole, Town Councilmembers Louise Daniele and Carmine Istvan, along with New York State Trooper Jason Farney, were on hand to greet Michael and Theresa to look on as the crew installed Michael's banner on the pole and thank him for his service to our country.

Councilmember Daniele said a number of families have gone to see their loved one's banner installed, but none were quite as moving as the Cioppas' reaction as Michael's banner was proudly mounted for all to see. Councilmember Daniele said installation of the banners is expected to be completed on Monday afternoon, and offered her continued thanks to Councilman Istvan, banner maker Roy Bartels, Lee's Tree Service employees Lee and Arthur for their hard work installing the banners, and New York State Police for providing a traffic safety escort.


Town to Plan Food Drive to Aid Fishkill Food Pantry

Also at Wednesday's meeting, the Town Board heard a presentation from representatives of the Fishkill Food Pantry. The food pantry is the largest emergency food service organization serving southern Dutchess County, and operates out of the First Reformed Church in the village. Representatives told the Board that the pantry serves more than 200 families every month, and has a policy to never turn away a family in need.

High demand in recent years began during the COVID-19 pandemic and has continued during the ensuing economic challenges, and the pantry faces a constant struggle to keep its shelves fully stocked with food and toiletries to give to families in need.

The Town has partnered with the food pantry and the Hudson Valley Renegades to form the Fishkill Serves initiative. Last year, the initiative included a food drive at Town Hall and a special food collection event at a Renegades home game. Town officials indicated they would like to organize another food drive in the near future. Residents will be notified about the event when it is organized, and all are encouraged to participate and give what they can. If you or a friend, neighbor or loved one is experiencing a food emergency, call the food pantry at (845) 896-4546 to learn more about how they can assist.

Town Officials to Aid Fishkill Creek Cleanup

On May 6 and May 20, 2023, Town officials will join with the Fishkill Rotary and a team of volunteers in a cleanup project to beautify the Fishkill Creek in the Town.

The project is part of the Rotary International's "Days of Service" initiative and is being organized in partnership with Riverkeeper, which has the strong support of the Town Board. Local officials plan to participate and encourage residents to sign up to join the team of volunteers by visiting the event signup page online. Town officials encourage residents to participate in helping keep our waters clean and keep Fishkill beautiful for everyone to enjoy!


Cinco de Mayo Success at Senior Center

Nearly 100 Fishkill seniors gathered at the Recreation/Senior Center Thursday for a Cinco de Mayo celebration!

Seniors enjoyed a lunch of tacos, empanadas and churros, served up fresh by Maryann VonEgypt, who was dressed for the occasion in a colorful Mexican Poncho and sombrero. Festive Latin music accompanied the celebration in honor of the anniversary of Mexico's victory against the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. While the Mexican army would eventually lose the war against the invading French forces, the shocking victory against the larger French army remains a source of pride and patriotic inspiration to Mexico and its people to this day, and is widely observed informally in the United States, in tribute to our neighbor to the south.


Above: Maryann VonEgypt, Lauren McMenamin, Councilmember Louise Daniele and Rec Director Jay Maietta served the taco lunch for the seniors Thursday.


The seniors enjoyed their tasty meals and had a great time at the celebration.

Councilmember Louise Daniele was in attendance to help serve meals to the seniors, and she offered her praise to Rec Director Jay Maietta, Lauren McMenamin and Maryann VonEgypt, and the entire Rec team for another fantastic event for Fishkill seniors.

Looking ahead, the Recreation Department is already planning its annual Senior Barbecue to celebrate the Fourth of July. Registration will begin later this month and those interested in attending are urged to sign up to participate.


State of the Town Address Set for May 24 Meeting

Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra is pleased to invite the residents of Fishkill to watch or attend the May 24, 2023 Town Board meeting, as he will offer a special video presentation of the 2023 State of the Town address.

Supervisor Albra said the address will highlight the work the Town has been doing to protect residents and enhance their quality of life, and recognize the many Town officials, employees and consultants who have helped move the Town forward.

"The State of the Town is a great chance for me to recognize the efforts of the dedicated people who work to serve you, the citizens of Fishkill," Supervisor Albra said.

Above: Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra and Town Planning Board Member Jodi Lynn Burka. Jodi was appointed to the Town Planning Board in 2022 by the Town Board.

Past Fire Chief Remembered at Memorial Service


Above: Councilman Brian Wrye, James Moseman Jr., Councilman John Forman, Jeff Moseman, and Slater Chemical Fire Company Commissioner Ron Davis

Town officials and Slater Chemical Fire Company members gathered Saturday, April 29, 2023 at the Slater Fire House to honor longtime fireman and former Chief and Commissioner James Moseman Sr.

Mr. Moseman passed away on Christmas Day last year at the age of 88, leaving behind his wife of 62 years, Barbara, two sons and six grandchildren. Saturday's service paid tribute to his lifetime of dedication to the community as a Fire Chief, Fire Commissioner, National Guardsman, and Vice Chairman of the Dutchess County Fire Advisory Board, where he was instrumental in the design and construction of the County Training Center built in 1973.

Councilmen John Forman and Brian Wrye were in attendance Saturday to represent the Town and offer their condolences to the Moseman family and Slater Chemical community.

Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra and County Legislator Yvette Valdés Smith will be teaming up to work with County leaders and Slater Chemical officials to dedicate the new Washington Avenue Bridge after this icon of the community.

"James Moseman Sr is the embodiment of dedication and service to the community, and his importance in the history of emergency response in Dutchess County cannot be overstated," Legislator Valdés Smith said. "It is my honor as County Legislator to work to offer such a fitting dedication of the Washington Avenue Bridge after this man who lived and worked locally, and is a continued source of inspiration for our community."


Town Clerk Elected District Director of Clerks Association

Town officials were delighted this week by news that Town Clerk Becki Tompkins has been elected District Director for the New York State Town Clerk's Association!

Becki will serve as director of District Two, comprising Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester Counties, and will be responsible to attend regional and executive meetings, furnish reports and articles for the association's quarterly magazine, and give direct support and encouragement to members of the NYSTCA, which has been operating for more than 40 years and comprises 10 districts with more than 800 members statewide.

Becki's news could not have been more timely, as this week happens to be Professional Municipal Clerks Week, a week set aside to recognize the invaluable services provided by municipal clerks to residents. At Wednesday's Town Board meeting, Supervisor Albra and the Town Board read a special Proclamation in observance of the occasion, and offered their thanks and congratulations to Becki and Deputy Clerk Cooper Leatherwood for their outstanding work and dedication to the residents of Fishkill.

Congratulations, Becki, you make Fishkill proud!


As always, Supervisor Albra invites any resident with questions about anything related to the Town of Fishkill to contact him at any time by email at or by phone at (845) 831-7800 ext. 3309, or you can contact Town Councilmembers Louise Daniele, John Forman, Carmine Istvan or Brian Wrye by email through the Town Website, or by phone at (845) 831-7800 ext. 3393.
